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Military Draft Bill to be introduced in Congress this year

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posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 01:36 PM
Democrat Charles Rangel from N.Y. is introducing a military draft bill to Congress this year, after the economic stimulus bill is passed.

link to article:

Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) likely will introduce his controversial legislation to reinstate the draft again this year, but he will wait until after the economic stimulus package is passed.

Asked if he plans to introduce the legislation again in 2009, Rangel last week said, “Probably … yes. I don’t want to do anything this early to distract from the issue of the economic stimulus.”

But Rangel told The Hill that he recently heard talk about rewarding mandatory service with two years of college credit.

“That doesn’t make sense,” he said. “People shouldn’t have to join the military to get an education.”

A decorated Korean War veteran and a member of the Out of Iraq Caucus, Rangel argues that the burden of fighting wars falls disproportionately on low-income people and that cost should be borne more broadly.

His reasoning for the draft is the fact that the Iraq war would never had started or supported by the people, if a draft had come into affect.

If a draft had been in place in 2002 when members were making the decision on whether to support the war in Iraq, Rangel has said, Congress never would have approved the war resolution, because the pressure from constituents would have been too great.

Sure - yeah right - just like they listened to the people with the bailout!

With the Iraq war off the front page and the economic crisis taking center stage, nerves are not as raw on the topic of strain on the military as they were a few years ago, so Rangel’s legislation may not make as many waves this time around.

But some Democrats — even one who supported Rangel’s efforts in the past — are a little perplexed about his plans to reintroduce the legislation, especially now that President-elect Obama is poised to take over the White House.

I can't believe this would go through, but then again - you just never know, especially with everything going on and the military needing more people for the wars.

I just called my sister - as she has a 16 year old - they will definitely move out of the country if a military draft is enacted.

I know I will also move out the country if it is still in affect when my daughter gets old enough. I don't need for them to use her and then toss her away like garbage when they are finished using her. As they have done with the Iraq veterans which account for a huge amount of the homeless in the U.S. today.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 02:03 PM
As bad as it would be for them to re institute the draft, I doubt that would pass. He seems to be on an every 3 year cycle with this.

I agree with you, I would do all that I could to keep my kids and grandchildren from being pawns of the military. I have seen the numbers of homeless vets, know too many people poisoned by Agent Orange and still have not been compensated, and seen firsthand the damage war can do to a person.

No way would this pass.....unless something very drastic were to take place. IF 9/11 didn't do it, I can't imagine what could. Lets pray we never find out.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 02:16 PM

But Rangel told The Hill that he recently heard talk about rewarding mandatory service with two years of college credit.

Does he mean that they would get credit for attending college or would be given two free years of college for their service. I would think it would be credit for attending college because the GI bill already covers reimbursement for college education. Doesn't it?

What good would a college education do you when we have a country full of college graduates already out of work?

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by questioningall

I just called my sister - as she has a 16 year old - they will definitely move out of the country if a military draft is enacted.

This seems to be the general response that I hear. Most parents are not willing to sacrifice their children at the whim of TPTB when they have no voice and have been told repeatedly that no one cares what that think or even cares about them. They care about their children and are willing to leave this country if they think it is the only way to protect them.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 02:25 PM
Well.... a military draft would certainly fix this economic crisis. Show up to the unemployment office and they enlist you in a full time job. A good way to add a few million to the roster.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 02:37 PM

Hehe draft don't be daft!

I almost hope england brings in a draft, i can't wait to walk into the center smoking a massive bob marley with Guthrie blasting out at 110db -GAWD MORNING MAJOR JACKBOOT WHERE DO I SIGN?!?!?

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

Basically he is saying from what I can gather, is he doesn't think drafties should get college credit.

Which means you get drafted and get nothing in return except empty promises, from the govt.

Look at all the veterans that aren't getting their medical taken care, besides everything else.

My father was a colonel in the military, so - I was considered a military brat.

If the govt. actually took care of our veterans like they should, then I would not be against someone going into the military - but they don't.

Instead they use them as for experiments and expose them to chemicals etc.

Besides they also plan on chipping all military personel around 2010.

Can you imgine being drafted and then being MADE to have a chip inserted in you?

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 03:45 PM
The Draft is something that will probably never be seen again in our life time baring some kind of global war where the front lines where close and things were in a make or break situation. This bill will die on the floor. There is no reason to worry. And as for not getting anything for service, i do believe they still have the GI bill.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 04:56 PM
And they have the temerity to call this CHANGE? What a bunch of retrogrades. Here we have a black president and members of his own party are activly trying to reinstitute slavery? They are the true party of slavery and maybe nothing more than smoke and mirrors with their Obamabot in the office.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by bubbabuddha

I am shocked a Democrat is the one, who is introducing it on the floor. I had thought for sure, Bush would have reinstated the draft.

With the wars going on though and them not having enough soliders, it may just go through. With the bunch of people we have in Washington now, I wouldn't put anything pass them. I say this, due to the bailout and Fisa bills going through last year, though people were against it and they didn't care.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by questioningall
[I am shocked a Democrat is the one, who is introducing it on the floor. I had thought for sure, Bush would have reinstated the draft.

Why? When Bush was in office, it was the Democrats that were always trying to get the draft brought back.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 06:32 PM
Not enough soldiers? i dont have numbers right here,but America isnt stretched at all numbers wise.Anyway im not American,but i would move country if something like this happened,no way am i fighting for corrupt politicians bankers and the military industrial complex.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 06:40 PM
Every few years this is reintroduced. It never has passed before and it is highly unlikely that it ever will pass. Fact is the military works the way it is, all volunteer. So I highly doubt any of you will ever have to move out of the country to save your children from the evil military.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by jerico65

Before the 2004 election, the Republicans were talking about a draft, which caused a big rukus pre election. Bush then said he would not do that. The article says Rankel tried to introduce it after the Dems got elected in 06, which I had not realized at that time. It must not have been publized at that time in the media.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 06:42 PM
I put my life on the line for this one, I swear on my life (really you can hold me to it) that will not pass. With the current state of the economy and the cost to train new military members and pay them for deploying, it just wouldn't happen. Not to mention America has a huge military reserve and an even larger innactive ready reserve that they would pull from in the event the number of idiots like me fell short for an invasion or occupation

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 06:21 PM
Draft great I think all democrats should be entered.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by NightSkyeB4Dawn
What good would a college education do you when we have a country full of college graduates already out of work?

They don't want you to think about that, just go back to sleep like the other sheep

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:48 AM
It suddenly struck me. There is a way that they might be able to get the American people to go along with a draft. Americans will fiercely protect their country from a foreign invader. If they instigated an attack on America or feigned one I think that the people would allow a draft. I just hope that the American people are smart enough to see through their the ruse if it occurred.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

If by some twist of fate America was invaded I can guarantee you that they would have so many people volunteering to be in the military they wouldn't need a draft.

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