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Video Surfaces Showing Kurdish Girl Stoned to Death for Relationship With Iraqi Sunni Boy

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posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:29 AM
Good lord. This is probably why aliens have been in a fog of secrecy. The aliens are probably planning the extinction of mankind for acts like this. This incident is only one out of how many that occur worldwide on a yearly basis. We as a species need to mature to the next level.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by guppy
Good lord. This is probably why aliens have been in a fog of secrecy. The aliens are probably planning the extinction of mankind for acts like this. This incident is only one out of how many that occur worldwide on a yearly basis. We as a species need to mature to the next level.

I'm pretty sure intelligent aliens will know that generalising is wrong.

Something like planning the extinction of something, sounds more human to me

[edit on 21-5-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by theutahbigfoothunter

F****G ANIMALS! And you wonder why people hate Islam! Because disgusting souls like you have ruined it for the whole majority of Muslims..
I was crying when I saw this, I couldn't even watch it all.... and you have F!@#$%g idiots taking pictures and video.. I hope God unleashes his wrath on all of you involved. Burn and rot in hell INFIDELS!!!

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

Good point, Phoenix. Of course, you know you are generalizing aliens as well. You can not assume all aliens have the same agendas, ethics and morals.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by guppy
reply to post by _Phoenix_

Good point, Phoenix. Of course, you know you are generalizing aliens as well. You can not assume all aliens have the same agendas, ethics and morals.

Yes of course, that came to mind when I was writing it,

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by MASH_DADDY
reply to post by theutahbigfoothunter

F****G ANIMALS! And you wonder why people hate Islam! Because disgusting souls like you have ruined it for the whole majority of Muslims..
I was crying when I saw this, I couldn't even watch it all.... and you have F!@#$%g idiots taking pictures and video.. I hope God unleashes his wrath on all of you involved. Burn and rot in hell INFIDELS!!!

Maybe you should calm down and "read"

They were not muslims, they killed her for "being" with a muslim boy.

They were from another religion. Not islam.

They are a minority group of people living in an area in iraq, a lot of those people were probably family members.

[edit on 21-5-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

No, they were most likely Shia muslims. 90% of kurds are "officially" muslim
maybe you should have a read? And also Shia and Sunni's haven't been getting along for a while...

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 02:41 AM
This is why I hate religion. The Christians tortured and murdered people for hundreds of years until the people rebelled against them. At least the christian church was overthrown.

The torture and murder of people by the muslim/islam still continues to this day. To all you yankees out there trying to have religion written into law just take a look at the middle east to see where that leads to, or read a history book of europe from about 1200ad - 1700ad.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by MASH_DADDY
reply to post by _Phoenix_

No, they were most likely Shia muslims. 90% of kurds are "officially" muslim
maybe you should have a read? And also Shia and Sunni's haven't been getting along for a while...

haha, read the first page of this thread! lol.

I HAVE read.

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 04:34 AM

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 04:41 AM
Disgusting filthy pigs of the earth.
To take rocks and smash a young girls brains in.
Can only be said these people are evil satanic animals.
That are not fit to be called human beings.

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 05:34 AM
Hi There,

Of course, the depiction of the death of this teenaged girl by stoning is to our western eyes barbaric, cruel, brutal, and shocking...even more so for the reason why death was administered to her this way. Yet, we in the West had/have our own kind capable of committing such acts on others simply for the reason of their skin colour, fashion sense, or some other trivial reason.

Regardless of our shock and horror, we need to understand the world in which these people are brought up in. It's no use that we wish to condemn them to death for acts like these, for to do that, we need to put on the same mask that they wear, which is one of hate. We need to change mindsets, but how we are to accomplish this I cannot say, and would not hazard a guess as to how.

Religious indoctrination is a most abominable form of conditioning, especially so when it begins in infancy. It doesn't just occur in Muslim countries, it occurs anywhere there is religion. However, it is not just from religion that acts like this spring up onto the world's media consciousness, but also from the political arena. The only difference between death by stone and death by bullet or bomb, is that the latter methods are more sophisticated in their delivery, all are missiles delivered with the intended purpose to end life, all arise out of the same psychological foundation of fear and hate, put there by incremental indoctrination from others.

We ourselves can choose to agree with that indoctrination, or we can choose to disagree and refuse to take part, refuse to be a mode for that indoctrination. I changed my mindset a long time ago, if others do the same, we may yet find a way to overcome hate. It's up to you...

Best wishes

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 05:45 AM
Not sure how this got bumped up, but that sure doesn't look like a "stoning" to me.

Stoning is a ritual form of execution with the goal being to keep the victim CONSCIOUS for an extended period of time. This was a frenzied mob and the victim was obviously unconscious. Victims are partially buried, the stones are limited in size so that those who feel sorry for the victims CANNOT hurl a large stone with the intention of knocking the victim out to spare their suffering.

Just because the mob threw a couple of cinder blocks at her does not mean this was a "stoning".

[edit on 4-9-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by Sonya610
Not sure how this got bumped up, but that sure doesn't look like a "stoning" to me.

Stoning is a ritual form of execution with the goal being to keep the victim CONSCIOUS for an extended period of time. This was a frenzied mob and the victim was obviously unconscious. Victims are partially buried, the stones are limited in size so that those who feel sorry for the victims CANNOT hurl a large stone with the intention of knocking the victim out to spare their suffering.

