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UFOs Flying Around Shuttle - NASA Plays Dumb - Vid

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posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:01 AM
Sorry if this was already posted.. Some of these UFO's seem to be inteligent..

What ya think?

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by Ignorance Denied

I do believe there are space craft beyond what we can make, somewhere out there and I'm not even scientologist! heh.. but I think when NASA says these things are space debree, usually coming from the space station itself, crap being ejected, some type of ice, etc, I believe that sometimes they are telling the truth and this is what these things are most of the time, that's what it looks like in this case.

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Razimus]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by Ignorance Denied

What do I think?

I think it's just debris.

I couldn't see any "intelligent" movement there.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:28 AM
From :08 to :13 seconds an object in the bottom middle moves rt to left, slows, and then left to right and accelerates. All the rest of them could be explained away pretty easy, but that one look VERY Interesting!!

Also several of them "flash" rhythmically. The camera seems to follow one of the flashing ones. I know these are often explained as something rotating and reflecting light as it turns, but I am not convinced of that in all occasions!

[edit on 3-8-2009 by getreadyalready]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by Ignorance Denied

Unfortunately I can't watch the video from work. Are they donut-shaped ufo's? The ones with a distinctive wedge or bite?

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by deltaalphanovember
reply to post by Ignorance Denied

Unfortunately I can't watch the video from work. Are they donut-shaped ufo's? The ones with a distinctive wedge or bite?


They are not camera bokeh a.k.a. airy discs

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:12 AM
some of that is debris i'm sure. that said, i have never seen debris "strobe" and show off it's light source like some of these do........

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:15 AM
Space is messy around our planet. Add in the fact that people viewing things like this have no idea how things actually behave in microgravity, reflect light in harsh conditions (not to mention what kind of debris might be the reflector) and you have a perfect storm for UFO folks.

I have yet to see a NASA shuttle video that blows my skirt up, and I am embarrassed that some of the ones that are touted as evidence of ET are repeated here and other places so often without the use of the poster's ability to use logic, reason and common sense.

Things look different in orbit, plain and simple. They behave in ways that is not intuitive to most of us, and depending on the camera and position of it do "weird" things. Rather than jump to the LEAST likely conclusion, I would suggest that people look elsewhere for ET fantasies, and help the community be taken more seriously by the simple fact of their silence.

If nasa was as powerful as those that blindly believe in this stuff suggest, you would not be seeing this video if it were really aliens. There are FAR too many things to overlook before jumping to an ignorant and absurd conclusion that makes us all look bad, and I beg those that have a "knee-jerk" reaction to useless data like this to pause before they throw their hats in the ET/UFO/NASA conspiracy crowd.

Long has the NASA conspiracy crowd been made fools of by simple facts (look at the moon landing conspiracy folks for proof of this). Don't group yourself with them if you want this subject to be taken seriously in the somewhat near future.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

Well said...

I couldn't agree more

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
Long has the NASA conspiracy crowd been made fools of by simple facts (look at the moon landing conspiracy folks for proof of this). Don't group yourself with them if you want this subject to be taken seriously in the somewhat near future.

Oh dear.... yes that Moon landing has definately been proven hasn't it
A couple of grainy photos of some dots and shadows on the surface of the moon released by NASA notorious for doctoring photographs is all the proof some need I guess.

It's funny how anecdotal evidence is not a problem when it's all the debunker community has as evidence. Moon Rocks are "proof" we've been to the moon because of the makeup of those rocks yet some people have some "alien implants" removed from their bodies which show the same sort of evidence of contained materials not from Earth.... and the debunkers say it's no proof at all... and just random foreign objects that gets lodged in our bodies through our life.

The Hypocrisy of the debunk community just drips from every pore.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Total Package

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
Long has the NASA conspiracy crowd been made fools of by simple facts (look at the moon landing conspiracy folks for proof of this). Don't group yourself with them if you want this subject to be taken seriously in the somewhat near future.

Oh dear.... yes that Moon landing has definately been proven hasn't it
A couple of grainy photos of some dots and shadows on the surface of the moon released by NASA notorious for doctoring photographs is all the proof some need I guess.

It's funny how anecdotal evidence is not a problem when it's all the debunker community has as evidence. Moon Rocks are "proof" we've been to the moon because of the makeup of those rocks yet some people have some "alien implants" removed from their bodies which show the same sort of evidence of contained materials not from Earth.... and the debunkers say it's no proof at all... and just random foreign objects that gets lodged in our bodies through our life.

The Hypocrisy of the debunk community just drips from every pore.

It must be that time of night....

The debunker debunkers are coming out.....

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:32 AM


posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 09:18 AM
I think if NASA photographs an intelligently controlled craft, we'll probably all know it and won't be having debates about whether it could be ice and debris.

If it looks like ice and debris, (and this does) that's probably what it is.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Sam60

It must be that time of night....

The debunker debunkers are coming out.....

No I am skeptical of debunkers... there is a difference.

If someone tells me something is "proven" then I want evidence of it. The Moon Landing has never been proven..... it's the same anecdotal evidence that debunkers refuse to accept for what they don't believe in but happily accept for what they do believe in.

I'm sick of the "theories" the skeptics throw up automatically for anything without the proper investigation. I'm skeptical of anyone who immediately looks at something and says "It's a balloon or it's a bird" when there is no evidence to suggest anything of the sort..... it's no different to saying "It's an ET craft from another world" just because it's a dot in the sky.

Anyone that jumps to conclusions to try and explain something away as commonplace is even worse than those who widely accept its an alien craft..... at least the believers can say they have an open mind.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by Total Package

Originally posted by Sam60

It must be that time of night....

The debunker debunkers are coming out.....

No I am skeptical of debunkers... there is a difference.

If someone tells me something is "proven" then I want evidence of it. The Moon Landing has never been proven..... it's the same anecdotal evidence that debunkers refuse to accept for what they don't believe in but happily accept for what they do believe in.

I'm sick of the "theories" the skeptics throw up automatically for anything without the proper investigation. I'm skeptical of anyone who immediately looks at something and says "It's a balloon or it's a bird" when there is no evidence to suggest anything of the sort..... it's no different to saying "It's an ET craft from another world" just because it's a dot in the sky.

Anyone that jumps to conclusions to try and explain something away as commonplace is even worse than those who widely accept its an alien craft..... at least the believers can say they have an open mind.

I think each of us is making the same point, in our own different way.

All arguments "for" & "against" need to be treated skeptically, in order to try to get closer to the truth.

Debunking for debunking's sake is as useless as rabid belief.

Neither will get us anywhere.


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