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posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 07:42 PM
I have a question. A few, actually. Thanks for taking the time.

-Does the TOC extend to Pocasts? Im sure it does, but confirmation would be nice.

-May I post "FICTIONAL" writing/podcasts that have content dealing with things that arent generally allowed? ((IE: A story about a man who robs a bank. Fictional work, but ATS does not allow discussion of any illegal things. Its a STORY, that I wrote.))

-Might I have the donated time of a moderator to oversee my podcasts BEFORE I post them? Once I get them up, the rest of you will see why I want the blessing of a mod or admin before I initiate this.

Thanks guys! /girls


posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 05:56 AM
Here are the rules for PODCasts:

All normal Terms & Conditions apply with indicated podcast exceptions.

Explicit language is allowed only if you apply the adult language flag in the upload form.

You must introduce yourself and our sites with your name and our URL within the first 30 seconds of your podcast. For example, "This is the SkepticOverlord coming to you on the podcast".

Members with more than 200 posts are automatically added to the feed. If you have fewer posts, your submission is reviewed first.

If your podcast features entire music selections, you must either have the rights to distribute the music, or it must be designated podsafe music with appropriate credit added to your podcast thread (created when your podcast is uploaded).

Podcast topics should reflect the board feeds, BTS for general topics, PTS for political commentary, ATSNN for news and current events, and ATS for all related topics.

Inappropriate content in your podcast (illegal information, discussion of illegal drugs, copyrighted material without permission, attacking members, etc.) will result in immediate termination of your member account without warning.


As long as your story is fictional and does not give real information on illegal activities then I don't see how it will be a problem.

You are welcome to contact one of the moderators if you like your PODCast to be previewed.

Spacedoubt and Spiderj are the PODCast moderators, but I'm sure you'll be able to convince any other moderator to have a quick listen once you've uploaded it. If there are any problems with it they'll handle it from there.

There is additional information in the PODCast forum. Check out the stickied threads.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by Gemwolf

Thankyou Gemwolf, sir, thankyou much!

Well then, I might as well give you a better idea... to see what you think of it.

Its a story about a revolution in a land and place far from here. On an island, the current govt. ("Shackle Regime") is trying to take over and hurt all the people. Some of the nice hard working people, dont like that. They start a rebellion. (TheLiberation) And so, my story is about a bunch of guys who sit at a table, smoke cigars and discuss the overthrow of their current tyrannical masters! They talk about how exactly they would, and the information they would need to implement their strategies.

But you see... because Im not allowed to talk about that kind of stuff on ATS in threads (trust me, Ive tried)... I figured if I make a purely FICTIONAL *coughcough* story, then I would be ok to tell a STORY about people who discuss that.

Am I walking too close to the line? Thanks again Gemwolf, and any others whom see fit to comment.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by ~ATS~
But you see... because Im not allowed to talk about that kind of stuff on ATS in threads (trust me, Ive tried)... I figured if I make a purely FICTIONAL *coughcough* story, then I would be ok to tell a STORY about people who discuss that.

Am I walking too close to the line? Thanks again Gemwolf, and any others whom see fit to comment.

On the 'Fictional Story', I sent you a U2U yesterday.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:13 AM
So I see you did! Thankyou sir!/maa'm.

As for the PODcast? I'll be sending it to a few mods for review. Thanks again!


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