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I was told to make people see this:

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posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
reply to post by atlasastro is that affiliated with NASA?
LOL, please, you infer something is wrong with a source rather than show it. Nice.
Why don't you find out if it is affiliated and then show me why this affiliation negates my use of it as a reference and a source.

Can you give me the odds of an object the size of our Craft..err Moon ... finding itself 'captured' by our planet - over say our Suns pull?
I don't have to give you the odds of the earh capturing anything. The moon( or your fantasy, errr I mean craft) was formed from a process of aggregation from impact of both the impactor, surrounding debris and the earth. Are you unaware of the masses of materials that are observed floating through the universe. Are you unaware of comets and meteors, asteroids and such. Can you not agree that this is a possible cause of the moon?

How about you give me the odds of being able to place your fantasy...err I mean craft there. How about you give me the Odds of a race of ET's existing and advancing technologically enough that enables them to be able to place your fantas...err I mean Craft in orbit between our Sun and the earth that maintains the moons orbit.(maybe you can tinker with Drakes equation and add a few variables and factors to help come up with a number.)
How about you give me the odds of you showing me your fanta....err craft(don't know why I keep doing that hehe) as being the far more likely of the the two odds. My one being a collision between two bodies and your odds that ET's placed the Moon there.

I'm pretty uneducated, as you can tell - never passed an exam to get into the field of Astronomy...
LOL. Sure. Spare me the act.

So you could also say us Earth dwellers know all about the Craft...err Moon (sorry - dunno why I keep doing that!) and that's that?
No, I could not say that. But can you please show me where you know all there is to know about your fanta...err craft.
Please show me the Et's that put the Moon there. You sure sound like you know it all about these Crafty Crafters of Crafts.

Or would you say there are still a few oddities that can't be explained on our Craft ...Moon (old habits you know) such as "classified" things and the such - I mean you sound like you know it all - I am all for learning something *new*

I would agree that there are oddities, but these do not mean that the moon is a fantasy....damn, I mean craft. I know exactly what you mean by old habits. LOL.
How are they unexplained? You explain it as a craft, put there by ET's. If they are unexplained-that is simply what they are- but you can explain them?

As for learning something new, I gave you loads of links in my last post.

Speaking of those links, How is your presentation coming along?
For the Lunar Conferance, where you will present your fant....craft evidence.

Taken from George H. Leonard - Somebody Else Is On The Moon, 1976.
Wrong-Leonard, on page 195-196 in SEOM took it from ISAAC ASIMOV, not ASMOVIV. Asimov wrote the the quote below in his works Asimov on Astronomy. He wrote this as a group of short essays. Asimov was a brilliant writer of sceince fiction. He was a biochemist, brilliant writer, but somehow I think you know that.
How did you get his name wrong?
I am surprised you didn't quote from Our Msterious Spaceship Moon. LOL.

"Isaac Asmoviv says there are nine moons in our solar system that have been captured: one of Neptune, o...........iter, which has a ratio of 1.03. He calls the other satellites "true satellites."
What Asimov is talking about here is Issac Newtons garvitational attraction equation. With this you can work out a field where satelites(like your craft) sit in relation to the gravitational pull between the Sun and the Planet that the satelite Orbits..

And then he comes to our Moon. It is important to quote him:

It is a shame that one small thing remains unaccounted for; one trifling thing I have ignored so far, but - WHAT IN BLAZES IS OUR MOON DOING WAY OUT THERE? It's too far out to be a true satellite of Earth, if we go by my beautiful chain of reasoning -
Do you know what a true satelite is? Just because the moon sits outside of a definition of a true satelite does not mean it was put there by ET's. Did Asimov include all factors involved in determining orbits? No. He did not.

which is too beautiful for me to abandon. It's too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been effected and the Moon then having taken up a nearly circular orbit about the Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible.
Asimov is challenging the conventional thoughts on the Moon as a captured body. Asimov is right not to abandon Newtonian physics, but by only presenting one possible reason for the moon, the theory that it was captured, is poor science.

The moon is considered a companion because there is a belief, supported by evidence, that the moon is the result of an collision. Of course, YOU will be showing this to be totally wrong to the world at the next Lunar and Planetary Science convention next year. Won't You?
I can't wait, don't forget to quote Leonard and Youaranazz, or Asmoviv.

There are theories, of course, to the effect that the Moon was once much closer to the Earth (within my permitted limits for a true satellite) and then gradually moved away as a result of tidal action. Well, I have an objection to that. If the moon were a true satellite that originally had circled the Earth at a distance of, say, 20,000 miles, it would almost certainly be orbiting in the plane of Earth's equator and it isn't.
But, then, if the Moon is neither a true satellite of the Earth nor a captured one, what is it?...
See, how he challenges the reader to pose an answer. You insert Craft here, I insert impact, aggregation theory.
Of course, at the confrence next year you will be correcting everyone.

he goes on to conclude the tug-of-war ratio for the Moon: 0.46. We would lose the tug of war with the sun. We - Earth - attract the Moon half as strongly as does the Sun.
Only from the perspective that it was a captured object- the ratio is towards the sun if we give the gravitaional influence of the Sun preferance, but it does not work that way.

