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Then what is love?

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posted on Jan, 3 2004 @ 02:12 PM
I know this is just about the most typicla question to EVER be put on a relationships board and I should bang my head againt the wall and stare at the sun for about 3 hours as punishment but, seriously, I can't help it.

I'm kind of sick of everyone saying that love can't be truely experienced until you're older (Im not saying I know i'm right, there are a lot of people out there with much more experience then me) so then what exactly is love to you? How do you KNOW it's love?

(Heh, btw, none of that 'Love is a chemical formed by the brain-the equivilant to lareg quantities of chocolate stuff :shk

posted on Jan, 3 2004 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by FunkTSkunk

I'm kind of sick of everyone saying that love can't be truely experienced until you're older.

I feel the same way. Love can be experienced at ANY age. Although the way people want to act upon it CAN be immature/mature, the feelings that are experienced can be felt at ANY age.


posted on Jan, 3 2004 @ 03:56 PM
i agree with the above statement, i think love can be experienced at just about any age and i agree love can make anyone of any age act rather immature.

i know i've done some incredibly stupid, crazy, insane, dumb, retarded and even illegal things for love. things i wouldnt do in my right mind, the kind of things that if your friends didnt know any better would swear you were drunk and high when you did them. trully messed up things.

i also think love feels different to every person who experiences it. it even changes, sometimes its really good other times it really sucks but thats how things go.

how does one know? you dont. its not something you can analyze and test. there's no standard to compare it to so defining it or finding out when it happens is a little more than difficult to say the least. its just something you feel. like with surfing, or mountain climbing or flying, you get a feeling from it (they all dont impart the same feeling) that you cant explain, you cant define it or even label it. its elusive as it is uncontrollable, it does it as pleases, we cant tame it. (i dont think so anyway)

posted on Jan, 3 2004 @ 07:35 PM
There really is no describing love when one truly feels or finds it inside themselves or for another or both! There is no time in love, there is no age, there are no prejudices. Love just *IS* and it cannot be compared or measured. You just know. And what's even greater is when someone loves you as much or in the same way as you love them..there are no is neverending.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 03:20 PM
Love is something that begins with a feeling that turns into a action (no not that u perv)

posted on Jan, 28 2004 @ 12:32 AM
First of all any kind of feeling you think is love isn't until it become reciprocal.

When two mature people become involved, they will go to the end of the earth for eachother, and they both "understand" that about eachother.

You each become eachother's best friend.

You care about eachother extensively, and stick up for eachother. You will choose your mate over anybody else. Sex is that much better when you love someone.

Love is the best feeling in the world, and nothing could ever replace that feeling. Nobody gets in the way, nobody can try to manipulate love, if the union is strong enough.

When your younger, you believe that your in love, but alot of the time your wanting to believe it's love gets in the way of reality.

When I was 16 my mom didn't want me seeing this guy I was with for almost two years. I thought me and him were totally in love. But I see now why she didn't want me with him, or the guy after that. I only wish I could of seen it then too, but i was blinded by what I thought was love.

Thats the best way I can describe it at this point.

posted on Jan, 28 2004 @ 04:45 PM
A story book illusion.

It does not exist, well maybe for your children but thats about it.

In the end they ALLWAYS betray you

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Amuk
A story book illusion.

It does not exist, well maybe for your children but thats about it.

In the end they ALLWAYS betray you

Love is a word, a heart is to symbolize the word.
And the word is to describe a feeling of passion towards another person.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 12:08 PM
Love is not just an attatchment to something, but its a feeling given by God of deep care for your fellow brothers and sisters though you do not know them.



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