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My Theory of why we keep getting reported evidence of UFO's

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posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by nablator

All I'm trying to say is that the event/s that caused the end of the mayan calandar entries could have happened at a later (or earlier) time. If the last date was entered not as a "definative" time but part of regular predictions "X" years ahead, a termination of those entries due to random causes that took precident would just give a date in the future not neccessarily of an event, 2012 could have been something different. (2062 if 50 years later...ish or 1962 if 50 years earlier) I personally believe the date 2012 has little significance myself. Sure, things could and may happen, but don't they always?

Let's try to get back on topic shall we and leave this kind of stuff for the correct forum. I don't confess to be an expert but now I'm a little more interested....thanks.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 01:11 PM
Little significance you say? No significance at all really. Every calendar needs cycles, the starting time of the cycle is arbitrary.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by nablator

lol...great cartoon, good find.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Logical Thinker
There is a good reason why the Mayans chose 2012 to end their calendar and it is derived from astronomical observation and deduction!
Why do the great pyramids have to be such a mystery? Of course we could build them using to-days technology if we so desired and why would the ancient Egyptians have needed some extra help? The same goes for the Aztecs, Mayans and builders of Stonehenge, these people were more than capable.
Stonehenge was built for astronomical observation and may or may not have been used for sacrificial ceremonies by the builders or subsequent cultures. Said observations would have served various functions and obviously would have been important with regard to the seasons.
Do you seriously think other beings come down once a season to see if the earth is habitable? What’s wrong with you?

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