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Chertoff's Concerns

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posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:50 PM
DANG IT! DERRANG IT! I did a search specifically for the terms Chertoff and Earth shattering and found nothing before posting this. Then moments after posting it, I seethis thread.

God that's aggravating.

Mods please lock and/or delete this one. Thanks....

In a recent piece by 103.5 FM WTOP news, found here,

"Earth-Shattering" Events Worry Chertoff

Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff spoke about what worries him in regards to the safety of the United States of America.

"If you're asking me what keeps me up at night or what I most worry about -- in the short term, obviously, you worry about homegrown terrorists or somebody coming in with an explosive device or the kind of act of violence or terror that we've actually seen occasionally carried out in this country by people who are simply nuts or like a Timothy McVeigh.

"But in the longer run, in terms of something that would really be earth-shattering, the kinds of things I'm worried about are a nuclear or a dirty bomb attack or a nuclear or biological attack. Now I don't believe that the capability to do that is around the corner."

I found the piece extremely interesting, as I believe it may give some insight as to what kind of intelligence the U.S. government is receiving, and may shed some light on the threat analysis from that intelligence.

Now, I realize that those of you who believe that 9-11 was an "inside job", and those of you who expect George W. Bush to implement martial law, will see this as an indication that the next "attack" will be something big and dramatic to further the NWO's goals.

I find it extremely troubling as well but only because, to me, these comments by a man who surely receives some of the U.S.'s best intelligence, show that much of that intelligence must indicate that Al-Queda and other terrorist groups are vigorously trying to acquire the means to attack the U.S. and/or other western countries in a large and dramatic fashion.

Either way, I found it to be an interesting read, and I think many of you will as well. It definitely gives one food for thought.



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