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posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by reticledc
reply to post by Kandinsky

Back to the topic, I admit that I am ignorant to a lot of things, but I try not to be.

The more you learn, the longer the hallway gets which contains the doors of ignorance. Those who know little, believe they know much. Those who know much realize they know little.

Would I consider myself awakened? In a sense, sure. What is it really to be awakened? To know everything, to be able to adapt to any given situation, or to flaunt your self indulgent superiority to the lesser of us?

To be awakened is realize that you were dreaming, and that you will dream again the great dream of the unknown. One can not survive without sleep, and one can not live who doesn't awaken.

NO ONE knows everything and anyone that says so is either delusional or completely ignorant themselves.

We only become wise when we can calculate the depth of our own ignorance, and admission of ignorance is the first step to knowledge.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by logician magician

A simple exchange of ideas is ovbiously impossible for you to do. There is much more tooting of yoru own horn to be done. If such a society exists you are obviously not a member.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by logician magician

The more you learn, the longer the hallway gets

Those who know little, believe they know much.

To be awakened is realize that you were dreaming,

[atsimg][/atsimg] Mr Miyagi (Caricatures by Lisa)

I thought the self-enlightenment 'tool kit' came with irony, modesty and an ability to laugh at ourselves? Does modesty allow somebody 'self-enlightened' to post a thread that's effectively an exhibition piece for their ego? This isn't a personal attack, look at the quotes above. They might sound good to you, but do they mean anything? Yes, it's clear that they are meant to represent some deep insights, but they don't. It's easier to invent Chinese proverbs than offer genuine insight.

Every year since being 20 I look back a year and realize that I didn't know as much as I thought. It's like an annual kick up the ass, rarely pleasant, often necessary
I wonder how you'll look back on this thread...

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by logician magician

A simple exchange of ideas is ovbiously impossible for you to do.

Or is it that an exchange of complex ideas is impossible for you?

There is much more tooting of yoru own horn to be done. If such a society exists you are obviously not a member.

I can not toot a horn without someone willing to listen. One does not play the instrument of another, but only plays the one in his own hands. If you believe the horn is mine, so be it... you may live in the ignorance of thinking such.

The horn is not mine... I am merely using it for the time being.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky

Does modesty allow somebody 'self-enlightened' to post a thread that's effectively an exhibition piece for their ego? This isn't a personal attack, look at the quotes above. They might sound good to you, but do they mean anything?

"Do they mean anything?" That is a question that only you can decide. They mean much for some, a little to many, and nothing to most. Such is the human condition. Such is ignorance.

Yes, it's clear that they are meant to represent some deep insights, but they don't.

A single word contains the wisdom of a thousand years. A single thought, the ignorance of eternity.

It's easier to invent Chinese proverbs than offer genuine insight.

It is easier to criticize a deep thought that it is to create one.

Every year since being 20 I look back a year and realize that I didn't know as much as I thought. It's like an annual kick up the ass, rarely pleasant, often necessary
I wonder how you'll look back on this thread...

If it is as meaningless as you claim, I will look back on it with no meaning or thought.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by logician magician
It must be difficult always typing with the left hand

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by logician magician

I can play too.

Whatever knowledge a fool acquires causes him only harm. It cleaves his head and destroys his good nature (through conceit). Kind of like drilling a hole in your

Though a fool (practicing austerity) may eat his food from the tip of a blade of kusa grass for months and months, he is not worth one-sixteenth part of those who have realized the Good Law.

Originally posted by logician magician

I and other members of the Society will respond in kind to this thread, over time. Some of us will reveal ourselves completely, while others will continue to hide in the shadows, working only to spread the knowledge and reason that will kill the disease.

The Society of the Awakened is watching. We are waiting for you... Let yourself go, with the disease.

... For we will always go with you, fellow human.

The law has seen that there are those here that realise who is the fool, as your broth is old, stale and often regurgitated. From sites like this. The Society

To overcome one's own self is indeed better than to conquer others.

Lets us know when you are over yourself OP.
Living in Cliche's and Platitudes is not wisdom.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by atlasastro
reply to post by logician magician

I can play too.

