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Federal Reserve Has Until September 30 To Appeal Judge Preska's Decision

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posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by THX-1138

I agree with your comments 100%.
The problem is, that most of us are honest enough.
When you have rampant thievery and disregard for the people less fortunate than you, there is something wrong there.
Each one of us are our brothers and sisters keepers.
Unfortunately, the higher up the ladder you go, the less that is remembered.
It would even be fair to say that the elite, have a contempt for the less fortunate.

Since when does a bank dictate how successful people are going to be, let alone a country.
We are nothing more than nameless, faceless, numbers in an equation to give those with power, more power.
They could care less, as long as the monetary flow is uninterrupted.

Educate yourself and compete to your heart's content.
Realistically, everyone is not cut out to be a cut-throat. does that mean that they should be the slaves of those that are?
Of course not.
That is the situation we are in, and we are there, because we were to busy trying to make a living, while the oppression was being forged, right under our paychecks.
the power we have is to take our money out of the banks. All of it. Everyone.
But there in lies the problem. No one can get everyone on the same page anymore, because during all the economic growth, we became selfish in our own right.

we need someone to get us "ALL" on the same page, regardless of the situation, and take back control of our world, and institute changes.
Remember, no matter how high of a pedestal the elite think they are on, they are human beings just like us, and subject to the same weaknesses.

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