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A pill created to curb your conspirital beliefs!

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posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 01:58 AM
A pill can be made to correct your obsessive behavior.

Of course, such a pill would be proof that there is a conspiracy, right? Wrong.

The conspiracy theorist operates on the recognition that many things do not clearly link together on a causal chain (such as the fall of Rome, or ADHD), coupled with the belief they actually should, and the desire to find a link and rationalize it into the chain. For most, a paranoid feeling of persecution or victimization is also evident.

Normal people don't go chasing that belief and trying to fill in the gaps just for the sake of it. When one attempts to complete a puzzle, one does not generally use a rock, a piece of paper, or jelly to fill in the last piece - just for the sake of finishing the puzzle.

The problem with conspiracy theories is that while filling in many pieces of the puzzle, people use rocks, paper, and jelly to fill in the gaps - which is why there are so many versions of each particular conspiracy, just as there would be different versions of the puzzle. A puzzle is what the all encompassing NWO conspiracy is, after all.

There are not many conspiracy theories about the fall of Rome, because it is left mostly to rational Historians. Try linking a chain of events together that results in the fall of Rome, and you'll have many options to choose from - people will agree and disagree, some will say Rome never fell, but merely changed with the times. Most conspiracy theorists will not acquire enough knowledge about Rome throughout its course, and so conspiracy is not widely speculated.

Now, if we look at ADHD, there actually are conspiracy theories about it. Why is that? First off, there is not as much information needed to rationalize a conspiracy theory. Starting with the basis of capitalism, BigPharm making profits - rather, greed - one can rationalize per greedy agenda that because there is not yet enough evidence to show that ADHD is caused by genetics or by environment there must be "something deeper," and come to the irrational conclusion that the disease is a scheme by doctors and greedy BigPharm to steal your money - they are greedy, after all. When the question is raised, "How are so many doctors in on it," doctors can be rationalized away by saying that they aren't actually aware of it - they were lied to in medical school. Of course, asking the same question about BigPharm would never lead the devout theorist to say, "Perhaps BigPharm isn't aware of it either - perhaps they are not really greedy, perhaps it is just business and the nature of the corporation."

Of course, a normal objective person would say the above, and "Perhaps it is a combination of both genetics and environment that causes the disorder, but until genetic analysis techniques improve, we can not be sure."

The above reasoning can not be adhered to by the theorist, as it renders the basis of the theory null and would kill it and everything that stems from it. Greed is essential. Yet, paradoxically, we can continue to rationalize that BigPharm is not greedy, and still concoct a theory suggesting that the NWO is behind it all and they plant fake evidence everywhere and forward contrived data to BigPharm so that they create medication for conditions that are not even real. This isn't often done as BigPharm must not be a victim, but rather a victimizer. The role of victim is always reserved for the common man. What is never done by the theorist is questioning further, "Is the NWO aware that it exists?"

If we ask that precarious question which could potentially destroy the entire theory, we can keep it afloat by rationalizing that Reptilians are in on it. Most people don't go this far, as evident by the reaction to reptilian threads. In essence, those who have gone this far have delved into the destruction of the NWO theory, only to manifest the most extreme reasons for the theory to exist.

The BigPharm theory usually fits quite well into the NWO blueprint, does it not? When the context of the NWO is added, BigPharm is not only greedy, but they wish to medicate the population into subservient zombies, and so become tools of the NWO - giving them yet another property that can be worked and investigated by the theorist - as a tool, it can be rationalized that they are not aware of it as described above.

If we add aliens to the theory, we can rationalize them in quite well also. Reptilians are behind it all, and the population is being turned into subservient zombies as food for the aliens. The NWO is either working with them, are them, or are not aware that they are pulling the strings. Reptilians become merely another level of Elite - a common concept in conspiracy theory - the "shadow government" of the elite.

... and when we ask you if you'd like to take a pill to suppress the obsession of trying to find conceptually discrete causal links in a correlative world... well, that is the most easily rationalized factor - control.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 01:59 AM
The people referred to as sheeple are just not aware - by choice, mind you - of much of what is going on in the world. Ignorance is bliss. As a byproduct of the theorist’s need to fill in gaps of the puzzle, he becomes obsessed with the superficialities of news, politics, current events, science, etc... this allows him to label others who are not as knowledgeable as him as sheeple and to imagine that he has somehow found a secret. The error here will always be based on the fact that he believes that each smaller puzzle is part of a larger puzzle that is his duty to put together and share with others. The dots from one dot-to-dot picture must connect with the dot-to-dot picture on the next page in a sense.

In his obsession, each puzzle of the corporation, the government, BigPharm, The Fed, Aliens, CIA, FBI, Police etc.. much somehow fit together to form a larger puzzle that is visibly congruent with each smaller puzzle.

In the end, what we see as the "NWO" is real, but it is merely the correlative effects of independent events that are erroneously attributed to a grand scheme. In reality, what is being seen is the natural convergence of infrastructure, governments, and nations. Once the natural convergence has been completed, it will offer delusional proof to the theorist that it was planned all along. In fact, it never was planned by anyone in particular in the same way that an animal does not evolve and adapt to its environment by any grand scheme of an attentive god, but rather a natural evolutionary process innate in our dynamic DNA. Of course, a religious theorist can rationalize this away by saying that god created our DNA, so he is therefore passive-attentive and lives within us. The problem here is that it does not agree with that very same DNA that has steered us to become scientific theorists.

