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14 Minute UFO (new) Video. (ZOOM)

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posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by Pilot

I was about to agree with the balloon brigade til you shared that little tidbit. The video you presented was much more interested and peculiar.
I have never seen birds or balloons behave like that.
I am drawing a blank on this one.. we need some more analysis of your video.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 01:10 PM

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Pilot

Sure, I can address the movement, if I may quote myself :

originally posted by eaglewingz
They act exactly like a group of birds changing leaders in a very loose "V" formation.

The next time I'm at the Everglades I'll film some flights of white egrets out of focus. I'll eat my hat if the movement and appearance aren't the same

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by BrnBdry
You know, my brother has a camera, that if he took a picture of my shirt from 50 yards away, he could zoom in on part of my shirt, and see individual fibers of my shirt. And it's not even that impressive of a camera.

So why is it that there is never a good picture, or video of a UFO?

To me, this is just another dot in the sky. Perhaps a balloon, plane, or the Death Star, who knows.

The issue is that you are photographing a light source, not reflected light and this is what gives the camera a hard time in the auto focus algorithms. Plus, a light source can create the atmospheric "fuzzies" because the light gets distorted in the atmosphere. It is a common problem for landscape photographers when they have the sun in a shot. If the object is also hot, that increased the atmospheric distortions surrounding the light source enhancing that out of focus look. What is it? This is not a balloon!

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 09:08 PM
Looked at that second video and those are not birds, I photograph herons on Lake Caddo for my paintings and you can tell when you judge the distance from the shooter when he zooms in and out, that if it was a bird, it has a huge body and no wings flapping. To be that large at that distance, a great white heron or a white stork would be the only bird options and I have thousands of photos of them and that is not a bird. I use a Canon 1Ds II with 16 million pixels and a lens that cost as much as a car, and I use a very good Canon GL2 with both optical and digital zoom, a high end consumer cam and these are nothing like I have captured of these great white birds. The movement of the object and the steady shape of the object without at least a small amount of wing definition does not say birds to me. Even out of focus, you would see a shape that fluctuates because of the wing movement and herons do not look round at any distance, their all wings when in the air. And finally, they are too bright for that distance. Next guess.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by eaglewingz

cool. i hope it's a beaver hat!

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
reply to post by Pilot

I was about to agree with the balloon brigade til you shared that little tidbit. The video you presented was much more interested and peculiar.
I have never seen birds or balloons behave like that.
I am drawing a blank on this one.. we need some more analysis of your video.

That's just about the best I've seen.

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