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posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:19 PM
First off, I am not usually the skeptical one when it comes to things like aliens, ufos, and conspiracies. I am open to other peoples ideas and find it all fascinating.

Recently, I've been thinking of the NWO (which I do not fully understand, fyi) and of population control and what not. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't one conspiracy saying that the world's wealthiest people are going to try to wipeout/control most of the population of the earth? This would make some sort of sense for them (I guess) since then they would be in even more power and all that. However, the world leaders/richest people/the ones behind it all are not so stupid. Why would they wipe out the masses when basic everyday needs would eventually run out? For example, say the person in charge of all this is sitting at home watching tv, and a lightning bolt strikes the power line and he goes without power. What would he do? There would be no one to fix it.

While I'm writing this I feel as though I'm missing an important piece of information that I need to put this together....

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by 7H3Y 4R3 C0M1N6

That has always confused me as well. I get that they supposedly want all this power and controlling the masses will get them power. And I get the part where they are going to (supposedly) wipe out portions of the population. But what exactly would be the point? Why would someone go through so much trouble to control the world only to kill off sections of the population? And what is the point of controlling the world to begin with?

Money is worthless if the masses aren't making products anymore. All the power in the world isn't really good for much aside from bragging rights. And the number of people who would have to be involved to even begin to control the world's population is mind-boggling really. Seems like there would be lots of fighting amongst themselves over who is in charge and what they are in charge of. Calls to mind images of five-year-olds arguing over who gets to be which Power Ranger.

Seriously though, the whole thing confuses me.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by 7H3Y 4R3 C0M1N6

From what I understand, the top of the top of the heap of elites want mostly everyone--including powerful corporations--to suckle from the nipple just to yank it away at the last minute (the apocalypse, manufactured or otherwise).

As far aliens, be weary...

[edit on 25-11-2008 by pluckynoonez]

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:37 PM
From what I can gather they want the world population down to around 500 million I'm pretty sure they will have some electricians and network repair guys in the frey gotta be able to log on and check on their billions on the market and all that you know.

Something in the back of my mind tells me that what may be around the corner for the human race is not going to be pretty or even new.

I think this has all happened before

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:39 PM
I guess if you had all the power in the world you could make everyone do what you say and have them at your whim. I agree with the statement about money being worthless without those to make the products, good point.

I mean, I am a believer in aliens, et or extra dimensional, and they could have something to do with this (tapping into the minds of the world leaders). After seeing how quickly populations can rise, killing off a bunch of us and having people born into a lifestyle that included aliens would be easier than just showing up to all of us who aren't "ready." That could be what "the guy" is planning too (minus the aliens), but that would take a few generations...

Anyways, sorry about rambling, but there are so many different thoughts and possibilities that pop into my mind.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Hah yea I just used the electrician as an example.

Good point though. What do you mean by "this all happened before?" As in an endless cycle where civilization rises that dies out and all history is repeated, or throughout our own history?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:44 PM
Yes, I am sure they believe that 500million is just about enough to serve all of their needs, have a few pretty women for their own personal use, etc.

500millions is just much easier for them to manage and control.

Of course if you ask them, they will give some stupid excuse about how the world could only sustain for 500m in the longterm...

But I do think it is a control issue. They are having a hard time controlling billions. I think it bothers them that so many people are not serving them.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:52 PM
I see. I was thinking that they would kill off more than that, but now that I think of it 500,000,000 for the whole world is nothing at all. What a lonely place

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:56 PM
Robots can and will be programmed to do all of those duties. Or a select few could login to repair bots and remotly control them and complete the task.

Once you build the robot operated factory that builds the robots... .and a robot that repairs robots, then everything will be in place.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:31 PM
The problem with conspiracy theories is that there are too many on one subject. This is unscientific and speaks volumes of those who produce these theories, many of whom make money writing fiction that seems plausible.

