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Lindsey Williams: 'The Energy Non-Crisis

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posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:52 AM
Here is a link to free download of all 20 chapters.

You may just find it an interesting and informative read.

I am not saying every or anything is correct, i ask you read it and decide for yourself.

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 7/8/2008 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:27 PM
This is incredible. We now know it is true, as gas prices push $4 a gallon and his speech was in October of 2007.

Here is the video of the actual speech:

This is really scary. In a brief summary, there is as much or more oil in Prudoe Bay under Gull Island off the North Slope of Alaska than there is in any other oil producing country in the world.

The main reason gas is $4 a gallon isn't because of the bull# media propaganda excuse that we have finally reached Peak Oil (a term used to describe a period in time predicted that most top layer oil in the world would be depleted) but because a a secret treaty has been signed by most of the major oil producing countries of the world and the United States.

This treaty (proposed by Henry Kissinger in the 1960's) basically states that the U.S. promises to ONLY buy oil from these countries (mostly countries involved with OPEC) (thus making them rich), but ONLY if these countries follow two simple rules: 1). They denominate all oil sales in American dollars (not Euros, not Yen, etc..) and 2). They use a percentage of the profits they make to buy our National Debt. Two countries wouldn't sign on the dotted line. Those two countries are.... (drum roll please!) SURPRISE! Iraq and.... Iran. Hmmm... Interesting! Now all over the news Iran all of the sudden has NUKES!

So guess who is paying our National Debt because of these two countries?.... Drum roll again please.... WE ARE AT THE GAS PUMP! Why doesn't this reach the news? Because its the only thing keeping our dollar afloat and would crash our economy! Not to mention major stock holders in these companies such as the IMF World Bank (owned by non-other: the Rothschilds) make trillions of dollars out of the deal.

So to my understanding, and according to Lindsey Williams there it is in a nutshell.

[edit on 7-8-2008 by Lazer]


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