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CNN Runs With Scanner Chatter, Turns Coast Guard Exercise into Security Incident

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posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 06:05 PM

The White House derided CNN Friday for misreporting a Coast Guard training exercise near the Pentagon that the network represented as a possible suspicious incident complete with gunfire.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said he wasn't going to second-guess the Coast Guard's decision to hold an exercise on the day the United States was commemorating eight years since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, but he suggested the cable channel might used a little more discretion before going with its report.


This is a first...CNN getting in problem from the WH.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 06:39 PM
Goes to show just what lengths the MSM will go to for a story on 9/11 that ties in with terrorism. Kind of sad, really... especially as I've got a communications degree. You'd think a network as large as CNN would remember one of the first teachings in journalism 101... verify twice, run once. What I loved was the press conference the Admiral of the CG made shortly after where the CNN jockeys were practically demanding an apology for the fact that they had the audacity to not change the date of their monthly training excercises on the Patomac. I loved his STFU attitude. Pinheads jumping the gun and then they were so embarrassed they decided to chide the one man who's responsible for making sure nothing happened on his watch.


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