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Why American culture is deteriorating

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posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 12:46 AM
You have to remember that the United States has the third highest population of any country in the world. Also there are many different kinds of people. There are going to be problems.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 04:53 AM
Why should we care what people think of our culture? We are who we are. Why should we have to change so that Europe is happy and content with our lives? It's like some people believe that a perfect world is one where everyone thinks, feels, and acts like everyone else. Somehow it's become a sin for an americans to love their country. All of sudden if we don't hate america then we're not enlightened. And you call us arrogant ??? Europe should learn to accept american culture for what it is. And, they should also learn to accept that we love our country, and america is a great place to live. Nothing and I mean nothing is perfect.

It makes me sick that anyone would think that I should be ashamed of being american and loving my country. I'ma proud american and hoosier and I don't care who knows it...and if you don't like it blow out ya ass, as Ludacris would say! And btw some of you need to lighten up. Even you Truth, because the bible says "to every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven". Sometimes hiphop is all about pleasure, and if you can't get some sort of pleasure out of this life then I feel sorry for you. Hiphop comes in all shapes and sizes. If it's a part of life--it's a part of hiphop. Stop taking yourself so seriously and live.

edit: and if america does fall it'll be because we accepted an outside view of who and what we are. Stop apologizing to Europe. they don't run america and they never will. this is all part of globalism. don't fall for it. tis a sad day when americans apologize for being american. that'll be the death of our culture.

[Edited on 26-3-2004 by Saphronia]

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 08:40 AM
Ambient Sound: "Islam (and yes, I include the whole religion) hates us because we represent Western Culture. Sure we do. Culture is our biggest export and the rest of you eat it up.

First off, Islam doesn't hate the US. Some Islamic extremists do. and they hate the US because your foreign policy is laughably skewed. You veto any and all resolutions in the UN that condemn Israel for ANYTHING and then you turn around and cliam to be champions of democracy. What a crock. Why go in an "liberate" Iraq? What about Tibet? Rwanda? It's a farce and people know it. "American interests" override people's rights in other countries.

Second, define American culture. Hollywood? McDonald's? FOX TV? Entertainment is not culture. You don't export your culture, you export your ENTERTAINMENT. You're not actually PARTICIPATING in entertainment, you're sitting and watching it happen. Big difference. American culture is soulless consumerism.

Muaddib: Yep, good call, you named some great American thinkers. Unfortunately the mainstream would rather watch the new episode of Friends (or a re-run) than actually READ or watch something that may be intellectually challenging.

jetsetter: "You have to remember that the United States has the third highest population of any country in the world. Also there are many different kinds of people. There are going to be problems"

I don't see your reasoning. "Different kinds of people" causes problems? Are you saying racially, socio-economically or religiously? In what way does "different kinds of people" make problems worse?

Saphronia: "tis a sad day when americans apologize for being american. that'll be the death of our culture. "

It's also a sad day when just waving a stupid flag is called "patriotism".

I love my country (Canada), but I realize we have problems. And I SEE them, I try to help FIX them, and I don't DENY them to others. I don't tell people my country is the best in the world because

1) I haven't lived in every other country so I DON'T KNOW THAT
2) I realize that when I say that to someone from another country, I'm implying that their country and people are not as good as mine.

Canada is not perfect, but we're humble. If the U.S. tried a little humility it would go a very long way.


posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 08:41 AM
saphronia, im sorry this country is pathetic.

' the bible says '

it also says tha every ungodly nation will destroy itself by its own sins.

' rap music '

are you a women?

do you like how this filth degrades black women?

i know a great black lady at church who is young and faithful, and she probably gets harassed all the time by this world. look how rap music portrays women.

im sure im dreaming though?

im 22, and ive live in semi projects before. i know how this music destroys people [who take it more than music, but a lifestyle].

my brother has 5 children by 3 women. he [used] to live the hip hop life style and always told me [im a playa man]

only hiphop did this to him, because i knew him from day one. he used to listen to rock and when he listened to this he used to cut his arms with razors.

he recently told me [my player days have come back to haunt me and im sorry] and he does not live the hiphop lifestyle nomore.

you still may think im crazy, but this is the truth.


posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by nyeff

Originally posted by Faisca
ADD is the biggest piece of # excuse I've ever heard. It's basically people who are too lazy to live getting some other excuse to f*ck around and get away with doing nothing.

Here's something else causing America to go down the drain. Political Correctness. There's no need for all the damn political correctness in our society. People need to learn how to deal.

ADD is very real. Someone very close to me has it. It is a slight malfunction in the brain. It does not fire right. At least with certain things. For lack of better words.

If you ever bothered to look it up you might know that. You have know idea the frustration people feel,that have ADD. Or the frustration of the people around them.

Do not speak about something you know nothing about.

