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Christianity is brainwashing kids.

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posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by shots
Oh but I can! I did not state Christianity was brainwashing the kids. I clearly stated the game was.

You agree that the game is brainwashing kids. You also agree that the game is Christian, and made by Christians.
So where are you taking this? How do you think the game is brainwashing kids, if not for Christianity?

Originally posted by shots
Frankly I think you should not have lumped all Christians into one group.

This is the third or fourth time that I am repeating myself just for you.

Originally posted by Gear
Blatant propaganda that 'just so happens' to be Christian orientated.
In the end, I am not talking about Christians in their homes, or Christian leaders. I am talking about propaganda that is being used via the means of a game. The game is 100% completely Christian. Thus Christianity is responsible for brainwashing.

I did not "lump all Christians" into one group.

Originally posted by apex
Why can't people just see it as a game rather than some sort of propaganda? Or a brainwashing tool?

Did you read the article? This has more propaganda than Triumph of the Will. Convert and Kill if you want to go to heaven! Destroy the global community peacekeepers for the good of God!

Propaganda is a certain type of message presentation directly aimed at manipulating the opinions or behavior of people, rather than impartially providing information.

Originally posted by southern_cross3
The whole thing is blown out of proportion.

Maybe it is. But It is better for something like this to be blown out of proportion than to just slip under the radar.

Originally posted by undo
Bible prophecy does not say that christians will kill non-christians.
Jesus was anti-capital punishment, anti-war, anti-death.

I will ignore the fact that more people have been killed in the name of christianity than any other wars over concepts.
Instead, I will answer this with a passage taken from the article.

Critics accuse its creators of mixing religion and violence to appeal to teenage fans of violent games
It's not a matter of whether the game is remaining truthful to the texts or not. It is a matter of what they are encouraging, and how they are encouraging it.

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 10:21 AM
okay first off i agree that the game is messed up. No where in the bible does it say "convert and if that doesn't work kill". What a surprise muslims were pissed about something else. IF you have never read the Koran i encourage you too it's very revealing. There is a verse in the koran that says to do exactly what the above mentioned game wants you to do "convert or kill" and Islam is a religion of peace. When it comes to religion, nowadays i just want to get drunk and hope the issues get flushed away like my moring urine. I agree that there are some messed up christians in the world, but you can't say that christainity is brainwashing kids. Just like you can't say all muslims are terrorists. Unfortunatley some christian people acted not christian like and made a game that embarrasses their religion. I'm also tired of everyone saying that christianity is trying to force their religion on me. IF you don't like the 10 commandments in a courtyard, walk around them. I guarrentee i can find plenty of stuff i don't like about lots of people but i have better things to do than whine about everything. I love how in the article you had a link to it said that games like this are bad for kids, or something like that. Yeah, all the games that have violence are just fairies and lollipops conpared to this game. GT auto lets you kill hookers for fun but a game where christians kill is bad for kids. blow it out you butt.
You think christianity is trying to get forced on you? Homosexuality is what's being forced on people. Everyday there is something on the news about a new law that says you can't say anything bad about the gays and that you have to be nice to them or face legal issues. IF there is a gun to your head and someone saying "covert or die" or there isn't someone handcuffing you and forcing you into churhc, than i think it's safe to say that christianity is NOT BEING FORCED ON YOU!

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Thesmokingman2
No where in the bible does it say "convert and if that doesn't work kill". What a surprise muslims were pissed about something else.

In response to the first bit.

Deut 17
.2 If a man or woman living among you in one of the towns the LORD gives you is found doing evil in the eyes of the LORD your God in violation of his covenant, 3 and contrary to my command has worshiped other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or the moon or the stars of the sky, 4 and this has been brought to your attention, then you must investigate it thoroughly. If it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done in Israel, 5 take the man or woman who has done this evil deed to your city gate and stone that person to death. 6 On the testimony of two or three witnesses a man shall be put to death, but no one shall be put to death on the testimony of only one witness. 7 The hands of the witnesses must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people. You must purge the evil from among you.

And in case you don't think Jesus approves,

Matthew 5
17"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.

