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Bin Laden and Bush Work Together

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posted on Mar, 16 2004 @ 11:15 AM
Those in the "west" or anywhere around the world for that matter should take heed of the following article. It is written by Henry Makow who is a Ph.D at the University of Toronto in Canada.

This will further support the idea that the WTC attacks were financed by the ruling elite and Illuminati. The article states that Bin Laden is nothing but a figurehead responsible for the WTC attacks and that he is not the mastermind.

The article goes on to state that the Muslim Brotherhood is nothing but a secret Freemason order headquartered in London, England.

I am further intrigued by the actions of the Illuminati and how easily they deceive the masses, but they can never deceive myself.

I urge those of us who wish to be free of the coming tyranny of the global fascist state to not be deceived by your government and conventional mass media.

This is a must read. Deny ignorance.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 05:26 AM
I'm just read over this guys website. I have never heard of Henry Makow before but his articles and website seem to be a hate website in disguise. He basically proclaims that homosexuals and feminists are to blame for all the worlds problems including terrorism and that the holocaust never happened. I also could not find anything on this guys website that lists his credentials. The information that I could find was that he invented a board game, wrote a book about going to the Philippines to find a young wife, and got a PhD from the University of Toronto.

Henry Makow was teaching English at the University of Winnipeg until he was removed.

Information from Canada National Post:

Mr. Makow, the 52-year-old inventor of the board game Scruples, was dismissed in 2000 from his job as an English lecturer at the University of Winnipeg. He was accused of professional misconduct with young female students. In particular, he was accused of leading sexually charged discussions in his class and outside of it, and of espousing his theory that women should go back to their traditional roles in society.

�students testified that Mr. Makow argued loudly in class, intimidating students, that he spoke too frequently about sex and that he once made disparaging comments about the dress of religious Jews and Muslims. He also bragged, some said, that he beat his former girlfriend.

"This case is about the ramblings of a fellow who was his own worst enemy. His problems have nothing to do with The Winnipeg Sun or, in the most ridiculous and preposterous proposition of all, feminism," Mr. Tapper said. "I call him the product of sick thinking."

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 08:25 PM
I'm pretty sure Henry Makow may have his "bad" points zeroed-in on by the mass media, but I think it's because he offers the truth that is hard for us to swallow. I'm referring to the article itself, and not to his entire website.

Just concentrate on his article and you'll see what the evidence is for the plot of the terror groups and Bush to serve the same master.

Besides, if you want to point out Henry Makow's "bad" points, we could do the same with George W. Bush, but we don't need to go there, as many may know he is a practicing satanist hell-bent of pushing the NWO.

I still think this is a good article on the real issues involved with what is going on behind the scenes to deceive the masses, but it's your choice to find the truth.

I wouldn't discredit his writings because you think it's a "hate website in disguise". Anyway, as the saying goes, "you can only be shown the door, but it is you that has to walk through it."

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 09:17 PM
...that is all, no proof, just a theory. Not a single fact to back that up. Apparently that man is angry at society so hes making accusations.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 09:34 PM
If you are a staunch anti-NWO opponent, the best thing you can do would be to leave the country. The coming election matters not. People like to use president Bush as a whipping boy for their paranoia, but the people you subconciously fear are the ones with their hands up the back of both Bush and Kerry.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 09:49 PM
No George Bush is NOT working with osama. He may have captured him and there are two reasons why he may not say it. Number one he could anounce osama's capture for political gainor number 2 he dosn't want the terriost organizations to get more angry because we caputured their leader. When it comes to working together it means he is in some using him for strategic purposes.

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 08:10 PM

the best thing you can do would be to leave the country
It does not matter if somebody tries to leave a country because no matter where you go, the NWO is unleashing its power against all nations of the world. It is happening at such an alarming rate. The attack of Afghanistan, then Iraq was very quick, swift and brutal. I'm pretty sure there are other countries that are on the 'demonizing' list for the NWO parties.

Also, people are giving their freedoms away to the elite NWO supporters to fight fake terror groups who have not even struck the North American continent since the WTC attack on Sept. 11/2001. Are you sure it was Osama who masterminded perfectly from a cave?

No George Bush is NOT working with osama
Yes, the dictators of the United States of Amnesia have worked with Osama, just ask the beloved CIA. If "they" catch Osama, do you think terrorism will stop? I don't think so, maybe it will once we are turned into virtual slaves with microchips underneath our skin.

