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God wants you to die!

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posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 05:26 AM
Hello all, Jedimiller here.

Now, I know what you are all thinking. Man, just another crazy thread from jedimiller. Right? Well, perhaps not. See, God loves you, but God also wants you to die. This is a scientific fact.

God doesn't want you to live forever. Therefore, he created microbes, viruses, bacterias, diseases, etc. And these microscopic beings are there to kill you and deconstruct your body. And if you believe that god created you then you must believe that god created those viruses to attack you. And that there's a reason for everything. Everyday, you are at war with yourself, your own body and in a way are fighting god's wants.

But you ask. Why is god so evil and why does he hate me? He doesn't. He just doesn't want anyone to live forever. To give others a chance. God has to create these diseases and dangers in order to keep us in check. think of it like a president running only for 2 terms. Or others voting him out. So now you ask. Hey I don't want to die, because I'm afraid. Well think of it this way, maybe dying is not a bad thing, but a good thing, because god wants it that way.

You can pray, but god wants you to die.
You can go to the doctor, but god wants you to die.
You can have medication, but god wants you to die.
You can have surgery, but god wants you to die.
You can join a religion, but god wants you to die.


posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

Ehhh...Maybe i'm a little paranoid, but frist a post that we should destroy our current civilization, now post saying that dying is actualy good .....

I agree that we are definetly not "designed" to live forever, even without semi-hostile enviroment. It will be a punishment rather then blessing.
I just don't want to die before i should . No need to speed the process up......Birds are singing, sun is shining,trees are green, love , kids : those kind of things might be worth living for a while at least ,don't you think?

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
I agree that we are definetly not "designed" to live forever, even without semi-hostile enviroment. It will be a punishment rather then blessing.
I just don't want to die before i should . No need to speed the process up......

True, and you bring up a good point. About my "destroy everything" thread. We, as humans are recycled too, but that happens because of god's master plan. Our own bodies are doing a great job at killing us. cancer for example is working hard out there to kill us. but our junk, like cities and bridges and cars, who's destroying those? who's recycling those materials things? Mother earth should be doing that, but the job of viruses, bacteria, disease is to kill us. I give it, we live a little longer, but I think god wanted us dead because he created those threats. hope this helps.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 06:35 AM
Excuse me for saying so, but if "God" wanted us all to die..
Why go through the process of giving us all life in the first place and then creating viruses etc to make us ill?
Seems a little redundant now doesn't it?
Is God really not that smart? Got too much time on his hands?
Wouldn't it be easier to just release the Seven Deadly Plagues on us and be done with it?

To create life just to destroy it is somewhat counter-productive wouldn't you say?

There's some questions to ponder.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by AccessDenied

Is God really not that smart? Got too much time on his hands?
Wouldn't it be easier to just release the Seven Deadly Plagues on us and be done with it?

He doesn't want everyone to die at the same time. that would be stupid. he wants some to die slower than others so they can procreate and have a life. but knowing that they will die anyway. He also made sure the viruses and such passed down to the next generation. He's really a smart dude.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 09:00 AM
Surely God is getting tired of getting blamed for everything. When men look around, analyze and can find no answers, seemingly they do find confidence in directing the blame upon the creator, God.

Given the fact of what occurred in the Garden of Eden and the downfall of man that took place there, you have only one map to look at when analyzing the evidence all around you and that will lead you right back to the Garden of Eden for all the answers you may need.

If God wanted you to die, you'd done be dead!

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

If "God" wants me to die, then "God" should be quick about it and get it done already!

Because if there's anything I hate in this world it's being made to wait in suspense! :bnghd:

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by jedimiller
See, God loves you, but God also wants you to die. This is a scientific fact.

He wants you to live, but in order to live one must die. The question is, will one die now or then? Dying then means an eternal lake of fire for a resting or should one say, living place.

Originally posted by jedimiller
God doesn't want you to live forever.

No it's his will that ALL MEN DO LIVE FOREVER WITH HIM. It's why he COMMANDS all men everywhere to repent.