Whatever knowledge a fool acquires causes him only harm. It cleaves his head and destroys his good nature (through conceit). Kind of like drilling a hole in your

We are all born fools, but what is more amusing, the comedian or the audience?

Though a fool (practicing austerity) may eat his food from the tip of a blade of kusa grass for months and months, he is not worth one-sixteenth part of those who have realized the Good Law.

The Good Law is simple to know, my friend.

To overcome one's own self is indeed better than to conquer others.

Then what was the purpose of your post?

Living in Cliche's and Platitudes is not wisdom.

Neither does the copy-paste function make you any more wise, my ignorant fool.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by logician magician

We are all born fools, but what is more amusing, the comedian or the audience?

I have to disagree. Fools are not born, they are created.

As i have said before on this thread, clarity can be blinding.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by logician magician

Very profound, indeed.
To awaken, one must realize that they have been sleeping. To open a mind, one must realize that it has been closed.

I set forth at one point in my life and meditated heavily.
During meditation, I tried to devote the calmness and clarity to answering a few questions.
I realized a few things.
Upon searching, I asked myself at one point, "How do people think?".
If I speak English, do I think the same as someone who speaks Japanese?
Is the process the same?
The answer is undeniably, no.
Similar but still different.
Due to the context and reasoning behind certain languages, the importance of the objective if often declared first.
This may streamline a thought process, without the need of additional adjectives and descriptives complicating the matter.
Anyway, then asked myself, "What if there were no spoken language at all?".
Perhaps then communication would be more visual and employ more symbolism. Well then, lets remove that as well. Perhaps communication based on touch. Taste? etc...
I then wondered if there were no particular form of communication, what would be left. Would thought even be possible?
Is though, or more accurately intent, possible without direct communication between individuals?
I would venture to say, no.
I believe that it is the very fact that there is conscious thought, that we even exist. By "WE" I mean LIFE. ALL LIFE. All Life then must be in some way cognizant. For all life communicates, be it verbally, visually, chemically, through touch or by other means.

Upon reflection of this I stumbled upon something that is undeniably the only truth to our existence. Therein is also a duality.
CHANGE is the only truth of the universe. It is unavoidable, undeniable, and always happening. One may even say that Change is the universe. From the subatomic universe to the macroscopic universe.
All this being relative to my, or anyone else's existence, It is impossible to keep track of all of the changes of the universe, short of the universe itself keeping track by some means we are no doubt ignorant to.
So in point, we are all ignorant, and there is nothing we can do about it.
The only thing that we can do is to be a part of the universe itself, and consciously observe and take part in.
We must accept the fact that we are not only conscious in our bodies, but that we are on this planet, in this solar system, in this galaxy, as a part of the universe, that exists, possibly in multiple dimensions.
"I am, therefor I think."

Ignorant? Yes!
Aware? Perhaps.
Excited? Absolutely!!

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by reticledc
reply to post by logician magician

I then wondered if there were no particular form of communication, what would be left. Would thought even be possible?
Is though, or more accurately intent, possible without direct communication between individuals?
I would venture to say, no.

Yes, a mind in the void of eternity, with nothing to reference and nothing to compare is the void itself. The void is between this and that, it has no opposite. It is living, changing.

We find ourselves as reflections in other things. The first thought arises with the first distinction made.

Upon reflection of this I stumbled upon something that is undeniably the only truth to our existence. Therein is also a duality.
CHANGE is the only truth of the universe. It is unavoidable, undeniable, and always happening.

So true. The void is change, and so are the distinctions within our minds. A seed grown, a tree standing, a chair created, a pile of ashes. What was there to exist but existence? There is no experiencer but the experience, and no actor but the action.

All distinctions are empty, ever changing, and a weed only grows for those who dislike them... but the wise see a beautiful flower.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 08:36 PM
One may very well then asked themselves this question.
What is consciousness?
Is it merely the feedback of collective experiences forming a simulacra that resembles the cosmic awareness, or is it something we are meant to experiences as unique individuals?
Perhaps we are all adding to the collective consciousness of the universe as a whole.

