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NWO? Worldwide rail and fuel network planned since WWII

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posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 08:47 PM
I stumbled across THIS website quite randomly, a lot of the people involved and some of the articles mentioned are quite significant to us here at ATS.

The main outlined project that caught my attention was worldwide rail and gas pipeline network that would make land transport of fuels and freight and people a simple and much more affordable prospect.

Link to the Intercontinental rail network outline

The other aspect behind it is that as tunnels are built the areas will be mined for gold and other precious metals and fuels.

I can see a number of global, political and ethical issues arising with this project that need to be addressed.

And it puts a whole new outlook on the control of land around the world and international relations would need to be finely tuned to make this massive project viable.

I wonder if any or even all of the past NWO controlled events have anything to do with the planning of this one world transport system.

The website in question is the Schiller Institute which covers a multitude of articles from MKultra to current drugs and warfare issues and this quote is from the site:

The Schiller Institute is working around the world to defend the rights of all humanity to progress --material, moral and intellectual. It is named after Friedrich Schiller, the great 18th-century German poet and playwright, whose works have inspired republican opposition to oligarchic tyranny worldwide.

In America, the Institute, a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington, D.C., was founded in May 1984. The Schiller Institute is also established in Australia, Canada, Russia, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, and has a growing influence in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

I am in no way endorsing this site and I am not aware of any political agenda created by it, I simply found it intriguing.

Have a read and judge for yourself!

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by xSMOKING_GUNx

There has been talk of such a grand system since at least the 1860s, and in all that time such talk is just that, talk.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by chromatico
reply to post by xSMOKING_GUNx

There has been talk of such a grand system since at least the 1860s, and in all that time such talk is just that, talk.

I was hoping that you might have a link or two for me?

This, I would think, has to be the largest global project to ever be considered throughout all time and could have a major war/peace significance.

It does'nt seem like a half baked dream to me, there is a group of people out there with enough influence and finance to put plans together to make it a reality.

I want to soak some more information in to my sponge if anyone has a tip or two.

Regards S_G

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