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---> UFOs may actually be Top Secret UAVs!

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posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 04:42 AM
The Government and Anonymous posters are on a drive to convince UFO spotters that what they saw were balloons or chinese lanterns.

What I saw was NOT a chinese lantern and the recent UFO report of police chasing a UFO in their helicopter until their fuel ran low does not support their theory.

I believe these things are one of the following:

1. Government UAVs based on advancements made on the Vrill German Disc craft technology

2. Unknown creatures

3. Vehicles of unknown creatures

I personally think it's number one because the government do NOT react in the way it should to UNKNOWN aircraft. Furthermore, they need to be called 'UFOs' because they can't disclose details (or are unable to) to gain certification for flights.

Read the most recent UK MoD UFO report - It clearly gives advice to pilots when encountering them which is to keep them at AFT position and move away!

What do you think?

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by Jinni
1. Government UAVs based on advancements made on the Vrill German Disc craft technology

A strange claim, since the supposed German "fuerball" would tend to match more sightings of glowing lights instead of the rather big and crewed Vril.

Of course it could be a UAV, but why based on just that type of technology?

[edit on 28-6-2008 by merka]

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 05:56 AM
You are on the right track. Keep going. Anti-grav technology has come much farther than you think.
The only thing green about the men flying around in "UFO's" would be the newbies who just aren't used to it yet. That's when you get crashes.
When you get planes and whirlybirds following them, it's either an escort because they are ours..
or an escort OUT because they are not.
The US is NOT the only country with technology.

Follow the yellow brick road....

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 06:05 AM
Some are for sure, and I also think there is space fauna and living spacecraft, using a propulsion system of free energy (in the vacuum of space) that they breath. Just as a turtle has a hard protective shell, they don't have to be always jellyfish soft and, with a "host" piloting, it is just the same as a human riding a wild horse. Much to complicated for any official disclosure!!

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Jinni

Yep!!! I am with you but dont forget the old swamp gas and balloons? Lol

I hate skeptics!

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 10:18 AM
On the issue of the UAV thing, the reported UFOs over Iran a few years ago were nothing more than US military intelligence (and maybe some CIA) UAVs conducting intel gathering missions for possible future special forces missions.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 01:15 PM
I am pretty certain some are. Especially the traditional saucer craft that have been so prevelant through the UFO community. However.. there are many unexplainable objects that are NOT UAV's also.

I think the government have been using the saucer craft for sometime now.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 01:34 PM
If they are top secret government UAV's then why the h*ll are they flying them over populated areas and near police helicopters? If we have such advanced UAV's I would think their navigation systems would be very advanced and be able to avoid sketchy situations.

I lean toward a mixture of human UAV's and alien craft. I think the alien crafts have more close up interaction with humans and do strange things. Most of the UAV's are dots far up in the sky doing surveillance.

IMO a mixture of human and alien UFO-type craft makes it harder for the general public to tell the difference and makes the U.S. Military/Government that much less likely to ever disclose the fact that aliens are visiting/observing Earth. That is until they make themselves known in a big way, then the military/gov. will have egg all over their face.

[edit on 28-6-2008 by ufo reality]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:19 PM
Towards the end of World War 2 many German scientists that were once working on the flying disc projects were captured by the Americans and Russians.

It is well known and documented that the craft they worked on looked like the classic UFOs we know of and did work off a different propulsion.

The propulsion system seems to exploit energies at the electron level hence many call this an Ionic Propulsion system.

That was 50 years ago when they HAD the technology.

50 years on you can only imagine how much they have built upon this German Nazi technology.

Why do they behave like beings? Simple answer is AI (artificial intelligence). One major advancement since the 1940's is the use of computers and AI algorithms. The craft -have- to unmanned to perform as required. If you remember, Andreas Epp worked on the control system but it would have been extremely difficult to control a craft with such flight characteristics.

