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HOW do you ascend????

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posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:01 PM
hey whats up peoples??? now i've been coming to this site for A LOOOOOONG time but i've never registered......basically i've read about it all, as far as ascending, the 2012 thing, etc....... but out of all the topics i've read, i've never read anything about how you are suppose to ascend............can i get some help with this???


posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:05 PM
are you trying to astral project/have an OOBE?

if so, this thread may be helpful

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:06 PM
or maybe this?

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:07 PM
Try this. I am and I seem to be making progress, but the road is hard sometimes.

1.FORGIVE: First you must forgive, or at least actively try to forgive, all those in your life who you feel have done harm to you. This is very challenging, but the trick seems to be in the way that we choose to look at those difficult experiences. Those who challenge us in our lives are often alerting us to lessons that we should take careful note of. When we become angry that is a very loud alarm signal that our fears are being confronted and we do not like it. Stop and look at the fear that has been unearthed by your anger, grab hold of it and do not let it go until you have analyzed it and understood what kind of effect it is having in your life. Dealing with your fear is absolutely crucial in this, since its resonance seems to stand in opposition to the vibrations of love.

2. LET YOUR EGO DISOLVE: Understand that your ego is a societal and cultural construct propped up by your limited five senses. When I talk about ego, I am not referring to love of the self (which is important). I am talking about the self-image that you maintain and calibrate in relation to others. Perhaps you believe that you are “smart,” you believe, maybe, that you are “wise,” maybe you believe that you are “quick to anger,” or that you are a talented businessman. All of these beliefs must be fed regularly with artificial mental constructs that are often times delusional—these beliefs are a bit like demanding mooches who will not get off your couch. The way to proceed (and caution is required…do not be too hard on yourself) is to actively challenge all of your beliefs until you are left with the most basic thing, or set of things. You know you are making progress if the process feel uncomfortable and a bit destabilizing.

3. ACT ON YOUR POSITIVE IMPULSES: Love requires action. Someone said that you know you have made a decision only when you back it up with action of one kind or another. Even in those moments when you feel nothing but contempt for the world, actions of love are still required, and seem actually to be even more effective. Call your estranged siblings (this is one of my big challenges). Give to a charity that means something to you. Hold the door for people. Force yourself to look the supermarket cashier in the eyes, and consider what her life might be like. Think of the child that she once was, and the old woman she will one day be. Imagine what she might be like as a mother, holding her baby and feeling powerful maternal love for the child—all of these thoughts should be background noise whenever you meet someone new. Give them a fair shot. In fact, give them more than a fair shot (this one took me a long time to figure out).

4. CARE ABOUT OTHERS AND HELP THEM: Be willing to subjugate your imagined, additonal needs to those of others. By this I do not mean not eating so that you can feed an unemployed friend. It means realistically determining what your needs are and then being willing to sacrifice all but that for others in great need.

5. RESERVE JUDGEMENT: There are times when it is crystal clear that someone is behaving in a cruel and thoughtless way. Child molesters are beyond redemption in my mind, but for the vast majority of humans, there is a rich panorama of back-information that we cannot understand or ever be aware of that drives their behavior. As such, we should never be quick to judge and condemn. Every judgment of another person must be made in full and complete awareness of who we are and what our faults are. This cannot be done, so we should be very careful. Reserving judgment takes discipline and work because we live in a society of quick judgments, but it has an amazing transformative power.

6. DON"T CONGRATULATE YOURSELF TOO MUCH FOR DOING WHAT YOU WERE SENT HERE TO DO: When you begin to make progress and feel the change in your life, do not begin to congratulate yourself too quickly. Never let you ego begin to sing the siren song of “you are great,” “you are an evolved human being, so much better than others.” Trust me when I say this line of thinking is nothing but poison, and it runs in the opposite direction of your progress. A positive and healthy self-image is very important, but it must be balanced against a equally positive and healthy image of the potential of humanity.

7. LOVE THE PLANeT: The planet must also be loved. The planet is here to teach us a series of great and important lessons, and the first of them is to learn to love it as our home and teacher. It is not possible to take the more advanced steps towards a state of living love without also recognizing that the planet is alive and as such very much deserving of out gratitude and deep affection.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:26 PM
I think the first step is to look inside yourself, and not to fear what you'll find. don't see yourself how you want to see yourself, but see yourself for who you truly are. You'll know you've done this when can see the bad as easily as the good, and either correct the bad or accept the bad, you'll be able to view the world much more clearly after you've done this. When you aren't ashamed of who you are, nothing anyone can say about you will embarrass you, because you are comfortable with yourself. You'll realize the most important opinion about yourself is your own. This doesn't mean you don't value others opinion, it's just that you're comfortable with who you are. judge for yourself if any criticism about you is valid. Question everything about yourself, don't assume your opinion's automatically right.

Then you move on to your perception of others. You likely have a bias for or against other people based on your own ego. Step outside of yourself and try and see these people's actions from their point of view. You can understand others a lot better when you realize why they do what they do. Instead of hating someone for being a certain way or doing a certain thing, understand why they might do those things. understand why what they do is not a bad thing to them, understand why it is a bad thing to you. Perhaps you'll find you were wrong for judging them, or perhaps you'll realize the error in their ways and can help correct their flawed mindset.

Try and see your own actions and their actions from an objective point of view, where your decisions aren't based upon your benefit, but are based upon what's right for all people involved in the situation.

[edit on 20-2-2008 by ThePiemaker]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 03:17 PM
I think PieMaker and Silenceisall said it best. You have to look inside of yourself. If you want to see some other people's experience you can visit my thread, there is some good info there,'

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Silenceisall

I got to say, this is a prety good recepie, Silenceisall.

Living life in that fation would go a long way to solving many of this earth's problems. Thanks for sharing.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:46 AM
Thanks Win. I am by no means an expert, but I'm pretty sure that is heading in the right direction.


I wanted to add one thing about this whole ascension thing. For me, whether there is going to be one or not should be besides the point. Living a better life that is more in tune with the universe should never be directed by fear. Fear of not being granted ascent is not a proper motive for changing your life. I would put it out of your mind, and look inwards.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by brickcitymatt

Ascension is ending the cycle of reincarnation and achieving unity with god. A lot of what is being labelled ascension here on ATS has more to do with simply becoming spiritually self-aware... perhaps the first step towards ascension.

A lot of people who seek ascension feel that the earth is a prison for their souls, a constraint on their spiritual freedom. They look for shortcuts to 'escape' the reincarnation cycle. These people end up despising the earth and its web of life. IMO this is the spiritual doctrine of the NWO.

Other seekers feel this dimension and planet is more of a kindergarten, a place to learn and grow before moving on, and for them ascension is a natural part of the process that will happen when the time is right. These people cherish and nurture the earth and its web of life so others may follow.

If you decide to actively seek ascension, you will need to figure out which of these philosophies suites u best.

The logical way to achieve ascension is to fulfil whatever purpose your spirit has for being in this dimension. It is for each individual to discover / decide for themself, and that is why they call you a 'seeker'. If you can at least become more spiritually-aware, then you are better able to pick up on the universe's little clues & signals. Life tends to steer you in the right direction if you 'go with the flow' of the universe.

New age cults awaiting some kind of a quick-fix 'Ascension event', whether it be a planet X or situation X etc, well, caveat emptor. Some groups feel that they have a virtual copyright on ascension (such as the great white brotherhood). This is not true the concept is as old as the hills, and present in just about every spiritual culture since the dawn of man.

It's late and I've glossed over a lot, but I hope that breaks it down somewhat.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:41 AM
thanx for the info guys....much appreciated

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