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I just had my first aura.

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posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 01:48 PM
Sorry skyblueff0. Yes, weak. Weaker then the others and also stronger in many other things. But as a personality, yellows are weak. But a Crystalline with Sapphire Blue is never going to understand that fun, what they lives. And from this point, Yellow vs. Sapphire Blue 1-0. But in personality, Yellow vs. Sapphire Blue 0-1. Yellows never want to be better, achieve something. They're usually accepting everything what is around them.

Now, I called myself as a Crystalline years before I would ever read about them. My Angel, see other thread, where we're talking about Crystallines and their Angels (Topic: The Indigo Children), she is also calling me sometimes as Crystalline. I read about what the Crystalline is only in the last year, while everything is started to happen around eight years ago.

You've read about Crystallines and Indigos, but it's not the same then experiencing it at all. Plus, many books are mistaking in many things. Not Crystallines and nor Indigos are writing those books. So those ones, whose have no connection to this existence at all.

I never used any sort of Hierarchy. Officially I'm a descendant of Counts, hence I'm also a Count and I never used this title all over in my life, because I don't care about it. I never cared about power or money at all.

If you want to argue about auras, speak it with my dear winged Angel, who have taught this to me, explained everything about auras. Auras is not about elites, or small ones, it's about personality, nothing more. And I never separate myself from others. In the reality, outside ATS, no one knows anything about this. But here, at least I can speak about it.

And yes, I did many things to improve society. I'm usually helping bums, homeless people, when I had and have a chance. I'm usually helping everyone where I can. So, yes, I did more then most of the people in this city. And I'm not proud of it, because it's my duty. Being proud for something is able to blind people. And being proud for it... well, if someone want to be proud for me, that's my mother. She is proud for me.

Yes. People, whose don't or can't understand it are evil, envy and jealous. Their aura is changing in these case. Easy to detect this. Uh, just a question. I'd like to know why are you turning so mad, when anyone, me in this case is saying something what is not fitting into your world?

I'm experiencing this day by day, after it's my life. You may question anything what I written down, but in this case, you're questioning my life completely. I know, it's standard in the 21st century. So, between us, I never questioned your life at all. Please do the same, at least just to give a little counter-respect. Thank you.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 03:17 PM
I just first off wanted to say, I'm sorry if I wasn't under the impression of being "MAD", I honestly wouldn't waste that much energy for this subject, especially with a stranger. Anyways, if its just you then it would be "you" not "anybody."

I have not once question your lifestyle, I never question if your a good or bad person, nor do I did I question if your mom was proud of you. Like I said before were human, we've done good and we've done wrong, but the important thing is we stride to become better.

I don't even know why you mentioned them, but I'm glad you did, and I'm glad you talk about your angels, helping out people, and everything. But, it just proved my point of my whole arguement!

(Not mad, just pointing my reasons out)

You don't need to be an Indigo, to play an important role in society, you don't need to be an Indigo to have your own guardian.

So back to my stand, I was just trying to say that people are misleading members with the title Crystalline and Indigo. I know auras aren't about elite, but when you hold certain aura as a title, or tell people they need to match a certain personality to be an Indigo or a Crystalline, then you mislead the public to thinking your something much greater, even though may be unintentional.

This is what I'm talking about:

And thats just my whole point of the argument, haha but I still disagree with you about the aura thing or if someone disagree with you they are "evil", so we'll keep it at that.

Anyways since you tell me your definition of Crystalline is different from others. Why don't you tell me what it truly means to be a crystalline.

P.S. Hey Dark Crystalline, do you want to move this to the "Indigo Children" thread, I kind of feel, we're on a totally different subject now.

[edit on 28-6-2007 by skyblueff0]

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 03:31 PM
We don't need to get into a flame fest here.

I think both of you misunderstood the other.

DC mentioned his reality. I can understand where he's coming from. His aura dictates more or less what his personality will be like (probably vice versa I mean).

If you are a "good" or "bad" person your aura will change to fit its need.

I don't think he was attacking anyone with a red aura. He was stating that is more likely that they will be self-centered and attac others.

Remember that red correlates to the lowest chakra, the root. If you live your life based purely off sex and money, then yeah you're not gonna be the best person.

If you have higher ideals such as love (heart), intellect (mind), and beauty then your world will be significantly different. Challenging opinions is what we're all here to do.

Its good to hear different opinions, it makes us all question our own reality.

Skyblueff0, I completely understand where you're coming from. I think DC's point had to do with the fact that you are a good person. Just by being on ATS and speaking your mind you have proven you're not a "red." So don't take his words so personally. It sounds like you are taking it a bit to heart.

The chances of you having a blue ("indigo") or green aura seems to be high.

You are living your life with great emotion. You probably have a green dominated aura.

I have read that every chakra has the whole chakra system within it. So in reality there aren't 7 chakras, but hundreds if not thousands within our body.

