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Another sad fact related to the war in Iraq

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posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 10:46 AM
Army's suicide rate has outside experts alarmed

"Suicide experts with military backgrounds say the 20 suicides in the Iraq conflict are a high number. Using the military's 12-month rate of a dozen suicides for each 100,000 soldiers, self-inflicted deaths this year in Iraq should amount to no more than 13 at this point, according to Dr. Paul Ragan, who was a Navy psychiatrist for 11 years and is a Vanderbilt University associate professor.

Last year, the Army reported a 12-month suicide rate of 11.1 for each 100,000 soldiers and is expected to report 12 for each 100,000 this year, matching the military's overall rate.

The current count of 20, with the Army investigating more deaths as possible suicides, is worrisome . . ."

Why is this fact not making the headlines at Fox News!

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 10:48 AM
I guess you would want the fact that your son/daughter killed herself spewed all over television.

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Seapeople
I guess you would want the fact that your son/daughter killed herself spewed all over television.

This is a poor excuse if I have ever heard one!!! It can be reported, with pictures shown, where our soldiers are kidnapped and held captive, where dead soldiers are dragged through the streets while being torn apart and mutilated, etc. and you want to say the above. I will not even take the time to argue with you, other than repeat that this is a poor excuse!

posted on Jan, 1 2004 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Bushed
Army's suicide rate has outside experts alarmed

"Suicide experts with military backgrounds say the 20 suicides in the Iraq conflict are a high number. Using the military's 12-month rate of a dozen suicides for each 100,000 soldiers, self-inflicted deaths this year in Iraq should amount to no more than 13 at this point, according to Dr. Paul Ragan, who was a Navy psychiatrist for 11 years and is a Vanderbilt University associate professor.

Last year, the Army reported a 12-month suicide rate of 11.1 for each 100,000 soldiers and is expected to report 12 for each 100,000 this year, matching the military's overall rate.

The current count of 20, with the Army investigating more deaths as possible suicides, is worrisome . . ."

Why is this fact not making the headlines at Fox News!

I was just thinking about this very thing earlier today. BushCo. can't let anyone in our media discuss this issue, Bushed. You know why. That would be BAD PR!
Can't have that insidious subject be on the table for discussion. Someone might just stop and ask the all important question... What do we attribute this tragic rise in self-inflicted death to? What is causing our brave men and women to take their own lives at such an appallingly high rate? Could it be because of the dispicable way in which our troops are being treated? Could it be because of the madness of the entire situation? Getting shot at from all mysterious sides? Being told they cannot go home for an indefinite amount of time? Maybe that they cannot ETS when they were promised? Could it be that their environment is hellish in the extreme with no relief in sight? What of their unanswered personal problems back in the world?

If our government actually acknowledged this issue in a fair and forthright manner, they would have to then come up with solutions to the problem. The Bush administration, remember, is living in a bizarre parallel universe, where everything is peachy and the knowns and unknowns are known, or unknown, as it were.

The government needs get serious, for the sake of our troops and veterans. Who gives a shyte who looks bad. We need to get to the bottom of this and rectify what is driving troops to such horrific ends. For their sacrifice, it's the least we can do.

posted on Jan, 1 2004 @ 04:39 PM

men and women who died in the line of duty, and are dragged through the streets etc, have a sense of dignity that they died for something. men who shoot themselves in the face have none, would never get any, and would be remembered as cowards. would you want that? youre a bunch of assholes, 'OMG TELEVISE THAT MY NEIGHBORS SON KILLED HIMSELF, WE HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW' respect for the dead? pshaw, this is 2004! the people have a right to know!

posted on Jan, 1 2004 @ 04:44 PM
The fact that this administration is so quick to publicly classify these deaths as non-combat related deaths instead of suicide - conveniently sweeping the truth under yet another rug - completely dishonors the men and women who serve.

posted on Jan, 1 2004 @ 08:30 PM
12/100,000 during peace time would be natural for that number to rise during wartime. variables directly affecting this proportion have changed. Im not making light of the situation. 1 life lost in this way is cause for action--I had a good friend that attempted suicide while in the marines during peace time

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 12:00 PM
GIVE ME A BREAK. I swear all y'all just nit pick looking for a reason to BLAME THE ADMINISTRATION.

Please, They are a bunch of flamin morons, but they have better things to do than address a NORMAL statistic.

As a matter of fact, White men age 20-65 commit suicide on the order of approx. 21-22 per 100,000. That was in 2002.

Suicide Chart

In 2001, Florida, Nevada, Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, North and South Dakota, and West Virginia (to name a few) had higher rates per 100,000 than the military.

Calm down on the anti-government talk til someone can look into a little research and information.

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 12:08 PM
Look up the statistics for yourself. The number of suicides in the Iraq campaign are much higher than normal. It just further proves how disasterous this whole Iraqi debacle has been. Supporters of the administration and it's naive (academia-driven) mid-east policies can deny it all they want. It cannot change the facts.
Anyone who cares remotely for our troops should take this issue very seriously and not be so quick to dismiss it.

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 08:19 PM

GIVE ME A BREAK. I swear all y'all just nit pick looking for a reason to BLAME THE ADMINISTRATION.

thank you for your refreshing words of wisdom!

it never ceases to amaze me, anywhere i see a comment form Eastcoastkid, he/she/it is patronising someone telling them their argument/opnion is flawed or entirely without merit or substance, and telling them he/she/it, knows better, and here is the facts!

why dont you stop being a patronising twat and listen to other people for a change? you think everyone else should be open minded? i think you have to be the most closed minded poerson i have ever come across!

REGARDLESS OF THE TOPIC!!!! and with 54000 points, you need to look at yourself before you tell me im on here to much to do the job i do!

[Edited on 2-1-2004 by Knowsstuff]

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 08:45 PM
At least we haven�t sent over a bunch of white male doctors, their suicide rate is between 20 and 30 per 100,000.

I would say that the current rate is probably normal.

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 08:56 PM
Only one thing..

Suicide = ultimate # up.

Most things that people do are ment for 'humans'..

This however isnt.

It is totally unnatural.

But maybe people that end up doing that werent ment to be born in the first place..

And you are right..

Military should tell that number of people 'suicided' openly..

posted on Jan, 3 2004 @ 09:37 AM
Knowsstuff, happy to oblige.

Is it not true though? That there is a normal suicide rate? People who commit suicide have real problems on their own. I can't really say I feel bad for them.

Anyway, the problem is not as severe as some would love it to be.

posted on Jan, 3 2004 @ 03:17 PM
slightly off the topic of suicide, but on the topic of the forces in iraq, and the theatre of operations. the people on this site who contually sling mud at the whole thing from the comfort of their homes, really piss me off. i dont like seeing it, cos it makes me feel like the effort my friends and myself put in to doing our jobs in iraq, and those still there doing it, is being made a mockery off. certainly doesnt help the poor guy who is contemplating sucide. off all the problems he or she is facing, they dont need the added thought that everyone at home thinks that they are there to steal oil and kill Iraqis at will

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