Originally posted by jedimiller
Therefore, he created microbes, viruses, bacterias, diseases, etc. And these microscopic beings are there to kill you and deconstruct your body.

All these lovely bugs are the result of death. The absence of life. Same way with darkness, not being a thing itself but the absence of light.

Originally posted by jedimiller
And if you believe that god created you .....

Well dealing with this statement here will pretty much throw out everything else.

GOD didn't create you. Your father did. Your father's father created your father, and so on. All the way back to Adam.

Assuming you are a male, you have seed and the authority to plant those seed, that you may create a son or daughter in YOUR IMAGE, that YOU are responsible for the existence of.

GOD created ONE MAN and by that man sin entered into the world and THAT MAN procreated more men in his image. All of us being corrupt with sin.

We are created dead in sin. Meaning GOD's face is hidden from us. The only way to regain the connection to GOD is to be born again.

The flesh will still die, but if one is born again (not a term to be used lightly, because it is very much reality) and they continue with Jesus Christ. They will be with him forever.

[edit on 2-3-2008 by WiseSheep]

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by jedimiller

Originally posted by AccessDenied

Is God really not that smart? Got too much time on his hands?
Wouldn't it be easier to just release the Seven Deadly Plagues on us and be done with it?

He doesn't want everyone to die at the same time. that would be stupid. he wants some to die slower than others so they can procreate and have a life. but knowing that they will die anyway. He also made sure the viruses and such passed down to the next generation. He's really a smart dude.

I certainly agree so in one sense the revealing of all these dark little germs could potentially be the sign of a developing new life. If I could speculate a little through analogy and cut through all the annoying chatter the Virus itself is like God although it destroys it also creates through replication. Sort of like a shroud or wake which follows the initial emergence. We are getting closer it would seem to coming to a complete and perfected understanding of germs.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by Inverted_VaV

Ahahahahahaha!!!!! Love your avatar Inverted_VaV!

A new Star Child on the way?


posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
reply to post by Inverted_VaV

Ahahahahahaha!!!!! Love your avatar Inverted_VaV!

A new Star Child on the way?


Thank you very much. your is quite nice as well. Any thoughts on how to kill a germ? Or rather how to banish a germ which seems to be continually re - emergent? The answer that is screaming at me is to just let it go. That is quite peculiar? How does one let go of germ which is so firmly rooted in the bio-system? Must we love the germ, thereby forcing it into a form of submission or must we eradicate the germ. That kind of mirrors my earlier post about Destruction and Creation. To halves forming the whole each a valuable and dearly beloved part of the One. I suppose then persuant to the express desire of the Virus that death is the only means to prevent further proliferation of it itself. Yet would the Virus form a resistance? Are their other germs which could literally destroy the Virus by causing it to not function in its destined manner? It would seem that the Virus must stay for the time being. Don't even ask me how the subject got here, speaking of germs Mr. Dstrbr
Any ideas about this. j/k

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Inverted_VaV
Don't even ask me how the subject got here, speaking of germs Mr. Dstrbr
Any ideas about this. j/k

HEY, that's "Sh## Disturber" to you, my friend!

Anyway, Inverted, you raise many questions for which I do not have the answers.

Sex and Death, the twin forces of Creation and Destruction, you are insightful indeed. Do we try to fight the forces and processes of Death and Destruction, or do we accept them as part of the natural cycle of existence?

I can only say that these forces are at work in my own life, in extreme ways!

On the one hand I am compelled to Create, to pass on what I have learned.

But on the other hand, because of the strong connection to GOD in my family, I am compelled to take part in the battle for the freedom of humanity which is currently being waged. Which may of course lead to Death.

Which force will take prevalence? I do not know and cannot make that choice alone. The choice may even be made for me and against my will, I do not know. I can only leave it with GOD and trust the Lord to guide me, as is the tradition in my family.

Perhaps you should also look to GOD to find the answers you seek?