There has been much speculation, especially in eastern philosophies about the AETHER /or/ AETHERIUM.

Some other ideas suggest that "energy" is the AETHER of the universe, and that energy can be encoded with information.
Happens all the time. Anyone who has a computer knows this.
"black holes" are said to be emitting plumes of raw energy in various wavelengths, which is also speculated to carry information encoded within it.

Long off the subject here.

The subject of awareness, and awakened states, has much growth potential for human beings.
I prefer not to refer to our ineptitude as ignorance, even though I have stated it myself.
I shall correct that in the future.

Personally I tend to see ignorance as a word to describe the mental state of someone who does not care to find answers, even when the answers can be obvious.
As I stated, I try not to be ignorant. There is however a time when an answer must be settled upon, and one moves on.
If an honest effort is given, I would not see that as ignorant.
If you just give up flat out, then yeah, one may be considered ignorant by ones own standards.

Fascinating topic by the way.....

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 09:59 PM
There are times in our lives when a most loverly executed club sandwich set before us is the penultimate.
Your beer is flat. This sucks.


posted on May, 17 2009 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by logician magician

We are all born fools, but what is more amusing, the comedian or the audience?
Perhaps you are merely an audience of yourself, whilst you pretend that you are a comedian. Those that play the fool should not protest that their audience is ignorant, merely because they applaud and recognize a fool.

The Good Law is simple to know, my friend.
Yes it is. It is a shame that there are those that will abuse it, excuse themselves as of "comedy" or in their own foolishness accuse others of ignorance.

To overcome one's own self is indeed better than to conquer others.

Then what was the purpose of your post?
You are as I am. The good law. My ignorant friend.

Living in Cliche's and Platitudes is not wisdom.

Neither does the copy-paste function make you any more wise, my ignorant fool.

Cut and paste functions are not secluded to the realms of computers and page material, but it also extends to include those that offer doctrine, dogma and wisdoms regurgitated, whilst pasting others as ignorant. I am glad that you see the irony and the satire of my post.

Its not as amusing when the audience turns into the comedian, is it? LOL.

[edit on 17-5-2009 by atlasastro]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 07:17 AM
I certainly detect a modus of self indulgent arrogance at play here.
"Apply where necessary".
That however does not limit the potential of applicable sources.
Arrogance, is indeed "ignorance" of one's own self and capabilities.
To be confident in the fact that you are "above" everyone else, is arrogance indeed, and the most dangerous form of ignorance for an individual.
"Never underestimate your enemies capabilities".
I prefer the revised version of that.
"Never underestimate the intelligence of others".
Being confident in one's own capabilities and strengths is not arrogant or "Ignorant" if I do not underestimate the capabilities of others.

Being awakened, is not about how much you know, or how fancy the words you use are, or your ability to out think or out maneuver someone else.
An awakened state of mind/spirit is one's own ability to be aware of the possibilities.
There is not true definition of the mind/spirit and as such, potential can never be measured or limited.
The awareness of an individual is ultimately up to the individual themselves.
One can be guided, but the journey is for the individual.
Like minded individuals, can assist one another in attaining a further awareness, but the ultimate end, is again up to those who choose to continue, or not.

[edit on 17/5/2009 by reticledc]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by logician magician

The rest of you, will not. You will protest. You will deny. You will insult... and you will take umbridge. Fear not, my ignorant friends, for one day.... one day, you will become awakened to the source of your ignorance.

Make no mistake:

We don't judge you. No, we don't... but we do understand you.

To me that is judgment based on an image in your mind, but this is also judment based on an image in my mind. Catch 22

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by logician magician

"We are all born fools, but what is more amusing, the comedian or the audience?

It is statements like this that make you the master! I am not worthy. I am not worthy. You give them a glimpse of the truth but still they do not realize because they are blinded by their own need to be right.

You wouldnt be a Phil Hendrie fan would you? You are free to u2u the answer to me.

[edit on 5/18/2009 by justsomeboreddude]

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