The main color for detection though will be based upon your personality.

I hope this wasn't too confusing...Just ask me to clarify and I'll try.

You're right, you don't have to be a "indigo" or "crystalline" to be a good person and help the world. That is merely DC's reality. That doesn't make it any less or more real in his eyes. I don't think anything we say will change that.

I have a lot of green in my aura, as well as blue and purple. Does this make me any better or worse than the next guy/girl? NO. Definitely not.

We are all different, but the same. We have equal rights to life, but that doesn't mean our personalities will be the same. We all come from God, where we will all return one day.

Our progress on the spiritual ladder is all different though. Some will find themselves today, some not till the end of time. It is all a matter of perspective.

I'll be on later to try to explain better. I did my best for now.

[edit on 28-6-2007 by biggie smalls]

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 04:44 PM
skyblueff0. Did I said anywhere that I'm an elite? No. I'm not an elite at all. People are usually saying this about me, without even know that I'm a Crystalline. Why do they saying this, I don't know.

But from that I'm not an elite at all. If someone, me is spreading this, from that I'm not going to turn to an elite. Acts may turn people to that, but I believe I didn't do that much to dare to call myself as an elite. And I never intend to call myself on that way. If people are saying this about me... that's not my problem. I know that I or others don't have to be a Crystalline or Indigos to have a Guardian. But and here comes the but... I can communicate with her, I can feel her and sometimes I can see her. That's the difference, regardless how we're calling these sort of people, Crystallines, Indigos or others. Title is really matter, as you written. People whose are not believing in auras, other realms, spirits, angels, etc... they're calling us as something else, giving us also a title, a fake one. But words, Crystalline and Indigo is starting to be a commonly used in the 21st century, so I'm rather using this, before someone would give me an other title.
Let consider this as a... not a title, rather a name, which is able to show the true identity of a man or a woman. If you know what are the traits of the Indigo and you hear that someone is calling himself on this way, you already knows that person much better then you think. You just need to know the Indigo traits for it and that's all.

Otherwise, it's really matter now how we're calling, Indigos and Crystallines. My Angel is sometimes calling me as Crystalline and I'm already used to it. And personally I like it. But from that I'm not an elite. I'm just doing my duty and living my life. That's all. Well... there are few skills, which are giving some advantages, but they're rather for self defense. Maybe two of the major skill from this type, Crystallines and Indigos are really sensitive for lies and cannot tolerate them at all. Here, the auras are coming into the picture. Such as me, some of us are seeing it, some of us are just feeling it. And we're always knowing when someone is lieing and also knows immediately what is the intention of the person with it and even what he is planning for the next step. We're also knowing what a person's true identity, nature under a blink of an eye. Also thanks to the aura. But as I said, it's for self defense, to protect ourselves.

Biggie Smalls is right. I believe we're point toward the same direction, parallel with each other and completely misunderstanding each other.
But I also believe that you have... well, maybe personal problems with Crystallines and Indigos, while I don't think so they ever made anything against you. A question with an example. Why a 5 or 9 year old child would ever tell to anyone that he or she is an Indigo or a Crystalline? How is it possible, that they're knowing quite more, than the average? Because that's true. Knowing things what others need to learn. But they're also not going to make advantage from it and use it against you or others. So, do I see it that you're rather fear from them, because you spent most of your time with study, while they're getting their knowledge almost instantly? Or you fear that they're going to use their... well, talent against you? Maybe I'm mistaking, so I'm rather asking it. But that's sure they will never going to harm you or fight you. They're hating liars, evil, mega-lo-maniac, warmongering, greedy people, but that's a different story.

And to answer your question... what is meaning to be a Crystalline. Well. The existence of the Crystallines is in my religion and has a long story about crystallines, their angels and their duty. It's a long story and I'm not really like to share my religion with you or anyone else. It's personal. Please, don't take it personally, but I'd like to keep this religion clean, and don't want to take it into the front line or use it for any sort of advantage. Like as it's never existed to anyone else. It's a clean and good religion, nothing more, with a brief history of Crystallines, Indigos, Angels and Demons and many other things. But to summarize this... let's consider the Crystalline life as a Guardian duty from the background.

Now back to the auras. You may disagree with this, but it's not going to change any fact. I see what I see. Biggie Smalls explained it completely. But what I'm experienced until this time, red are usually lieing quite more, betraying people to gain advantages, get money and power, usually hiding something, and so on and so on. So, not I'm the one who is going to decide that they're evil. They're making themselves as bad ones or even evil with their own acts. That's a difference.

Oh, and yes, you presumably have a green aura. Or even a blue one.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:48 PM
Biggie Smalls:
I first of all what to put my hat down for you, because what you said, I can never stress enough to other, and you are living proof of that universal law, no matter how different are path are, how did we end up coming up with the same conclusion? Please spread that message to all:

Originally posted by biggie smalls
We are all different, but the same. We have equal rights to life, but that doesn't mean our personalities will be the same. We all come from God, where we will all return one day.