If "they" catch Osama, they will probably just invent someone else to figurehead another fake terror group or invent another problem.

Anyway, I'd rather not sleep on these tough times but I'd rather be aware on what is happening underneath what is reported by CNN/CIA.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 11:00 PM
In "Bin Laden, Bush Serve the Same Master"; it said:

"There is even a provision in the Homeland Security Act against whistle blowers. Why? Another provision allows mandatory vaccinations while giving vaccine manufacturers immunity from prosecution. Why? The "Total Information Awareness" program will "red flag" troublemakers by monitoring all personal communications and financial transactions, even your library records. You didn't attack the WTC. Why are you targeted?"

I am not quite sure the meaning of this section, can you explain it to me, thank you!

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 08:04 AM
Osama was in the United States under the alias "Tim Osman" in the 1980s collecting military hardware and training with the CIA as a mujahadeen resistance fighter against the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. (see

It was about this same time that our current President founded Arbusto Energy Corp. with Osama's older brother, Salem Bin Laden. Come on folks...what are the odds at random with over 6,000,000,000 people on this planet that the Bin Laden and Bush families had all these inter-connections and now they are arch-enemies??? The odds are astronomical!!

Don't you remember Dick Clark admitting we flew all of these Bin Laden family members out of the US shortly after 911...AND WHILE NO ONE ELSE WAS ALLOWED TO FLY?!?

Don't you remember all of the media build-up on this guy in the 2-3 years before 9/11?? Come on people--WAKE UP!!! He is a CIA operative. If he is "captured" it will only be to be retired with a clean-shaven face and a nose job so he can head off to the Caribbean to sip mint julpes with Timothy McVeigh...their last "major terrorist." (WLX radio reported that McVeigh was still breathing after pronounced "dead" BTW)

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 08:22 AM
For those of you who haven't seen it, the BBC Documentary by Gregg Palast, "Bush Family Fortunes" describes, IN DETAIL, the link between the Bush Family and not only Bin Laden, but the Saudi Royal Family as well (which is why attention is always drawn away from them).

Here is the link, it is, most certainly a MUST SEE for EVERYONE:

In short, it shows how, before G.W. Bush ran for governor of Texas, he tried his hand at the oil business. He had a startup company, and one of his major investors was THE BIN LADEN FAMILY. Now, why would Osama Bin Laden be so angry with the United States, hmm? I suppose because (quoting from documentary): "If Bush was successful in the oil business, he'd still be in it."

Is it possible G.W. f***ed up OBL's money, and that's what started the problems between them? hmm. A client turned enemy...

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by mepatriot
Osama was in the United States under the alias "Tim Osman" in the 1980s collecting military hardware and training with the CIA as a mujahadeen resistance fighter against the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. (see

You know how immensely funny that is, because I DISTINCTLY remember hearing George Tenet say, "yes we did train some afghani's, but we did NOT train Osama Bin Laden"

This was March 24th, at the 9/11 Hearings.

Don't you remember Dick Clark admitting we flew all of these Bin Laden family members out of the US shortly after 911...AND WHILE NO ONE ELSE WAS ALLOWED TO FLY?!?

I didn't hear Richard Clark proclaim it, but I'd heard that only a week or two after 9/11, on many news stations. I also heard, in the afforementioned BBC documentary, that the FBI was investigating certain Al Qaeda terror cells in the U.S. and was barred from continuing that investigation only weeks before 9/11.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 08:42 AM
..yea and John O'Neill...the FBI's top counter-terrorism expert who quit weeks before the attacks because he was so disgusted that his agents were told to "lay-off the Bin Laden's" died at his desk on the first day of work (9-11-01) at his new job as CHIEF OF SECURITY FOR THE WTC COMPLEX...another coinicidence, eh??

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by shih
I am not quite sure the meaning of this section, can you explain it to me, thank you!
It means people are losing fundamental freedoms and having their privacy infringed upon.

All the information posted before this one is good to outline just how deep the rabbit hole goes-all the way up the current President/CEO George W. Bush who has his 'ties' to Osama.

I still think that people need to realize that these major happenings in the world and more importantly in our own countries like 9/11 are masterminded within their own Governments. Sometimes the 'red pill' is hard to swallow, but the 'blue pill' is what will eventually lead us to our demise under the global manipulators.