There is actually a much better explanation and it is complex. It is called the Hills Sphere, Roche Sphere. This is where an orbiting body will be more influences by the gravitational field of the planet, and not the distant solar body. The earths Hills Sphere is 1.5 million km in radius, the Moons orbit is 400k. So the moon is well within the Hills Sphere.
Do the Math yourself.

Asimov also misses that the suns gravity effects both the earth and the moon. It is not a direct tug-of-war between the two. The moon is gravitationally bound to the earth within the dominace of the earths Hills Radius, but the suns gravity it effecting the earth and the moon and actually aids in keeping them together as an orbiting system. The moon stays with the Hills sphere at all times. Add to this that the moons orbit around the sun is concave at all times and you may begin to see or understand that the forces on the both the moon and the earth, from the sun, are roughly the same. Maybe a better way to think of it is that the moon is actually in an orbit around the sun. Although the sun is slowly winning(I think it is a couple of inches per year).

*Isaac Asmoviv, Asmoviv On Astronomy, Mercury Press, Inc, 1963."
It is actually Isaac Asimov. Asimov on Astronomy. He was a biochemist who wrote alot of stories. This book was one on popular science and his interpretations for a general audience.

Thanks for the laugh.

Thanks for the reply.
Please do not respond to this post as I won't be back on this thread, I'll look for your presentation next year. I am sure that will shut me up.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by atlasastro

In all honesty - this is rubbish.

You just admitted there are things YOU don't even know about the Moon. That's good enough for me.

Also I did misspell Asimov I do feel a little embarrassed by that - but the way you harp on about it shows a defect in your own psyche. Gloating over a spelling mistake? C'mon now.

By the way you are the odd one out, being on a thread written by a 'grey' incarnate, that I asked a question to, but you couldn't keep your nose out of it, and attacked me for my belief. What makes you tick is something you should ask yourself, because if I was you, and I didn't agree with topics like this, I wouldn't even bother to respond.

I have matched any university garbled repeated BS you presented with my own. Also I have shown these learned astronomers also say there something that don't add up with the Moon - NASA scientists at that.

NASA is the source you believe to be righteous, upfront, and transparent with the general public, and maybe in those rare cases they are. The amount of EVIDENCE is evident to anyone bother to look outside their narrow minded box. NASA LIE - I'll debate any NASA hi-brow anytime about that, and prove it with the massive (yes massive) amount of images - personal insights by former employees, whistle blowers/insiders, video tampering, shoddy camera work, hidden *classified* moon crater pictures and so on...

You trust NASA? I don't. Think why NASA want to hide the truth, then maybe your mind can open to the possibilities you so obviously don't want to know.

Feel free to reply - but I don't care if you don't.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by observe50

Thank you for your reply.

Are grays generally service to self - and uncaring of us Earth beings, or do they want open honest transparent contact with us?

Do they offer an apology for the misuse of free will on unsuspecting victims?

Do they also realize the "governments" do not represent earth beings as a whole, and did they use this as a trojan to get to the position they hold now?

Do they grays want love? Do they just want to be left alone?

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 02:33 PM

I am going to try my best to answer your questions from the things I have experienced and or been shown and told.
First let you tell you of the Grey's
There are many different Grey's, they may look similiar but many groups may have differences and a different tinge to them-------example Grey/White Grey/Green Grey/Yellow/ and so on.

When I am taken to learn my teacher is a tall Grey/White, the ones that sent me were the extremely tall Grey/Whites known as the Elder's our Creator's.

There are quite a few """different""" species here in the deepest of our waters. As I was told they are parallel meaning there are short ones, tall ones, fat ones, thin ones, "good ones", "bad ones", and all different colored ones.

Species have differences and similarities in appearance such as two legs, two arms, two eyes, a nose , a mouth etc. and as for your question asking do they have Service to self all I can say is from what I have seen some species might have beings that do no different then we do as the human species BUT in the wholeness of things with species I have seen more good more peacefulness and spirituality and they wait for us to evolve they say we are evolving to slowly.

Are they uncaring... how can I even begin to explain this. Our meaning of uncaring and the way they might look at it are to different things. Earth is considered hostile but they know there is more good in people here then bad and the human race is a race worth saving if/when the time comes.

As far as contact, I was told and I can't say this is for all species or not but I was told that they would only confer one time to interfere and that would be if we were about to destroy Earth for if we destroyed Earth we would destroy there Laboratory.

I'll finish in a bit.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 03:14 PM
You ask do the Grey's want love.