When string theory was growing it's legs there appeared 5 different superstring theories, all of which were mathematically valid and each permutation was of sound process. In scientific terms, it was a serious problem to the credibility of the theory. Because not all 5 could be correct and yet all mathematical evidence said they all were...In came a unified string theory that many of us know as M-theory. M-theory does a great job of mathematically explaining the odd shapes in the 5 superstrings, through which they discovered the mathematical evidence many were looking for in regards to multiple and parallel universes.

We had an answer..Which of course brought up more questions as these things do, and they are waiting for the LHC to become fully operational so they can prove the conditions of their mathematical models, and maybe find out what makes the universe tick.

Conspiracy theories are produced by anyone who came across a pieces of loosely associated information and used speculation, ranther than the scientific process, and critical thinking skills to formulate a "Theory" that is no more than supposition, and is worthy of having quotation marks around the word 'theory' in reference thereof.

The problem with NWO conspiracies is that no one can pin down anything that doesn't have a more mundane explanation. I'm not saying there aren't conspiracies out there. I know because I've researched a few that are very real, and very scary. I believe there is a global elite that run the nations of the world in concert and in opposition to eachother. I believe those who don't play ball anymore are taken care of one way or another...Saddam Hussein is example of this, and he's one of many in the worlds history books. But I don't believe EVERYONE in government is evil. Most are ignorant others are indifferent and only a few really know what's up. And of the latter that know what's up half are doing good, and half are doing evil. That's the whole world from black ops circles to PTA meetings.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by 7H3Y 4R3 C0M1N6
What do you mean by "this all happened before?" As in an endless cycle where civilization rises that dies out and all history is repeated

Yes Something along those lines too many legends too many tales of advanced societies yadda yadda

Every day it seems like they keep pushing back how old man is and they keep digging stuff up and not all of it jives with traditional scholastic views on the progression of human development. That's an opinion by the way not a statement of fact.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

Actually I would say the main problem with conspiracy theories is they place blame without evidence.

Are you to deny that if possible, people in this world with power would not want to do those things?

Are you to deny that if possible, people would fake an alien invasion for power?

Are you to deny that if possible, people would at the same time, try to hide aliens for their own power?

And so on.

There are in fact people who would want to do these things if they could. And the only thing that stops them is people being aware of the possibilities. That means question everything. If they are not doing bad things, then what is to hide? It is the peoples privacy that is important, not what the leaders are doing.

This secrecy leads to unanswered questions, and the result of it is people will start to fill in the blanks themselves. And the people with the answers who keep them in secret will always be blamed, and rightly so as they are atleast in part responsible.

And no doubt, as a way of keeping secrets, disinformation arises that leads people into make wrong assumptions. By putting out a lie on a topic, you are able to keep the real truth hidden - whatever it may be.

As for science, meh. Science is flawed from the start. It ignores consciousness and any effects it may have on things. In evolution, it's just considered to be "random", which pretty much slaps in the face of the whole "well it can be repeated in a lab". Except randomness does not actually exist. A computer can not even truly generate a random number - fact. Not that I completely disagree with evolution, just that it and science in general ignore it, and ridicule anything which includes it.

The only thing science has ever had going for it is that can be changed.

Theories in science are formed in the exact same way conspiracy theories are formed. By taking the information available and looking for logical outcomes. If new information comes out, theories change. If bad data comes into science, the data will be flawed, just as if the data comes into conspiracy the data gets flawed.

And how would you like it if all of science were judged based solely on the parts where science has been wrong? Or based on a single scientist who makes a claim.

Even if the conspiracy is wrong, the patterns and possibilities it relies on are for the most part right, and things which should in fact be watched for. Only an alert public would ever be able to stop such things, and your post and that attitude does nothing by try to get people to sleep on the topic.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by 7H3Y 4R3 C0M1N6

One thing that I've seen mentioned:

Population reduction will reduce the need for basic resources such as food and energy which will be difficult to sustain at the pace that population grows currently.

Anyone remember the ending of Dr. Strangelove? Severe population reduction could be seen as a great opportunity to realize some short term goals.

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