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What are you guys seein. Because I'm not seeing it. An observation.

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posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:46 PM
I'm talking about news sources here. Liberals cast Fox as biased and conservatives claim the rest are liberal. Well, I watched the DNC last night on Fox, very well done and balanced imo. CNN could have been the same without Carville. HE SUCKED LARGE!!!

So my question is, do you all listen to everything that's said or just get bent out of shape on certain things and that's it, I don't want to hear anymore?

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Ok Intrepid, what happened?
It's not like you to yell at us like that.

Do you want to share about what's really bothering you? Come on, let's have it, what did SHE do now?

As far as the coverage, to tell you the truth, I just won't watch it.
I'll watch the speeches and make up my own mind about what I saw and heard.
I don't really need play by play or a "breakdown" analysis of a soliloquy to understand and be pointed towards what was meant and/or achieved.
Does anyone?

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog
Ok Intrepid, what happened?
It's not like you to yell at us like that.

Do you want to share about what's really bothering you? Come on, let's have it, what did SHE do now?

Not yelling. The Blue Jays were kicking butt last night so I checked out the convention. Going in I was expecting this media bias and there was little.

As far as the coverage, to tell you the truth, I just won't watch it.
I'll watch the speeches and make up my own mind about what I saw and heard.
I don't really need play by play or a "breakdown" analysis of a soliloquy to understand and be pointed towards what was meant and/or achieved.

Me neither. I was just testing what I read here and didn't see it.

Does anyone?

Have you looked around this forum?

Edit: With the exception of Carville. I wanted to puke.

[edit on 27-8-2008 by intrepid]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 05:01 PM
I watched the DNC coverage on PBS, that way I can avoid the biased propaganda from either side of the fence.

No commentary, just event coverage.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 05:07 PM
Hiyah Intrepid

I think if you want to get the "full picture" or "full bias" effect you have to flip between all the news stations during an event like this, and it's actually fun to watch the individual slant, if you will, of all of them

I liken it to listening to the now defunct "Air America" which I did, to get their slant on I listen to other slants, the conservatives and their talk shows...etc.

I remember hearing Rush Limbaugh, who literally makes me gag, I can't stand that guy, but he was reporting on Air America going belly up at least 6 or 9 months before it did...and I remember mentioning that to my sis-in-law who's very liberal and only watches and listens to media with a very liberal slant telling me "Oh PUHLEASE did you get that on Fox news? It's TOTALLY not true Air America is THRIVING." Which I knew it wasn't
and trust me, not because Rush said so, I dug around and found that they couldn't get advertisers to save their lives...that they had to rely on individual private donations to even stay afloat as long as they did.

So the moral of the story is...the story may be wrapped in the trappings of either factions propaganda, but in both sides there may be occasional nuggets of truth that you have to ferret out

[edit on 27-8-2008 by LateApexer313]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by BlackOps719

I watched the DNC coverage on PBS, that way I can avoid the biased propaganda from either side of the fence.

No commentary, just event coverage.

Me too... IF you are looking for straight up coverage PBS is the way to go!

I watch fox every now and then to keep in "THAT" loop...
Fox can be very subtle and very obvious at times.
MSNBC is biased as well in the other direction.

The distinction is that I believe FOX acts in concert and is much more message driven.

MSNBC seems to be much more nuanced and segmented opinion wise...

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 10:25 PM
I watch all of the networks and there is obvious bias on most of them. Fox is dominated by commentary rather than real newspeople. They feature liberals but the ones that they put on are very weak. MSNBC is the same as FOX but from the opposite side of the political spectrum. CNN is close to neutral, they report whatever they think will increase the ratings. I flip around when I want to get different viewpoints.
I listen to KNX 1070 radio in Los angeles, the only non-biased news source that I know of.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by LateApexer313

Agree. I revel in the bias. It creates a mean observation within context of political dogma. I absolutely LOVE it. We've been out of the U.S. too long to vote, but I really enjoy the quirkiness. I had thought the Queen was likely to cause a coup. Guess I was wrong.

I'm about to go into Nostradamus mode, wherein all things are a portent of something else. Meanwhile, Gustav is bearing down [possibly] on our wee little island. Hey, we're ready, why not bouce around the political arena?

I was doing the same thing this morning..... channel flip juxtaposition. I expect any day now that Senator Obama will hint that Senator McCain is REALLY a reptoid.

It COULD happen. It's Denver, after all.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by argentus
reply to post by LateApexer313

I expect any day now that Senator Obama will hint that Senator McCain is REALLY a reptoid.

It COULD happen. It's Denver, after all.

I like to check out the chit chat on the other networks even though it is usually just partisan spin. It helps to figure out what the major attacks to come will be, always good to keep up on what the critics are squawking about.

Not to be mean or attack John Mccain and his wife too harshly, but your quote above made me laugh.

Is it just me, or is Cindy Mccain not the most reptilian like human being you have ever seen?

I always wrote off that whole reptilian angle as nonsense, but if that woman was any more lizard like she would be catching & eating flies from across the room.

Kinda creepy.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
I'm talking about news sources here. Liberals cast Fox as biased and conservatives claim the rest are liberal. Well, I watched the DNC last night on Fox, very well done and balanced imo. CNN could have been the same without Carville. HE SUCKED LARGE!!!

So my question is, do you all listen to everything that's said or just get bent out of shape on certain things and that's it, I don't want to hear anymore?

Ive been following CNN for 6 months.Its been alot better the last 2 months at least.More balanced so i have no idea what some other kooks out there are talking about.Ive been watching the DNC too.Seems balanced to me.They got both sides represented and plan to do the same with the RNC.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 08:10 AM
I flip around to all the channels including CSPAN. I don't get too upset at anything I hear. I realize it's all part of the show.


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