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Menezes officers 'not at fault'

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posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:24 AM

Menezes officers 'not at fault'

The police did nothing wrong in the run-up to the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes, the senior officer in charge on the day has told an inquest.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick said: "If you are asking me did we do anything wrong or unreasonable, then I don't think we did."

Mr de Menezes, 27, was shot after being mistaken for a terror suspect in 2005.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:24 AM
This is hard to stomach for me. How can the Metropoliton police say in court that what they did wasn't unreasonable or wrong? An innocent man is dead for no good reason other then he looked like Hussain Osman, a terror suspect. This tragedy could've been averted if the police did their job, and brought him in for questioning.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:41 AM

"But if you are asking me did we do anything wrong or unreasonable, then I don't think we did."

Wow. Just how heartless and self-righteous can a human being get? They shot the guy 7 times in the head and still cannot admit any wrongdoing. Legalised murder is the only way it can be described and those involved should be punished to the fullest extent. But they won't be because it is that very same law that allowed them to shoot the guy in the first place.

A spokesman for the Justice4Jean campaign said: "It has been highly alarming and extremely insulting for the bereaved Menezes family to hear evidence at the inquest from senior officers in the Metropolitan Police that they did nothing wrong and that a similar tragedy could happen again.

"This continued rebuttal of any wrongdoing on their part only adds to the shameful perception that the Metropolitan Police has no regrets and shows no remorse."

I feel so very very sorry for the man's poor family. To have to sit and listen to that heartless bullcrap is about as bad as it can get emotionally. Those heartless bastards. I sincerely hope they all meet a very unpleasant end themselves.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:45 AM
When police officers grab you, pin you down and then proceed to shoot you seven times in the head, your family can expect a similar response.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:48 AM
I don't think they are to blame, yes they shot the guy but they were following orders and worked in line with there training, they were told he was a terrorist he entered the station boarded the train and was executed, the thing what gets me is that in the days after this killing there were so many lies, (he had on a big coat/wires from the coat/jumped the ticket barrier/ran onto the train) but when the release the footage none of that happened, the officers who killed him are not to blame, it's the person who told him or her to shoot, what they should be doing is finding out who told the lies and why

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:51 AM

Now the public have experienced this, how long until it becomes common behaviour.

Hopefully one day Karma will catch up with the bastards that did this and kick them hard, but until then....

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

I wouldn't mind seeing it more often, as long as they are shooting people who are actually going to blow people up, but killing innocents is not acceptable

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:30 AM
I was in London when 7/7 happened, the whole town and indeed the whole country was in shock . Then this event happened , I have every sympathy for JCDM and his family, but also look at the Police's side .
There they were on full terror alert, they had very little information to go on, They had alist of suspects. The JCDM turned up on the scene and he 'looked' like a supposed terrorist. The country was literally baying for blood and scared of looking at anyone who looked 'barely'Muslim incase they were 'one of them'.
The police did the right thing to the wrong guy, there was a breakdown in communication.
If JCDM was a terrorist and had a bomb in his backpack, got on a train and blew it up and killed another 50 odd people what would the response be on this site?.
The police did the right thing and shot him 7 times in the head after pinning his arms. but he (if he was a terrorist) could've had a remote detonator in his hand , and even though his arms are pinned could still set the bomb off. The only way to actually stop this event from happening is to totally destroy the suspects brain and hope that the body doesn't 'twitch or convulse'.
The fact that the guy was innocent and incorrectly identified is tragic, the officers who held him and the ones that shot him SHOULDN'T be charged , they were following orders but the guy who COULD positively identify the 'real suspected terrorist' went to the Lavvy or was indisposed when he should've have been at his post at a cucial time. He's the one who should be charged with misconduct and as a result JCDM died because of his inatteniveness.
The officers on the front line (IMO) were the bravest officers we could wish for , they threw themselves onto what they thought was someone about to blow themselves and the other passengers up. but the fact that the wrong innocent guy died makes it all the more unbearable for his family, But think about it like this, we wouldn't be having this discussion if the right guy had been shot in the head 7 times , and/or if the real terrorist had blown up the train killing an unknown number of people, if that had happened all we'd be discussing is how we could have prevented it.
My thought are for JCDM family in this very trying time, and I grieve for any parent that has to bury their child , but also for the officers families and the officers in question who all have to have this on the minds for the rest of their lives.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:45 AM
While you make some good points Datawraith, it still does not excuse them not saying something to the effect of "We are so sorry that this happened. We got it wrong but our intentions were honourable" or something like that instead of heartlessly saying "We did nothing wrong". Bloody disgraceful.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:54 AM
WOW, and I thought we had all the 'Jack Booted Thugs' on this side of the pond. Some authority must step forward and enlighten this Superintendant that he is NOT the arbiter of correct behavior for your police. This smacks of being 'cover your a** so we don't get sued as badly as we should be' rhetoric! Arrogance does not begin to describe this guy!


posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:21 AM
The police at all levels will be exonerated and the old "lessons have been learned" line will be quoted ad nauseum, as it always is when they screw up.

Interesting though that Cressida Dick, the officer in charge of the operation and the shooter were both promoted not long after the shooting, before any inquiry and after police accounts were proven to be complete fabrications.
Looks like they were rewarded for murdering the guy just to drive home in peoples minds the governments much publicised "shoot to kill" anti-terrorist policy. They needed a body and they got one.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:25 AM
I woke up to this story on news this morning, the comments made by the police are a complete joke,.

"this was an extrordinary situation"

what? a guy getting on a train is an extrordinary situation, its not like he was dressed like osama and shouting bomb every 2 seconds.

this whole case has been sick, the cops who shot him should go away for life, as well as the person that told them to shoot. its funny, when americans ask why our police dont have guns, well, stuff like this is the reason!

the poor dude got shot getting onto a train and going about his normal business, surely someone shoudl be punished.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Britguy
The police at all levels will be exonerated and the old "lessons have been learned" line will be quoted ad nauseum, as it always is when they screw up.

Interesting though that Cressida Dick, the officer in charge of the operation and the shooter were both promoted not long after the shooting, before any inquiry and after police accounts were proven to be complete fabrications.
Looks like they were rewarded for murdering the guy just to drive home in peoples minds the governments much publicised "shoot to kill" anti-terrorist policy. They needed a body and they got one.

It's often the case whether it's the police, CEOs or politicians. When it all goes tits-up, it's (not) surprising how well they seem to do right afterwards.

This story has more cover-ups than a homeless person a park bench.

I can even appreciate the idea that the people who actually pulled the trigger did so in error, or mistake through bad intelligence. However, I'm fairly sure if I killed someone in 'mistake' because I'd been told the wrong thing, the resulting story would have been very different.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 12:20 PM
I have been saying for years that the Met is a POS organisation of thugs and gestapo wannabes. Sir Ian Blair is now resigned, but he was the Commissioner over the whole period this went down in, and he is a NeoCon facist piece of crap.

This will no doubt wind up a whitewash as usual, with the bacon getting a pat on the back and a few choice promotions... oh wait, Cressida Dick already got her reward didnt she...

Typical British Government Police State BOLLOCKS

NO Accountability
NO Transparency
NO Honour
NO Fairness
NO Respect for Rights
NO Concern for the People

Right.... I am gonna go watch V For Vendetta...

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 02:36 PM
As I understand it, the guy was actually in custody at the time. It would be no different if a police officer walked up to a guy and shot him 7 times in the head as he was being moved from a police car into a jail.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 10:29 AM

Officer fears repeat of Menezes

An innocent person could be shot dead by police again, a senior officer has admitted at the inquest into the death of Jean Charles de Menezes.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick said police aimed to minimise the risk to the public.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 04:18 AM
If only Frank didn’t need to take a piss.


posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: Kryties
While you make some good points Datawraith, it still does not excuse them not saying something to the effect of "We are so sorry that this happened. We got it wrong but our intentions were honourable" or something like that instead of heartlessly saying "We did nothing wrong". Bloody disgraceful.

Because at that point it stopped being a Police issue and became a political one. Samething happens in the US.

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