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posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 07:28 PM

A classical social psychology experiment carried out by S. Asch. The power of conformity...

Extending this theme further:
Would You Divert from the General Public Consent Knowing They Were Being Mislead?
Had you lived in Germany while Hitler rose to power would you have denounced him? Would you have objected to the Reichstag Fire Decree? The decree that nullified many of the key civil liberties of German citizens.
Did you originally support the PATRIOT Act prior to having investigated it (assuming it was patriotic)? Do you think you have a tendency to be influenced by propaganda? Or are your on guard and watchful of its presence and applications?

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 07:50 PM

Would You Divert from the General Public Consent Knowing They Were Being Mislead?

I already do.

Had you lived in Germany while Hitler rose to power would you have denounced him? Would you have objected to the Reichstag Fire Decree? The decree that nullified many of the key civil liberties of German citizens.

I would privately but I would act support in it publicly.

Did you originally support the PATRIOT Act prior to having investigated it (assuming it was patriotic)? Do you think you have a tendency to be influenced by propaganda? Or are your on guard and watchful of its presence and applications?

I never was in support of it.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 07:50 PM
I rebel...

Mix me up a shot of whiskey and an ounce of rye.

Now we drink...

To the moment right now, when I rebel, and think deep thoughts, and dream in perfection.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 07:55 PM
wow thats weird how is that hes been dead for years tool

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 07:58 PM
A wise attacker does not denounce. He enters and attacks within the rank, specially attacks once near the head leader or can get near the head leader.

Conforming doesnt mean you mean it. This is how you are yet become close to those you will kill the right moment come, since you do not accept those nor what those are yet doing to you or have done to you.

One can rebel better through infiltration.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by Mabus

Interesting Mabus...

What if every life question we had, came back to us in a moment of relativity. Where, we as a lifeform, encounter a question about life, which demands our relativity?

What is our relativity?

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 08:06 PM
Your embed doesn't work, Please Repost vid or link to vid???

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by xbranscombex
A classical social psychology experiment carried out by S. Asch. The power of conformity...

Extending this theme further:
Would You Divert from the General Public Consent Knowing They Were Being Mislead?
Had you lived in Germany while Hitler rose to power would you have denounced him? Would you have objected to the Reichstag Fire Decree? The decree that nullified many of the key civil liberties of German citizens.
Did you originally support the PATRIOT Act prior to having investigated it (assuming it was patriotic)? Do you think you have a tendency to be influenced by propaganda? Or are your on guard and watchful of its presence and applications?

i am by nature a non-conformist. throughout my life i've been ridiculed, glared at, etc. and i don't care. yes, i would've denounced hitler. yes, i would've objected to the reichstag, regardless if doing so would've had me silenced/killed or what have you. that's just the way things are done on this earth, and i'd sooner die than compromise my beliefs or give in to fear. i never supported the shameful "patriot" act, and never will. propaganda has no power over me, and my guard is always up. it's something that i always hear from people around me.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 09:03 PM
I , when viewing my life, have conformed to the enviroment I was in at the time.

I view this as biosurvival as well as social survival.

I still do.

Once I am in the structure I then begin to awaken to the details of the social structure and I then try and find a comfortable place in the structure.

After a while I begin to see ways of improving the structure.

After a bit I see some injustice in the structure.

Soon I begin to become uneasy. I then begin to speak of my unease.

Others see the same injustice, others see ways of improving on the structure.

After a lot of gossip, talk, blame, a match point event takes place bringing myself and the other persons in the social structure closer together as we just witnessed a event that confirms our deepest fears.

We then form a subculture within the group. The subculture sets up a social structure very similar to the main culture. We have a leader, we have a record keeper, we have meeting place etc.

Soon our group begins to gain some power and we use that power to right the wrongs in the main group.

etc etc

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