From what I have observed here and there is confusing at times. I read at ATS that the Grey's have no emotions for example. The Grey's do have emotions they just aren't like human emotions. When I was given the gift to be taken back to see my parents on one of the ships I had a learning experience attached to this. We were not allowed to touch and we had to stay seperated but when we saw each other there was great pain in my heart (not pain as we know pain) pain of not being together. I wanted to run to them and hug them, tears fell from me. I could feel and sense the proudness and love they had for me and also for agreeing to come here to help the human race when the time came.

One other misconception about the Grey's is they work in the dark because light hurts there eyes is totally wrong. They do prefer dimness but can work well in the brightest of any lights. They also use some type of brilliant white light to heal.

I would not expect an apology from them they use control for their own safety, humans no matter how many think they won't fear it is just within us.

For example I can be with the ones I know and it's family to me but I have gone places that were unfamiliar to me and I have had/felt fear.

Many species can't survive on this Earth because there is to much Oxygen in our air. People talk about Invasions and you know they could of done that whenever and done it with ease if they wanted to. I do however suggest that the peoples of this Planet do need to Plant trees etc. in mass because the CO2 is taking over this Planet and soon it will not be good here, if we don't wake to this fact real soon we are going to be in serious trouble.

All I can say is just about everything is in the open the problem is most don't know which information is right and which is wrong.

With Earth peoples it is hard at times to know who is truthful and who is not. I tend to trust and see goodness but I know each has to be very careful and observe everything they can.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 05:06 AM
Take a picture of your friends have them wave at us!This could be the break we`ve been looking for!And make your friends post some stuff!
What do you mean terraforming? Our earth and the moon is the wrong size?For of what use?Man this post is confusing me.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 11:48 AM
The Planets and the Moons are all the wrong sizes for one another in this Solar System.

Some day someone will understand this and what it means we just need to wait for that person to click and the knowledge be known.

Your proof will come when it is time for it to come to you. What I say or what another says is not going to make you believe......... it will have to happen to you when it is your time to know.

This is a confusing subject to try and explain because this race goes by what it's reality is. We can't comprehend life not needing what we need to survive hence life elsewhere doesn't exist.

I'm not here to convince I just share my knowledge that they have given me and so be it.

As with everything time will tell and whatever is to be will be.

Terraforming is basically them collecting what is needed in locations such as Earth and taking them to other locations and transforming them to appear Earth like.

The Grey's for a small example collect many things such as water, trees and plants and animals tocreate Earthllike spaces within other Planets.

I know prove it

[edit on 5-7-2009 by observe50]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by observe50

I really appreciate your replies. Thank you.

Now playing the advocate here, you skipped over the violation of human 'free will' - that is one I really want to know about, ie. by violating our free will by abductions, will they offer apology? If not, why not?

(still in advocate mode)... I have heard the grays know how to throw a 'spin' on those being abducted, in the way in how it is romanticized, and false feelings of love and the experience itself ecstatic. These are implants. How could you know other than perhaps being put under deep hypnosis? Why would a race that made you feel a love and a yearning for them to stay then leave you? Why would they not take you with them? What is their purpose apart from taking from unsuspecting victims that don't want these 'visitations'?

I know our human consciousness still is in evolution stage - some would argue primitive, but what right do 'they' have doing this if they know they are violating those abducted, free will?

Contact is one thing - and is mutual, but abduction crosses that line. Interested if these grays you know, are willing to offer sincere apology once the veil has been lifted so to speak.

Thanks again - your information is fantastic!

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 03:19 PM
I just wrote a whole thing on your questions and I lost it all, I hit the wrong thing and it was just gone.

I'm going to write this in short so read between the lines.

Humans have about as much free will as our animals have when we examine/study/test them, they are not going to apologize.

If you have not read an old thread of mine I will post here and maybe it will answer some questions

As far as Implants read the thread I just posted, then we can talk more.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 04:04 PM
yeah, something is definatly whacked out about the moon.....why dosen't it rotate? Why do we only see one side?? It's pattern last night was almost backwards even...

If it were a different sized would weather patterns be less severe etc, and we would have the water canopy back up properly so our environment would be more mild and less harsh extremes in temperature etc...

Could this have something to do with the so called "bombing" the moon threads recently?

Mabey the greys told NASA as well that it is to big and causing to much pull so the temperature isn't as balanced as needed all year for us to say..... live outside year round again, and grow all of our own food year round again etc.....

Just my thoughts!

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 05:46 PM
Thank you for you post.

I don't know what is going on I just try my best to keep my eyes on everything and make any connections between what I was shown and told there and what I observe here.

I try to observe Volcanoes, earthquakes, sun, moon, magnetic anomalies,Tsunami's, the sky-clouds etc.

posted on Oct, 3 2009 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by mellisamouse

The Moon rotates — at the same speed as it orbits the Earth. So, in the 27.32 days it takes the Moon to go around Earth, the Moon also spins about its axis one full revolution. That's why we always see the same face of the Moon.

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