To the topic,I doubt if just America is slipping. The whole world is. In the middle east you have kids strapping bombs to themselves. Now that is life deteriorating.
Or the hard core sex and prostitution in some European countries.
Its the whole damn world...not just America.

Tourette's is similar, since it's a neurological disorder. And yes, it's very frustrating. That's why I went off like I did above.
For someone to even imply that neurological disorders such as these aren't real, or that the people who have them shouldn't exist, pisses me off to no end!
I went half my life totally misunderstood, even after I was diagnosed. They still barely know anything about this disorder. It's a daily struggle, and very stressful to deal with.

[Edited on 3-26-2004 by Satyr]

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 09:41 AM
Is the US the only country with problems? No

As I have stated before I was raised in Spain and I still remember the riots that would ensuit after or during soccer games. People have died in those riots, and it happens very frequently. It's Spain the only country where that happens? No

I remember seeing in the news other countries in Europe having the same problems.

Is that the only problem european countries have? No

Every country have their own culture. In the US is mostly hip-hop, in Europe is hard rock, heavy metal and trance. Many of the "trance" and other generation in Europe are just as guilty of the bad things some of the hip-hop generation in the US do. Not everyone that listens to hip-hop is bad or evil, the same can be said of Europeans. There are white power and other hate groups in Europe just as much as there are in the US.

Stop blaming everything that is happening in the world to the US, look at what your own countries are doing.

Also please do not put the UN as an example of how the US should be...

How many countries are part of the UN and are oppresive, dictators and don't give a danm about their own people's human rights?

There is a long list of these countries, the UN is in no way a good example, most of the time they just wait problems out, at least the US is trying. The US have probably done more good than the UN has ever done.

Do we make mistakes? yes. Does every country make mistakes? yes.

Europeans and others want to call themselves pacifists but they are just as guilty of countless riots and other problems that are happening in the world.

Just look in the mirror and stop blaming everything on us.

[Edited on 26-3-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 09:56 AM
muad i think there is not [one] nation on earth that is just. thats why gods coming to gather all the just from every nation and place them in their own kingdom.

but the usa government and culture wise is by far the most evil.


posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib
Is the US the only country with problems?

No, but the US is probably the undisputed leader in: school shootings, highest murder stats, and highest rape stats per populace. I'm sure we're the leader in many other negative things, too. We have a country full of uptight people, who won't even make eye contact with each other, all ready to snap at any given moment. Oh yeah...we're also probably the leaders (and maybe the inventors?) of road rage.

[Edited on 3-26-2004 by Satyr]

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Truth
saphronia, im sorry this country is pathetic.

im 22, and ive live in semi projects before. i know how this music destroys people [who take it more than music, but a lifestyle].

Hiphop is my lifestyle Truth. Its the lifestyle of a whole generation not only in the US but around the world. But I'll speak personally, hiphop has not destroyed my life and I haven't felt degraded by it as a woman. Hiphop isn't what you want it to be. These are not truths but your perception. Please don't get it twisted.

Second, define American culture. Hollywood? McDonald's? FOX TV? Entertainment is not culture. You don't export your culture, you export your ENTERTAINMENT. You're not actually PARTICIPATING in entertainment, you're sitting and watching it happen. Big difference. American culture is soulless consumerism.

Jakamo: Elements of a culture consist of art, music, language, dance...these are the modes of human expression. And why express yourself if not to share it with the rest of your culture. There is nothing wrong with entertainment. You are also making a judgement on your own perception of what life should be like. It's not up to you to tell the US what is right or wrong for us. It is completely and totally arrogant for you to pretend you know what's best for me and the rest of america. I work hard and if I want to spend my hard earn money on three tv's and four dvd's even though I only have three tv's then that is my right. We are all consumers. You may not consume as much as I or most americans do but that's your choice. You can't impose your will or your thought on america.

Further more if that is all you think america consist of you have a very jade and one sided view of american culture. With that you think you can judge us? No I'm sorry, I can't let you do that.

I love my country (Canada), but I realize we have problems. And I SEE them, I try to help FIX them, and I don't DENY them to others. I don't tell people my country is the best in the world because

Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they are ignorant or blind patriots. You are aware that some people can look at the same problem and come to a totally different conclusion. More arrogance. Your way is the only way. And guess what, my country is the best in the world.

