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Conspiracy to kill First Responders.

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posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Privy_Princess

False pride can be a killer. When it is carried to the point that people put their own children at risk? Then it enters the category of criminal behavior.

From the news this morning it turns out there were actually 10,000 that stayed in Galveston. They have no water, sewer, electricity, phones, cell-phones and the streets are blocked with debris. Children in all of that?

What set me off is the video of those people in the Poop Deck guzzling booze straight from the bottles, acting as if it was all one big party.

Tomorrow, when I fill out a check to an organization assisting the victims, it will stick in my craw that some might go to one of these people who stayed in Galveston. Not to mention the extra tax dollars used to pay for their rescue due to their foolishness. How many do you suppose will say, this is my fault, I caused this extra trouble and I insist on paying for it myself?

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:32 PM
I've been thinking about this thread. Where/What exactly is the danger after the hurricane has left that people wouldn't normally have to deal with anyway?

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:32 PM
Source Article

GALVESTON, Texas - Rescue crews canvassing neighborhoods with dump trucks, helicopters and airboats have saved nearly 2,000 residents who ignored evacuation orders and stayed to face Hurricane Ike, authorities said Sunday....

.... Authorities said Sunday three people were found dead in Galveston

Completely unnecessary deaths, not to mention the risks others had to take to rescue the 2,000 who refused to leave. They think the body count will go higher.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by badmedia

The streets are so full of debris that most rescues are by helicopter putting the crews at risk. The debris is dangerous as is the standing water. There are no services. No water, power, phone, cell-phone, sewer and most streets are impassable. Money and resources that could have been used for recovery and rebuilding is being used to rescue 2,000 foolish people and so far at least three are dead. Most deaths occur after the storm has passed, so there will be more.

Those being rescued are being relocated anyway and had they left in the first place those resources and manpower could have also been put to better use.

Dead is dead and when it is unnecessary? These people knew in advance that this would be a terrible storm. They stayed for childish reasons like pride or for a thrill.

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