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To try and fail is better than failing to try (revolution)

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posted on May, 16 2009 @ 03:42 AM
Being overseas, it is hard for me to gauge the level of discontent in the US. But, from what I've seen recently in the media and on this very forum I believe the time for action is coming closer.

The message I have for you is based on an old motivational quote. To paraphrase:

To have tried and failed is better than failing to try.

In other words, if you believe in something strong enough, to make your move and fail is far more palatable than to sit back and let events take their course.

It isn't just a matter of forcing change. Sometimes we need to sit back and see there is a bigger picture. It is about hope and about inspiring others to follow in your footsteps.

For lack of a better example, take Colonel Von Stauffenberg.

He loved his country, and was prepared to die to protect what it stood for. He saw a need to replace the government, who were actively shredding the values and laws that the country was founded on.

He stood up with his small group of conspirators and made a move. The move ultimately failed, but what it did was showed the world that an evil government does not make an evil people.

There are many here on ATS who seem ready to storm DC themselves and die trying, but that is suicide.

Making an intelligent move is as important as making the move itself. I may not believe everything that comes out of his mouth, but Alex Jones has one thing right; this is an infowar.

The drowzy American public are slowly waking up from their dreams and realizing they are living in a nightmare. Alternate media are becoming more widespread and are making a larger impact.

Interest groups, protests and citizen journalists are now making their marks in major cities all across the country.

My point is that the concerned few, of which we have many on ATS, should be preparing to make that move towards revolution. But it does not necessarily have to be a battle.

When the minority become the majority and those awake outnumber those asleep, weapons will not be needed. If information continues to flow than this day will come sooner than later.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 05:27 AM
I agree with your post, even though i live in the UK, the situation is similar especially considering the scandel at the moment over MP's expenses.

However i am not advocating people go and riot in the streets. It's just that if people become so complacent then the governments will just do what they want, little by little and if nobody takes a stand they will just get away with. A police state won't just spring up over night, it will happen gradually, as it is doing.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by Kram09

However i am not advocating people go and riot in the streets.

Neither am I, and I know that advocating violence or conspiritorial groupings like that is against the ATS T&C.

My OP had a dual meaning.

To take action, but to take it wisely.

Leading a little revolt of armed men would only make situations worse in the US. Security would be tightened and those responsible would be the first domestic terrorists to be executed in the country.

Intelligent spreading of information and fighting government propaganda with cold hard facts is the way to move forward.

Surely waking up the population, even slowly, is a more positive step than doing nothing.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by fooffstarr

I don't think it's that simple.

You have to make sure that it is the right decision and that all that will come from anything is justified at this time.

The chaos that would ensue would be immense. So you have to decide if all of that suffering and trouble would be worth it.

Getting caught up in passionate, patriotic rhetoric is all well and good, but when it comes to the crunch, there is no pride in living a life of struggle and poverty because of a bad decision.

Many of those hyping up this romantic vision of "revolution!" fail to grasp the realities of it. People don't understand exactly what it means. Perhaps the alternative of allowing things to continue for a while and combat it by peaceful means would be the better course of action?
Because anything more will force hands and actions that will inevitably affect billions of people.

This is a slippery slope, and those calling for revolution are often caught up in patriotic romanticism. You'll say that you know it won't be easy or pretty, but I find myself wondering just how many say this without actually considering what such a thing would really mean.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by fooffstarr

When the minority become the majority and those awake outnumber those asleep, weapons will not be needed. If information continues to flow then this day will come sooner than later.

Beautifully stated. It is only a matter of time before enough people become informed of the realities we face for the world consciousness to turn.

The Bilderbergers meeting in Greece has already been followed by rumours of a world vote for a global government through the U.N. They must be running out of options to increase people's levels of fear or they feel that we are now malleable enough to want a world run by the same powers behind most of the chaos in the first place. Who'd believe the outcome of such a vote anyway?


posted on May, 16 2009 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Many of those hyping up this romantic vision of "revolution!" fail to grasp the realities of it. People don't understand exactly what it means. Perhaps the alternative of allowing things to continue for a while and combat it by peaceful means would be the better course of action?
Because anything more will force hands and actions that will inevitably affect billions of people.

And we agree on something.

I believe that a revolution is needed in the US, and needed soon. But it doesn't have to be violent.

Many people criticize the 'keyboard heros' who spend their time saying what they would do in certain situations, but end up never taking any action.

The way I see it they are taking action. Smart, sensible action. Information about the Fed and the Obama - Bush - Bilderberg connection has been spreading like wildfire since the inauguration and now that the Obamania is wearing off, the number of people questioning the legitimacy of the American government and the Federal Reserve is growing exponentially.

And as I stated earlier, I believe that soon there will be enough people fed up with the American government and their attempts to rape the constitution that they will become the majority and will be able to enact change without the firing of a single weapon.


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