Just because the mob threw a couple of cinder blocks at her does not mean this was a "stoning".

[edit on 4-9-2008 by Sonya610]

Obviously this was no stoning. This was outright mob murder.

Doesnt matter about the religious beliefs. That has no relevance. What matters is that in this video, we see the core of humanity's untastefull traits of intolorance.

Unfortunately there is no cure for human intolorance.

However there is a solution. Humanity will have to figure that one out for itself.

In the meantime...more innocents like this are murdered each and every day.

Perhaps this girl is now looking upon this Earth from the next realm and actually crying, not for what happend to her, but for what she sees...a beautiful blue ball filled with ugly human traits.

She cries at night.

Pray not for her...but for humanity.

She is now free of this worlds cruelty and shame.

She is more free now than ever in her very short to soar away from hell on Earth.


posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 06:10 AM
I remember this story now, but never saw the video. She was accused of converting to Islam.

The Shi'ites were furious over this. They killed several kurds (including most of a bus full) in retaliation, saying the kurds had no right to kill the girl because she chose to join Islam of her own free will.

But those that say "those people" are animals are a bit out of touch. I came across this video the other day by chance, American troops having fun taunting a crippled and dying dog before they kill it. Such good clean American fun! We are so much better than "those people".

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 06:23 AM
The other unfortunate thing about humanity is that its ugliness does not stop at boarders of any particular nation.

Doesnt matter, Islam, Chineese, Koreans, Americans, Africans, Europeans, it just simply doesnt matter.

Humanity's ugly traits are in each and every single human being on this planet.

Some of us just know how to control those traits and not go so out of control when faced with something we oppose or do not like.

Its called "civilized society"

But unfortunately as well...civilized society is few and far between. It is there, and good in humanity is also there too. But we cannot deny our human nature that is within all of us, primative traits such as seen in that video.

It happens, its sad and its something that belongs in the caveman days of humanity.

Perhaps someday soon these kinds of behaviors will be something that can really be called "a thing of the DISTANT past".


posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 07:24 AM
a scene that will soon be widespread in Europe in a few years as the muslim take more and more of are freedoms away...

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 11:03 PM
The bible encourages stoning for far more minor offenses.

If these people are animals for holding onto their religious traditions, they surely would be hypocrites if they claimed to be Christian, while picking and choosing which rules to follow.

Religion is the most dangerous intoxicant.

Btw, This is a Kurdish girl killed by Kurds in Iraq. I'd like to point out that this video was lifted by Uighur separatists and labeled "Chinese police beat Uighur girl to death". This video has nothing to do with China, yet it has inspired hatred for China.

I've also seen too many people respond to this video by saying we should nuke the Arabs for this. It's amazing how a video involving non-Muslim non-Arabs can inspire hatred for Arabs and Muslims.

Media is another dangerous intoxicant.

Use it responsibly.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 02:14 AM
amazing how the death of a girl can have you all showing your humanity by baying for the blood of a whole country or creed, just goes to show your not all that different, the preservation of life is important, it seems to me that if a soldier shoots somebody in the name of military action it is viewed as more acceptable, in my mind it is all wrong, shame on you all

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 12:58 PM
Here is some more info on the Yazidi religion (which apparently goes back 6000 years).
From the Telegraph:

Eventually a dark, thickset man turns to me. He points to one of the peacocks on the wall: "That is Melek Taus, the peacock angel. We worship him." He sips his tea, and adds: "Ours is the oldest religion in the world. Older than Islam; older than Christianity."

And who is Melek Taus? Halil looks slightly uncomfortable: "We believe he is a proud angel, who rebelled and was thrown into Hell by God. He stayed there 40,000 years, until his tears quenched the fires of the underworld. Now he is reconciled to God."

But some Yezidi do claim that Melek Taus is "the Devil". One hereditary leader of the Yezidi, Mir Hazem, said in 2005: "I cannot say this word [Devil] out loud because it is sacred. It's the chief of angels. We believe in the chief of angels."

There are further indications that Melek Taus is "the Devil". The parallels between the story of the peacock angel's rebellion, and the story of Lucifer, cast into Hell by the Christian God, are surely too close to be coincidence. The very word "Melek" is cognate with "Moloch", the name of a Biblical demon - who demanded human sacrifice.

The avian imagery of Melek Taus also indicates a demonic aspect. The Yezidi come from Kurdistan, the ancient lands of Sumeria and Assyria. Sumerian gods were often cruel, and equipped with beaks and wings. Birdlike. Three thousand years ago the Assyrians worshipped flying demons, spirits of the desert wind. One was the scaly-winged demon featured in The Exorcist: Pazuzu.

The Yezidi reverence for birds - and snakes - might also be extremely old.

"We Yezidi are not saints," says Halil, "but we are a peaceful people. All we want is tolerance. We do not worship evil, we just see that the world contains good as well as bad. Darkness as well as light."

source: The Devil worshippers of Iraq

First note that they admit that there beliefs are NOT related to ISLAM!
So lets not make this an Islam vs. the rest "bashfest".

By the evidence supplied by the Yazidi themselves I have to conclude they practice a luciferian religion. Their views on good/evil are close to kabbalistic thinking.
Personally i'd put them is the same category as the world's Freemasonic power 'elite' who are starting wars all over the world. After all, let's not forget that contemporary freemasons are luciferians.

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