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The News That Is Kept From You

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posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by billybob

Originally posted by lavenderlyndi

Then tell me where to get the facts, the TRUE facts. Obviously not the paper, not the media-- is there some place on the internet with the truth? Direct me please.

search "alternative news". this will give you something to balance against mainstream news. when both say the same thing, it is more likely to be true.
if you want truth nowadays, you have to be your own personal investigative reporter.

i think the important thing is not where you can get the truth, so much as, where NOT to get it. there is a video called "manufacturing consent" by noam chomsky. it is an eye-opener and a good start for growing eyes with which to see behind the curtain.

if you look into it, you will see that the newspaper/t.v./radio owners, the oil company owners, the pharmeceutical companies, the arms manufacturers and mostly the bankers and 'elected' officials are the same entity.

Thank you for your kindness billybob--I will do exactly as you suggest--I hope to learn some things--that's what this site is about--to learn from each other.

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by billybob

Originally posted by lavenderlyndi

Then tell me where to get the facts, the TRUE facts. Obviously not the paper, not the media-- is there some place on the internet with the truth? Direct me please.

search "alternative news". this will give you something to balance against mainstream news. when both say the same thing, it is more likely to be true.
if you want truth nowadays, you have to be your own personal investigative reporter.

i think the important thing is not where you can get the truth, so much as, where NOT to get it. there is a video called "manufacturing consent" by noam chomsky. it is an eye-opener and a good start for growing eyes with which to see behind the curtain.

if you look into it, you will see that the newspaper/t.v./radio owners, the oil company owners, the pharmeceutical companies, the arms manufacturers and mostly the bankers and 'elected' officials are the same entity.

Excellent post, Billybob.

Lavenderlyndi - I could not have said it better. So, I will defer to BB.

I hope you find the truth.

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 02:29 PM
More News That Is Kept From You:

AWESOME ARTICLE, you will read it and THINK.

This is why the American occupation of Iraq wil only lead to more hatred and more bloodshed. Get those troops OUT!

"Shooting Samarra's Schoolboys in the Back
Phantam Insurgents in Fantasyville

Schoolboy Issam Naim Hamid is the latest of America's famous "insurgents". In Samarra--for which read Fantasyville--he was shot in the back as he tried to protect himself with his parents in his home in the Al-Jeheriya district of the ancient Abbasid city.

It was three in the morning, according to his mother, Manal, when soldiers of the 4th Infantry Division came to the house, firing bullets through the gate. One of the rounds pierced the door, punched through a window and entered Issam's back, speeding on through an outer wall. His father was hit in the ankle and was taken to Tikrit hospital yesterday in serious condition. Issam cries in pain in the Samarra emergency hospital ward, a drip-tube sticking into his stomach through a wad of bloody bandages.

The Americans claimed to have killed 54 "insurgents" after a series of guerrilla ambushes in the city last month, and the only dead to be found in the mortuaries were nine civilians, including an Iranian pilgrim to the great golden-cupolaed Shia shrine that looms over Samarra. Four days ago, they boasted of a further 11 "insurgents", but the only dead man who could be found was a vegetable seller. At the Samarra hospital, doctors also have the names of a taxi driver called Amer Baghdadi, shot dead by the Americans on Wednesday night.

Then there is the case of 31-year-old farmer Maouloud Hussein who was trying to push his five young daughters and son into the back room of his two-room slum home a few hours earlier when yet another bullet came whizzing through the gate and the outer wall of the house, and smashed into Maouloud's back. His son Mustafa, bleary-eyed with tears beside his father's bed yesterday, and his daughters Bushra, Hoda, Issra and Hassa, were untouched. But the bullet tore into Maouloud's body and exited through his chest. Doctors have just taken out his spleen.

His 41-year-old brother, Hamed winces as he sees Maouloud cringing in agony --the wounded man tries to wave a hand at me and lapses into unconsciousness--and says 23 bullets hit the house in their Al-Muthanna quarter of the city. Like Issam Hamid, he lay bleeding for several hours before help came. Manal, Issam's mother, tells a terrible story. "The Americans had an Iraqi interpreter and he told us to stay in our home," she says. "But we had no telephone, we couldn't call an ambulance and both my husband and son were bleeding. The interpreter for the Americans just told us we were not allowed to leave the house."


posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 06:59 AM
Keep in mind that there are always three sides to a story.

The third side to the story no one will ever know.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 08:31 AM
What the heck does that mean?

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Jakomo

What the heck does that mean?

Yes, what does that mean?!


posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Originally posted by Jakomo

What the heck does that mean?

Yes, what does that mean?!

Sorry. I must admit after reading my comment a few days later it was a rather vague one.

OK my three sides to a story.

It's like war. Lets take WW2 for example.
The only reason why the Allied forces are percieved as the "good" guys is due to the fact that they won the war.

Had the Germans won, bare with me here cause I know I'm stirring the pot" then it is very likely that history would have been re-written to make the Nazis appear like the good guys.

So if both sides could have been the "good" guys then what is the true third side of the story?

[Edited on 31-12-2003 by Jo]

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