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 11:59 AM
I think I have through my many fits of blindness and profound insight come once again full circle to the only thing that makes sense - FREEDOM! Which is LOVE! It would seem that the only viral antagonist that afflicts me at the moment is FEAR of FREEDOM. However, in my great compassion, I am continually reminded of the truth that I never have to make a decision of myself. That I must learn how to surrender this smothering blanket uncertainty the master germ, if you will, which is called doubt.

There are so many souls which desire the truth and that truth has been made a lie by the very viral outbreak that has currently befallen me. Their is a light at the end of the tunnel however and I can see the radiance of it shining on me - it compels me to speak the truth in all things and it is all I know. The other day i was HQ and saw a bunch of lovely shining faces looking at me as if they were all waiting on me.

At that time I asked myself why hasn't conversion of the mind been completed? Self said because of fear. I then asked self, I have seen all the wonderful workings that you do and the glorious working of your hands and how they cannot be resisted or overthrown and the extraordinary power they possess, why are they not of comfort to this fear? Self says, because you lust for their power. Then asking self how does on not lust nor fear? Self says, you must love without distinction or device nor separation, holding yourself higher than non and desiring only to teach and share the this remarkable love you have known. I say to self, that is quite an easy thing to do for the word comes naturally to me. But their is one thing that I cannot reconcile and that is that the truth as some see it who know you is different from the word I have been given. Self says, worry not about others nor their thinking in relation to what you know. All tolerance and compromise are but mid-steps on the ladder which leads to ultimate truth. You knowing this are free to explain the relationship of the ladder and how all things and people are in transition upon it. You knowing the final end are free to teach and show each and every person how and where they are stationed. As well as offering the correct solution in thought to compel them towards truth. I thanked self and said goodbye.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Inverted_VaV
I think I have through my many fits of blindness and profound insight come once again full circle to the only thing that makes sense - FREEDOM! Which is LOVE!

Yes! Always, always act out of LOVE!

I must say though, your seeming desire to place your trust in "Self", and look to "Self" for answers and wisdom, and not GOD, worries me greatly. For in denying your connection to GOD, you are only cutting yourself off from the TRUE source of LOVE and wisdom!

It would seem that the only viral antagonist that afflicts me at the moment is FEAR of FREEDOM.

You are AFRAID because you have closed your heart away from GOD!

"Be not afraid.
I go before you, always
Come, follow me
And I will give you rest...."

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 01:18 PM
Jedi Miller, this is the most obvious thing ive ever read..

Of course, God even says so in the bible..

we die because of eves sin..... thats it..

we were supposed to live forever before the sin of eve...

but the fact is God does want us to live forever, thats what eternal salvation is, its in apocolypse...


posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by JesusisTruth

And now, perhaps, is the time to suggest to everyone that this may very well be the reason why God allows us to get ill. What happens to the human body when it conquers an illness? It builds antibodies that will be used to combat that particular strain of illness the next time it hits them.

Some particularly deadly strains of some very deadly illnesses will kill large numbers of people, but some will survive. Those will procreate another generation of people that are resistant to the previously encountered illnesses, which will make them better prepared for the ones that they will encounter.

Now, do you see what I do? I see God working it out so that we will again achieve the long lives that he took away from us so long ago.

Just my few pennies of wisdom..


posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by TheBorg

and if we look at it that way, while still acknowledging that there is a God, perhaps physical death is the souls way of building up tolerance just like our immune systems here on earth?
life AND death could be like the chicken pocks of the soul!

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by TheBorg

Seemingly so, what a wondrous revelation of truth that we should attain to the stature of the very highest as an indication of his great LOVE for us. Fearing not, ever, but always being courageous proponents of the truth. Developing through strength of mind, conviction in a love most sublime.

SUch a wise assimilation of truth have we gained of the years to which we have labored. Realizing that victory is assured and the subjugation of obstacles to the unrelenting force of success, has, as a necessary function of our innocence of endeavor proved invaluable in its institution. COME oh glorius God!

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