[Edited on 26-3-2004 by IMMORTAL]

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by mepatriot
Osama was in the United States under the alias "Tim Osman" in the 1980s collecting military hardware and training with the CIA as a mujahadeen resistance fighter against the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. (see

It was about this same time that our current President founded Arbusto Energy Corp. with Osama's older brother, Salem Bin Laden. Come on folks...what are the odds at random with over 6,000,000,000 people on this planet that the Bin Laden and Bush families had all these inter-connections and now they are arch-enemies??? The odds are astronomical!!

Don't you remember Dick Clark admitting we flew all of these Bin Laden family members out of the US shortly after 911...AND WHILE NO ONE ELSE WAS ALLOWED TO FLY?!?

Don't you remember all of the media build-up on this guy in the 2-3 years before 9/11?? Come on people--WAKE UP!!! He is a CIA operative. If he is "captured" it will only be to be retired with a clean-shaven face and a nose job so he can head off to the Caribbean to sip mint julpes with Timothy McVeigh...their last "major terrorist." (WLX radio reported that McVeigh was still breathing after pronounced "dead" BTW)

The Bin Laden family has been a huge world-wide construstion empire for 40 years plus. The Bin Ladens are to construction as the Hilton's are to hotels.

Osama has something along the lines of 30+ brothers and sisters. Now add in neice's/nephews and grandkids and the family takes on huge proportions by western standards. Osama has been estranged from the Bin Laden family for quite sometime. When Osama was expelled from Saudi Arabia, don't you think the Bin Laden family with all of it's power and influence could have reversed that if they wanted to?

Sounds like they wanted to wash their hands clean of the family wacko.

I am not defending or in full understanding of the Bush administration reason for allowing the Bin Ladens to fly out of the US, but most of the Bin Laden's don't like Osama's actions and don't want to be associated with him in anyway. Osama's neice lived right in downtown Manhattan when 9-11 occurred. Do you think that the family was pushing for that? Almost every family has a religious wacko in it, albiet to less extremes though.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 04:09 PM
I won't even dignify that thorough regurgitation of the establishment line with a reply.

I thought this was a site where people thought for themselves and read something besides the New York Times??

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by mepatriot
I won't even dignify that thorough regurgitation of the establishment line with a reply.

I thought this was a site where people thought for themselves and read something besides the New York Times??

Were you referring to my posting? If so, please elaborate.

[Edited on 29-3-2004 by Facefirst]

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by mepatriot
Osama was in the United States under the alias "Tim Osman" in the 1980s collecting military hardware and training with the CIA as a mujahadeen resistance fighter against the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. (see

It was about this same time that our current President founded Arbusto Energy Corp. with Osama's older brother, Salem Bin Laden. Come on folks...what are the odds at random with over 6,000,000,000 people on this planet that the Bin Laden and Bush families had all these inter-connections and now they are arch-enemies??? The odds are astronomical!!

Don't you remember Dick Clark admitting we flew all of these Bin Laden family members out of the US shortly after 911...AND WHILE NO ONE ELSE WAS ALLOWED TO FLY?!?

Don't you remember all of the media build-up on this guy in the 2-3 years before 9/11?? Come on people--WAKE UP!!! He is a CIA operative. If he is "captured" it will only be to be retired with a clean-shaven face and a nose job so he can head off to the Caribbean to sip mint julpes with Timothy McVeigh...their last "major terrorist." (WLX radio reported that McVeigh was still breathing after pronounced "dead" BTW)

Excellent points, Megapatriot!

You're exactly right.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 12:44 AM
kill bin laden. expose bush. obliberate the bin laden family. and get rid of hamas. with no sympathy for israel. warfare will never end. the absence of war. does NOT bring peace. whisper, with blood.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by topsecretombomb
kill bin laden. expose bush. obliberate the bin laden family. and get rid of hamas. with no sympathy for israel. warfare will never end. the absence of war. does NOT bring peace. whisper, with blood.
I like to think that someday there will be no more need for unjust wars and that humanity will unite under one common bond for peace, forever destroying the imaginary boundaries between people's minds.

These wars and unjust terrorist acts, whoever they are perpetrated and funded by, affects every person on this planet, whether through loss of freedoms or death.
Until people start to think about what is happening around them, the sleeping masses will forever be at the mercy of the evil cabal that runs all types of unnecessary bloodshed against innocent lives for their ends.

posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 02:18 AM
do YOU really think drugs feed terrorism? do you really believe the us needs COCAINE the way many people believe it does? isnt it the tea cup of our dear country?

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