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Hi ATS from Texas

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posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 06:45 PM
Hi everyone. I have just set up a real account finally.

I have been an anonymous viewer here for a while with an occasional reply to some threads. I reboot my router and change my IP address at least once a week as I cruise around the web. I occasionally use proxy servers also. I scrub my systems weekly with Evidence Eliminator. Although slightly paranoid (not enough to be medicated) I can have fun with it.

I read a lot of real books, on-line stories and comics.

I remember having to code programs on paper and toggle them into the switch register and how advanced it was to finally have paper tape and cards for an input medium. I think I can still operate a slide rule and have a good one around here somewhere.

I am tired of Microsoft. I use Firefox, Thunderbird and Open Office. I have been experimenting with Linux on some of my machines and it looks good to convert fully to it.

I think conspiracies are fun as it make you think while providing an occasional laugh.

I have worked in many industries with many jobs from clerical to management. I was a paramedic at one time saving the lives I could. I have delivered new life and had to watch life end smelling the roses on occasion. I have taken patients from home to hospice and watched as they touched everything they could on the way out of the house knowing they would not be back.

I have been into new age when it was popular studying light, sound, astrology, numerology, akashic readings and magic. I been through many of Stuart Wilde's programs. Walking bare foot on hot coals is interesting. A sweat lodge ceremony has to be experienced to be believed

Spending the night in the desert or the mountains alone is a great way to contemplate your existence.

I have been to most states at one time or the other. The red woods, Smokey mountains and the desert southwest are my favorites.

I smoke too much, eat to much and spend too much time surfing the Internet. I think it was someone on Coast-to-Coast that said eat lots of pie, the fat will inherit the earth.

The questions I have for all of you are as follows.

How would your life change and your view of the world change if you were finally able to see behind the curtain?

What if after the election the government came out and told the world that aliens exist. They have been here a long time. They occasionally interact with the President on important issues much like The Minister does with the muggle Prime Minister. That they have an alliance with DOD on development of advanced technology. That the DOD had bases in space, on the moon, mars and Europa That the aliens had bases all over the world with a base near Area 51.

What if you found out the aliens are not here to save the world or take us to the stars.

So now you know the answer is 42. How has your life changed? Is it over?

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Velvet Death

I smoke too much, eat to much and spend too much time surfing the Internet. I think it was someone on Coast-to-Coast that said eat lots of pie, the fat will inherit the earth.

You sound like my car. You smoke, drink and run around.

Welcome to ATS. I hope your time here is as enjoyable as mine has been.

How would your life change and your view of the world change if you were finally able to see behind the curtain?

That depends on what I saw.

Welcome home.

Edit to add: Love the signature. I wonder how many people here actually know what it means.

[edit on 25-10-2008 by mrwupy]


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