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The Joe Cell and Mythbusters

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posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
well obviously you dont suppose there going to do a detailed investigation into 911 while there at it. see if a plane hitting a building can really bring it down ???

I'm perplexed... What does 911 have to do with checking into a single construct with extraordinary claims?

I mean, nothing about the Joe Cell is hidden, nor does it directly have to do with a sceme to rule the world. (Its suppression may be related, but it, in and of itself, is not.)

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Nightchild
reply to post by Amaterasu

Maybe they don't want to take the matter on, for the simple reason that they fear they will not be able to solve it and most of all, being ridiculed.

As if they hadn't allready been so...>_>

They poorly prove half the stuff on their and if it doesnt work the cheap way they ting it does then they say it's wrong of busted when in fact they don't take everything into account.....That and they are annoying as hell.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85

Originally posted by Nightchild
reply to post by Amaterasu

Maybe they don't want to take the matter on, for the simple reason that they fear they will not be able to solve it and most of all, being ridiculed.

As if they hadn't allready been so...>_>

They poorly prove half the stuff on their and if it doesnt work the cheap way they ting it does then they say it's wrong of busted when in fact they don't take everything into account.....That and they are annoying as hell.

Good points. I agree that they tend towards sloppiness in their methodology, and perhaps they are not the best option for testing it. Too bad there is no program that invests in seeking groups that would give all this tech a fair shake, and done properly.

Thanks for your input.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 11:58 AM
But they did cover the Joe Cell... kinda.

If you watch the episode where they try to power a car with hydrogen, and then end up running an old deisel mercedes on greese trap oil they reference it.

Before they get started they have this clear tube filled with water and what appears to be two 1/2" thick concentric black pipes inside one another with some leads coming out of the "cell" which run to a loose car battery.

One of the guys says something like: "I found plans for this thing on the internet but I couldn't get it to work. It's supposed to make bubbles which produce hydrogen, but it doesn't seem to do much at all."

He never actually said "Joe Cell" but the device they made was assembled in a similar fashion.

That was is. After he makes that comment they forget it and never discuss it again during the episode.

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