[Edited on 26-3-2004 by Saphronia]

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 10:24 AM
morality is usually too boring to embrace but i love it.

yea it dont offend you nor the women rap videos because they sell their souls
for [green peices of trash].

but it offendsme and every african and white moral american who love Gods words and who love a non filthy atmosphere.

some women recognize how holy gods creation is and respect their body their temple and realize this body is just a means to hold a soul.

im 22, im a man, im not gay, and i can see this and cherish morality, so anybody can, and who does is degraded by rap music.

everybody is different, i guess its why jesus said [if your not with me your against me]


posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Truth

morality is usually too boring to embrace but i love it.

yea it dont offend you nor the women rap videos because they sell their souls
for [green peices of trash].

but it offendsme and every african and white moral american who love Gods words and who love a non filthy atmosphere.

some women recognize how holy gods creation is and respect their body their temple and realize this body is just a means to hold a soul.

im 22, im a man, im not gay, and i can see this and cherish morality, so anybody can, and who does is degraded by rap music.

everybody is different, i guess its why jesus said [if your not with me your against me]

You're confusing morality with religion again.
Why must you bring your imaginary god into every aspect of life?
IMO, religion is a disease.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 10:58 AM
thats not true.

if [my religion] told me to love sin i would leave the church and religion immediately.

[my] religion [is] me satyr, noone told me to think this way but my heart.

if [even jesus] said to degrade women then i would reject him because its not me. but he doesnt.

if your religion was tv and it told you degrading women is ok, then are you being told to do what you dont want to, or is the message on tv truly how you believe?

same goes with me and jesus.

tv tells you sin is good, and you agree.

jesus tells me sin is bad, and i agree.


posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 11:05 AM
No one has to tell me what is good and/or bad. I have my own morals, and I don't really care who does or doesn't agree with them. I need no Jesus, or old book, to tell me what I should believe. I'm intelligent enough to decide for myself. Once I've decided, I don't need to "practice" any type of religion to keep my morals. They're mine. I already own them. There is no such thing as "sin". That's a religious term for anything that's intolerable to them, which can include many things that shouldn't be included. Sex, for one.

Jesus doesn't tell you anything. He's dead.

[Edited on 3-26-2004 by Satyr]

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 11:17 AM
sin is an imperfection outside of innocent nature. i believed and agreed with jesus teachings [before] i ever heard of him. and ive seen what you dont consider sin destroy lives.

noone told me this either but it existed in me from day one.


posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 11:33 AM
You're the one talking about eating flesh and drinking blood.

[Edited on 3-26-2004 by Satyr]

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 11:47 AM
Satyr calls everyone names, if he doesn't like what you say then your a "disease"

It's pointless to debate a zealot.


posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 11:56 AM
I think people are afraid of the truth that as a society as a whole we have begun to stripe off our moral barriers which leaves us open to evil.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 12:01 PM
Well, evil is a point of view isn't it. Cultures deteriorate, disappear and new ones are born. It's really nothing to panic over. And music, in any form is ot that cause. That is a mindless cop-out. Humans would be killing eachother with or without music...

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 12:07 PM
hes not a zealot to me, hes got to understand what hes saying.

that since someone told us what sin is, we live a lie. hes implying that if god never existed, then I and every christian on erath would become him.

im sorry but i hate adultury, and cursing nomatter what anybody says.

satyr im sure hates killing.

God commanded this, and I confirm this.

but since i believe god said it was wrong, im told so.

since he knows its wrong without god telling him hes correct.

what god commands my heart confirms which existed at birth.

if i thought adultury was good im sure id reject jesus,but i dont.

now, lets try and stay on topic so moderators dont step in.


posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Variable
Satyr calls everyone names, if he doesn't like what you say then your a "disease"

It's pointless to debate a zealot.


Not true. I called religion a disease. Although, I have referred to certain individuals' perspectives as a disease also.

None of the things you speak of were considered a "sin" at your birth. You were taught what to think of as "sin" and what not to think of as "sin". If no one ever taught you of marriage, there would be no adultry. If no one ever instilled the belief that free sex is a "sin", you wouldn't consider it a "sin". If no one ever taught you that murder was a "sin", etc.
The list goes on and on. You were programmed. We all were. However, I determined, on my own, what I chose as my morals and principles, based on my own knowledge and experience of their effects on people's emotions. It has nothing to do with religion, what-so-ever. However, just because it bothers you that I might have a beer on Sunday(just an example), doesn't mean it's a bad thing. It means you've been programmed to believe it's a bad thing for you. Why? Do my Sunday actions hurt you in any form or fashion? No, but you're still concerned with it, because you think it's a "sin". I like to read horror novels. Some contain religiously banned events and phrases. Is that a "sin"? I like Rock and Metal music, which was banned by all types of religious groups. Now it's become quite acceptable. Is that a "sin"? No! Nothing is a sin, really. It's all in what you were taught. I was taught one simple thing that determines every moral I've adopted....not to be hurtful of others. Or, "The Golden Rule", if you will. Sure, I may get carried away in certain debates here, but I'm generally quite a decent individual. I don't know of anyone who doesn't like me, who knows me. And if they don't know me, they can't really dislike me.

[Edited on 3-26-2004 by Satyr]

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