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(YYSLSC) Shattered

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posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 10:58 PM
You foolish being, Uri. You really are a pathetic excuse for a higher life form. I welcomed you into my home as part of the unity process between our sister planets, a good faith effort to find common ground and strengthen communal ties. My home, damn you! It was to be diplomatic alliance to usher in a new intergalactic age. Ha! Alas, it has all been for naught. Needless to say, these ties are now tenuous at best, no small thanks to you. It was such a noble quest until you became sidetracked and allowed a silly infatuation to take hold of your senses.

What is done, is done. Hopefully, your replacement will be more – restrained.

Oh, I can certainly understand the initial attraction. It would be hard pressed to deem him handsome in the conventional sense, but there is something about him that is undeniably attractive. His quiet intellect. His propensity for knowledge. His deep convictions and sense of compassion. One of a kind, as the saying goes.

And, he shared his life with me.

Nonetheless, that was of little consequence to you. You were smitten and determined to get what you wanted. Damn the damage and heartache you caused along the way. It all appeared so innocent at first. It always does. You exploited our hospitality. The clever way you bent his ear with stimulating conversation and discourse. Your whispered promises, albeit empty ones, of untold knowledge and adventures to unseen lands. It was quite a seductive story you wove together. However, you failed to see that he viewed you as merely an intellectual novelty. Something new. Unexplored territory, if you will.

We both know you initially only sought to stem your curiosity. A psychological experiment in a feeble attempt to understand human emotion. Only your plan backfired dreadfully. Your flagrant disregard for boundaries has proven to be disastrous. What was merely meant to be a dalliance turned into something more. You were woefully unprepared for the emotional onslaught that overtook your psyche.

You lack the basic understanding of human virtues. Surely, someone of your lofty aptitude is familiar with the seven virtues. Prudence, now there’s a word to add to your vocabulary. Justice, it always prevails in the end. Temperance, all good things come in moderation. Fortitude, it helps in the face of adversity. Faith and hope go hand in hand. And, most importantly, love.

Ah, I see we’ve hit upon something. Love is your weakness, Uri. You weren’t expecting that, were you? You are a slave to your emotions, and you harbor false hope. That’s right, false hope. The tables have turned, and you have absolutely no idea what to do. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

Love. Who knew such a humble, yet complex, emotion would be your undoing. You have handed me a knife. I simply had to twist it for you, and trust me; I felt no guilt in doing so. In the end, the solution to this horridly tangled mess was obvious, at least to me. The utter simplicity of it all still astounds me.

Be that as it may, you will agree that no one person can be devoted to both of us. Neither of us could support the thought of sharing someone’s affection with the other. Divided loyalties cannot be tolerated regarding affairs of the heart. It doesn’t work that way. One of us must back off. As far as I am concerned, that one must be you.

I helped him make a choice. You see, being of the same life form has its advantages. When I told him I was carrying his child, all thoughts of you simply vanished. He offered me a token of his affection, a simple ring of gold, and to seal our new found understanding, he – worshipped me with his body, which, believe me, is a very restrained way of putting it.

Given the circumstances, did you think it would work out any other way? Oh, Uri, you have deceived yourself to no end. It pains you, doesn’t it? The intrinsic nature of love is multifaceted, as opposed to one dimensional, as you have undoubtedly discovered. Yes, that is heartache you are experiencing. It isn’t pleasant, is it? You are shattered. Yet, you had no qualms of bestowing such pain upon me. Karmic justice, how fitting, indeed.

However, your inexcusable actions have wreaked havoc. The damage is done. Love requires more than unabashed, physical lust. It encompasses the silent moments in between. It requires trust. Once a trust has been broken it will never fully mend, try as we might. My relationship with him will never be the same, it has changed in some measure, and for that I will never forgive you.

Yet, the stars still spin in the heavens and life continues. Despite your best efforts to lure away the one person whom has been a significant part of my life, you have failed miserably. He is my foundation, and I, his. Together, we share the things that you can only dare to dream… a life, a future, a family. We are now complete.

In the end, you really didn’t stand a chance. So, shed your tears somewhere else. You will find no comfort or sympathy here. Return to your home beyond the stars, and leave us in peace.


posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:08 PM
Ooh, cold, but descriptive. No wonder they steer clear of human interaction.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:10 PM

so an alien named Uri and some sort of betrayal?

thats all i got. X(

P.S good story though

[edit on 1/29/09 by MoothyKnight]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:51 PM
Before the Divine Feminine that is the Giver of Life I kneel with bowed head, as in the temple of the Goddess in a land presently submerged on this planet we currently call home, light years from our personal societies, with a yearning for reunification of our own duality and knowledge of Our Divine truth. Blessed Be

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by antar
Ooh, cold, but descriptive. No wonder they steer clear of human interaction.

Cold and calculating was certainly the aim. I'm glad that came across, thanks!

Originally posted by MoothyKnight

so an alien named Uri and some sort of betrayal?

thats all i got. X(

Well, you got the gist of it then.

I decided to experiment with a stream-of-conscience form of writing for this challenge, as opposed to the direct dialogue of which I am fond. In fact, I heartily welcome any critiques and pointers anyone may have. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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