Why are they flying all over the place in plain view you ask? Because they are being used today. Remember that the secrets act typically keep technology hidden for 50 years. It is about that time now. God only knows what other stuff they have now...

Here's a video I found:" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">

A lot of info on German 'UFO' tech is public domain already.

To cut a long story short - give me $1 million and I'll give you a flying disc. Give me $50 and I can produce a small demonstrator. If I can do it what do you think the government can do?

I hate to disappoint those thinking they are flown by aliens. BUT bear in mind that the average Tom, Dick and Harry do not know hidden technological human advancements. If they did, well, it plain to see....

Any questions?

P.S. One of the side effects of an ionic propulsion system is the emission of photons - this is why you see them glow.They are also always unpainted to allow + and - charge ions to more easily form.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Jinni]

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Jinni]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:35 PM
Why would any government who wants to keep a piece of technology secret fly it over populated areas where the objects can be seen and filmed?

If you want to consider each UFO report akin to a foreign spy intrusion, why don't the victim nations speak up and denounce these spy intrusions by other countries? I haven't heard of any government issuing watches or warnings to their citizens regarding intrusions by foreign government UAVs either.

These factors alone convince me that most UFOs are not terrestrial technology.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by Jinni

I am just trying to work out what ion propulsion has to do with nazi disc aircraft.

Any ideas ?

edit to embed your video for you

This is not exactly a convincing video as it is a collection of images and animations with no commentry to explain what they depict, one or two I recognise and can be authenticated the rest are pictures that have been knocking about the internet for years and like all anomalous photos no one seems to be able to vouch for their provenance.

Still it is nice to see old gridkeeper was impressed he left a comment to that effect on youtube.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by sherpa]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Frith
Why would any government who wants to keep a piece of technology secret fly it over populated areas where the objects can be seen and filmed?

Because it is not as secret anymore (notice the 50 years discussion in my post). They need to fly these things in real world environments that includes over populated areas and through airline flight routes. This is for the purpose of evaluation, testing and actual USE (recon).

If you want to consider each UFO report akin to a foreign spy intrusion, why don't the victim nations speak up and denounce these spy intrusions by other countries? I haven't heard of any government issuing watches or warnings to their citizens regarding intrusions by foreign government UAVs either.

Many European and Western governments are hand in hand. When they fly over asia\ africa then those governments don't have a clue or don't have the resources to address this issue.

I remember Russia and UK in a rift over violation of airspace recently. It is well known that these UAVs are operating in Pakistan and there is a lot of public anger about it. No support from the government though.

These factors alone convince me that most UFOs are not terrestrial technology.

No comment.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by sherpa
reply to post by Jinni

I am just trying to work out what ion propulsion has to do with nazi disc aircraft.

Any ideas ?

Because such a propulsion system is detailed in some of their plans for their disc shaped aircraft.

One of the most simplest yet suppressed technology ever!

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Jinni

Because such a propulsion system is detailed in some of their plans for their disc shaped aircraft.

I have not seen that could you give me a link.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:47 PM
The video is not EVIDENCE on any scale whatsoever and was not intended to be so.

There is a wealth of documents available on the web about UFO designs, plans and technology. Do search and gather your own evidence.

Every UFO hunter should be aware of this. Then maybe we'll stop pointing fingers at aliens but instead ourselves.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Jinni
Many European and Western governments are hand in hand. When they fly over asia\ africa then those governments don't have a clue or don't have the resources to address this issue.

I remember Russia and UK in a rift over violation of airspace recently. It is well known that these UAVs are operating in Pakistan and there is a lot of public anger about it. No support from the government though.

You would think that now, 61 years after the Roswell incident, that these same governments would have some clue as to the various UAVs flying over their territories for over six decades and issued reports to their citizens to be on the lookout and report these airspace violations so as to take proper foreign policy actions against the intruding nations. It just isn't happening.