Our progress on the spiritual ladder is all different though. Some will findthemselves today, some not till the end of time. It is all a matter of perspective.[edit on 28-6-2007 by biggie smalls]

Now Biggie, I truly thought about what you said, and you were right I did take it personal, and put my heart into the argument, and maybe I shouldn't have done that right away, because I could of been misinterpreting DC.

But, basically the whole argument is about whether we have one definite aura color or an aura of a variation of color. I assume that DC argument was that we only have aura has one definite color, why?

well here:

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
The Blue Aura (The Indigo and Sapphire blues are the rare ones. Additional shades of the blue are also the greatest aura type of all. Well. If you're representing the good guys. )

The Green Aura (Almost good as the blue. Different a bit, but really good.)

The Orange Aura (This one is a pretty good one, but there is one case, when it could be a really dangerous one.)

The Yellow Aura (This one is fit to the weakest persons. They're enjoying everything, but everything what they're doing is just... well, for fun. For them, consequences are never counting, just when it's too late.)

The Red Aura (They're usually the bad guys, after their desires are turning into fanaticism and from that moment, they don't care who is that one that they're betraying or even killing. This one is one of the worst.)

While DC' did point point out what the person's personality if they have that color, and why they are flawed. Okay I was fine with that, but they why he/she formatted was totally wrong. And thats why I put my heart into all of my argument.

I even told DC that:

Originally posted by skyblueff0
I'm sorry if I was being harsh, be its misinformation or lack of information like this, that actually do more damage than good to a person. But I will give you credit, Dark Crystalline is right about one thing, there are more other variation of aura color, not because the color mixes, but because the body consists of other chakras other than the main seven

What I meant is DC was sharing the information, but I felt as though the information provided was a little bias. Why? She never mention anything bad if you have blue aura, indigo aura, or purple aura. The type of auras that show, really boils down to how little or how much you chakra are open. The way I see it if you only show a red aura, that would mean you only have your sacral chakra open. Everything is good in moderation, and this is what I mean:

Before DC posted I mentioned earlier, I mention this:

Originally posted by skyblueff0
Okay and now to auras, auras are basically an field of life energy emitted from these chakras. Many people assume that our aura consist one definite color, but thats not true, the color of our aura, are a multitude of color that essentially changes to reflect how much of the chakra has opened. If its widely open then the color associated with the aura would be more luminous and brilliant and can even sometime overpower the other color, but if closes its usually dim and cast a darker color.

And later on, in the same post I apologized in, I stood my ground again:

Originally posted by skyblueff0
You don't have one definite aura, as I mentioned in my first post, you have a variation of colors, which reflects how much you chakras has open. While in turn the amount of energy each chakra has open can affect you mood and personality, as Dark Crystalline have mentioned, but I can't stress enough, our AURA HAS A VARIATION OF COLORS. While we do have a variation of colors in our aura, sometimes one color can over power another, making it seems we have that one color.

I will say however after this, we moved on to a totally different subject of Indigo and Crystalline.

And it all goes back to having a variation of colors in you aura. If you claim to be an Indigo or a Crystalline, then you are claiming that only one of your chakra is open. Thats not true, you have a variation of color. I will admit fault again, to having use DC's "Crystalline" name example as but I was sick how everyone was claiming to be one an Indigo or a Crystalline, it was wrong. DC was just using it as a nickname, given to her by her guardian, so I can't criticize her because he has that nickname.

But still the fashion she/he was claiming how she had a dark blue aura and to have one is a "good guy," or to have a yellow one is "to be weak" or a read one is to be "evil" just frustrated me. Because I truly deep inside know DC has a little variation of the other colors as well. thats why I talked about flaws, and how we have a little bit from each aura.

VARATION YOU SAID? Here are some pictures from Crystallinks, and Ellie is psychic/medium:

p.s. Thanks for giving me your opinion on my aura's color, but I can careless about that. I'm just gonna do what I do best, and well thats self-discovery and sharing it to everybody.

Oh and DC, don't think I hold a grudge against you, I was being critical, and plus you were being a defensive yourself, haha humans right? So no hard feelings, you do your thing and I'll do my thing, and one day, we can meet at the end of the road. Like Biggie said, we're all heading towards the same direction.

[edit on 28-6-2007 by skyblueff0]

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 10:30 AM
does your aura change or is it always the same color?

first time i saw it it was blue. the second time it was i faded yellow. then the last time i saw it it was a brownish purple.

i dont know anymore... if some one asks me ill just say pick one

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 11:35 AM
Your nature is changing it. If something is happening in your life, which is changing your basic behavior, nature, yes, it can change drastically.

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