Historically, and naturally, it has always been the goal of mankind to unite for safety; to unite in villages, in nations, in unions, and soon under a one-world government.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 02:51 AM
so ...

you are basically saying that most to all conspiracy theorists are living the lifestyle portrayed in the movie "A Beautiful Mind"

and are basically all paranoid schizophrenics?

Sometimes, yes, links are made where there are none, sometimes, those links are real.

Sifting through the madness, using your brain, and coming to your own conclusions is something we all must do ... not through limiting our options, but exercising our rationale, our ability to perceive motives, and a ability to see how small things affect big pictures, and know when things are inconsequential of each other. To explain everything away as pure coincidence ends up playing the exact opposite ocd role as the ocd ct'er - the pseudo-skeptic.

I don't know what I beleive as far as NWO, but the quotes from the Rockefellers and Rothschilds is quite scary.

Here is an odd note ... those two names are in the dictionary for the spell checker.

On a idealistic and nerdy note, I long for a day where humanity lives together in peace, harmony, and without the need for money, much like in Star Trek: TNG. I could be 'The Picard'

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by FreeThinkerIdealist
so ...

you are basically saying that most to all conspiracy theorists are living the lifestyle portrayed in the movie "A Beautiful Mind"

and are basically all paranoid schizophrenics?

Thanks for the reply.

Not quite. I would only suggest that only a very few live that type of lifestyle.

I'm not saying conspiracy theories are a result of mental degradation per say; however, I am suggesting that it is a learned behavior - usually from the absence of critical thinking skills, and sometimes from ignoring them to fit your belief system (be it religion or conspiracy) and that this behavior is reinforced in a community such as ATS, in church, from various books, and other people.

People are often taught religion from a very young age, when they do not possess critical thinking skills. This is a very unethical practice akin to teaching a mentally ill person that aliens are coming to eat them. An underdeveloped mine is exploited in both situations and the story they have been told is often reinforced by other people, their own illness, the church, their parents, or their Catholic school, and it manifests into a real belief because of those reinforcements and reward system (heaven/avoidance of becoming alien food) set up by the belief system itself.

Such enforcement and reward causes what we see in the media to be skewed by the basis of some underlying conspiracy (or prophesy) that we are putting together piece by piece. The truth is, the conspiracy just doesn't exist and we are merely putting together current and past events in the shape of a puzzle that is merely imagined. It results in imbuing the convergence I spoke of with a sense of unneeded mystery and controlling machination, which the theorist thrives on. It is the mystery that will always be the missing piece of the puzzle, always the machination driving the mystery, to which that mystery will always be filled with the most convenient thing per rationalized agenda.

Now, I also suggest that people may begin to show symptoms of a more dangerous nature when their beliefs drive them so far as to have real consequence on their lives such as to argue that their all-capital letter name isn't them in court, sending a letter to their credit card company saying that they really don't owe any money because money isn't real, use similar arguments against police until the officer gains control of the situation by using a tazer, if they believe that the CIA is watching them through their TV so they cover it up, and various other theories.

I don't know what I beleive as far as NWO, but the quotes from the Rockefellers and Rothschilds is quite scary.

Here is an odd note ... those two names are in the dictionary for the spell checker.

The quotes are interesting. I recall President Bush in 1992 saying the Iraq war was the time to usher in a New World Order. It didn't happen. I suggest that reading quotes from religious sects or from Scientology coupled with the defenestration of critical thinking skills can lead people to believe whatever "programs" them into believing one thing or another. Reinforcement is the major player in a belief system, and with the internet, conspiracy has thrived because of the large "reinforcement centers" such as ATS. The underlying basis for an agenda causes one to rationalize various bits of information in different ways.

It is interesting that you would even mention that odd note, as it suggests you are attempting to rationalize or enforce the idea of the NWO, merely because it appears on your spell checker. It is absurd. That type of thinking will only lead someone else in the community to rationalize that microsoft, firefox, or whoever made the spell checker is somehow associated with the conspiracy.

On a idealistic and nerdy note, I long for a day where humanity lives together in peace, harmony, and without the need for money, much like in Star Trek: TNG. I could be 'The Picard'

I wrote about that happening. Funny enough, I wrote this as the very last line: "Space. The Final Frontier... Engage." How's that for coincidence

I got a star or two, but nobody ever replied. It was actually not surprising given the usual doom and gloom outlook that most of this community hold.

Anyway, I talk about the chip, ID cards, and get into the NWO a little bit.

Don't fool yourselves either - the chip is not the end of that evolution, but merely a stage. There will come a time when we remove the chip. It will no longer be needed as your DNA itself will be associated to your profile on the planetary profile database.

Now, with all of the fear mongering about getting chipped... and the fear mongering about getting your DNA taken... the theorist is only satisfied with status quo. The theorist is afraid of change and advancement because of delusions about being somehow controlled by advancing technology (usually as a result of using the NWO theory or media [in essence, imagination] as the underlying belief system) while the manifestation of both the chip and DNA technology have provided reinforcement for the belief in that theory as so does the interaction in reinforcement centers, such as ATS, infowars, NWOreport, etc...

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