There isn't a logical reason for the governments of the world to remain silent on UFOs unless they're not man made. Its been far too long since the first reports were made to consider some prosaic explanation for this phenomenon that continues to occur.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Frith]

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 06:00 AM
Anti gravity was known about in early 20th century and was 'mastered' in the 1950's and '60s. The early designs were just flying tesla coils (toroidals in a magnetic bottle configuration). Its just basic engineering knowledge.

I'm currently building my second Tesla coil and can post pictures of the interesting things that you can do with them (no rude comments!).


posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by Frith

Originally posted by Jinni
Many European and Western governments are hand in hand. When they fly over asia\ africa then those governments don't have a clue or don't have the resources to address this issue.

I remember Russia and UK in a rift over violation of airspace recently. It is well known that these UAVs are operating in Pakistan and there is a lot of public anger about it. No support from the government though.

You would think that now, 61 years after the Roswell incident, that these same governments would have some clue as to the various UAVs flying over their territories for over six decades and issued reports to their citizens to be on the lookout and report these airspace violations so as to take proper foreign policy actions against the intruding nations. It just isn't happening.

There isn't a logical reason for the governments of the world to remain silent on UFOs unless they're not man made. Its been far too long since the first reports were made to consider some prosaic explanation for this phenomenon that continues to occur.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Frith]

Look mate. Most of the UAVs we see are ours. What makes you think the government don't know what these UFOs are? They don't react tlike they are a threat at all! Why? because they know what they are - it's their own!

Getting citizens to look out for UFO is general practice and it is against violation of airspace by enemy aircraft. Simple. The aliens we are talking about are from another country not another planet. As I said relations between UK and RUSSIA are now VERY frosty because of the violation! So it IS happening.

There are MANY logical reasons why the government remains silent. Firstly, the UAV propulsion system could REVOLUTIONISE civilian and ground travel. Imagine what that would do to the oil business! Secondly, they can't disclose the UAV because there is no certification for it so by law they are no allowed to fly them. Etc etc. LOTS OF COMPELLING REASONS.

Since governments don't act and we have reporting over 60 years you think they are extra-terrestrial aliens?!? That a naive assumption to say the least!

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 02:57 PM
actually ufo sightings go even further back in time

15th century


as well as many other civilizations

[edit on 25-7-2008 by Aron1138]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Aron1138
actually ufo sightings go even further back in time

15th century


as well as many other civilizations

[edit on 25-7-2008 by Aron1138]

The first image is the painting of Painting of The Madonna and St John, attributed to Fra Filippo Lippi (1406-1469). The painting is authentic and the object in the background is most certainly a strange object. That is why the boy and the dog are looking up at it.

I would like to add that I believe it is possible for MAN to develop such a craft using the technology of today (without the use of jet turbines but novel propulsion systems). The possiblilities to explain the UFO are as follows;

+ There was an advanced party at the time that created such a device during the time.
+ The object is inspired by some of the works of the day - perhaps DiVinci.
+ The object is of inter dimensional or inter-planetary origin and has been visiting for thousands of years.
+ The object\UFO are manifestations of Jinns (which would better fit the context of the painting)
+ The painter saw the UFO in a dream (time travel of information)

Overall, I don't know what the answer is.

For the first Egyptian pic of the Alien grey:

+ The wall painting may have been edited recently to reflect the modern Alien Grey creature.
+ The wall painting represents an actual 'alien' or manifestation of the Jinn.
+ The picture is of another object.

I believe it is actually a vase. See


For the final pic of the helicopter and other aircraft:

+ They may depict modern day aircraft from premonitions.
+ The Hieroglyphs may be eroded of another more meaningful message.

According to this link:

The glyphs are actually eroded and re-edited ones that happen to look like helicopter. When you see the original they actually say

"The one of the Two Ladies, who suppresses the nine foreign countries."

So overall, the Madonna painting is truly confusing but I believe that the UFOs are still man made.

[edit on 26-7-2008 by Jinni]

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