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ATS is a conspiracy

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posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 12:40 AM
think about it, you give you them your email address, once you log on to your email they know where you are. They track what you know, and how detailed you know it. If you start to get to smart for your own good something might "happen" maybe an "accident" of some sort.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by bc4455
think about it, you give you them your email address, once you log on to your email they know where you are. They track what you know, and how detailed you know it. If you start to get to smart for your own good something might "happen" maybe an "accident" of some sort.

Ah ha! Now I know why the white van was following me today and the license plate said: ATS 001

I sure hope I dont get tooo smart, they may start peaking thru my windows too!

Accident? You mean like peeing in my pants?

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by bc4455

maybe if i tell "them" i get more T@C violations than anyone, they

will let me mix the kool aid

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by bc4455
think about it, you give you them your email address, once you log on to your email they know where you are. They track what you know, and how detailed you know it. If you start to get to smart for your own good something might "happen" maybe an "accident" of some sort.

Now they're just gonna disappear you.
Nice going.

Seriously, wouldn't you remaining a member disprove this theory... or would they let you stay just to convince us you are wrong...


posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 12:57 AM
Maybe someone should start an ATS deathspace like the Mydeathspace for deceased Myspace members. Hmmmmm

Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

Luckily i'm not too smart

[edit on 31-3-2009 by timewalker]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 12:58 AM
I hope not.
That would REALLY be a bummer.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 12:58 AM
There is an existing thread created specifically for these type concerns...

The ATS Issues Thread

... please add to the ongoing discussion.

Thank you.

-thread closed-


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