So yes the bible says to kill people who don't worship God (Jehovah)

posted on Dec, 17 2006 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Thesmokingman2
IF you don't like the 10 commandments in a courtyard, walk around them. I guarrentee i can find plenty of stuff i don't like about lots of people but i have better things to do than whine about everything.

Yet if an Anti-Christian book was displayed in public places most Christians would freak out. There wouldn't be a whole lot of Christians who could "just walk around them".

Homosexuality is what's being forced on people. Everyday there is something on the news about a new law that says you can't say anything bad about the gays and that you have to be nice to them or face legal issues. IF there is a gun to your head and someone saying "covert or die" or there isn't someone handcuffing you and forcing you into churhc, than i think it's safe to say that christianity is NOT BEING FORCED ON YOU!

Well nobody's "putting a gun to your head" and saying be homosexual or die, so by your own argument you are contradicting yourself. Just because you're expected to tolerate homosexuality in the world does not mean it's being "forced" on you. You have your right to be against homosexuality, but only so far as they have the right to be homosexual.

And no, no one is putting a gun to anyone's head and saying "go to church or die", but the game in question is purporting that that's an okay thing to do. If this becomes a trend in media and entertainment I wouldn't be surprised if people started doing just that. And yes, as was already stated above, the Bible does, in fact, condone killing people who do not convert.

posted on Dec, 25 2006 @ 03:01 PM
You people really ought to closely examine this article and decide which side it argues for. Why would the writer bother to post bullet points like this?

Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins’s bestselling series of 12 novels started in 1995 with Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth’s Last Days

President Bush is said to be a fan of the series

The theological doctrine in the books and the new game is known as premillennial dispensationalism

Neither the Church of England nor the Roman Catholic Church has said officially that it does not believe in this apocalyptic scenario

Christians in both churches endorse their belief in it in the Nicene Creed: “He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.”

This game was highlighted on ABC's Nightline with a TOTALLY DIFFERENT spin and so I'd like to share a bit of that:

The #1 weapon used by the Christians in this game is PRAYER. Of course, the more "christian" you become, the more powerful your prayers become, and so you can stamp out more demons.

The enemy isn't Secularists running the U.N., but demons hellbent on conquering earth by using our own political tools against us. Yes, it plays like a hollywood "B" movie plot, but what video game doesn't?

However, in this society, in the end, the more important questions of ethics and morals will be swepted aside for the one louder question which will demand a resounding answer: "Was that worth my 49 hard-earned dollars?"

posted on Dec, 25 2006 @ 03:18 PM
I think the church has been brainwashing kids and adults forever..

The few times i've been to church (my ex was a christian and managed to force me there a few times) i've sat there in amazement as every week when prompted the congragation chant the same words.. (peace be with you- and also with you.. ((just one example i can think of))

They are brainwashed beyond all doubt..

That said I'm off for a drink and a bit of christmas cake! lol

posted on Dec, 25 2006 @ 07:52 PM
to quote the great richard dawkins:

"Whenever you hear someone say 'This is a christian child,' you should shake. Because that is not a christian child, it is just the child of christian parents, it has no choice in the matter.

i may have messed the quote up a tiny bit, but the message gets accross
just by telling your kids that your religion is truth for the first 10 years of their life is brainwashing because they cannot resist

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 04:39 PM
Frankly, I'm a little surprised, what with all the hyperlinks posted as sources for info on this game, I haven't seen this one posted yet.:" target="_blank" class="postlink">

As I suspected, there is much ado about nothing here. The game is rated "T" for Teen, so you don't have to worry about the local GameSpot employee trying to shove this game down your kid's throat.

As I mentioned earlier, the formost weapon used by the Tribulation Force is PRAYER to take out the demons. (And they ARE demons, following the edicts of Nicholei Carpathia, the head demon using the U.N. as the primary dispensationary tool in his power grab.)

Also, you can play EITHER SIDE in this game! That's right, POUND THE CRISTIANS INTO SUBMISSION for not falling into the ranks and following the edicts of Nicholei!.

(Interesting that you don't hear the Christians screaming about THAT part.)

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 11:21 PM
Players are ordered to convert or kill to advance to the next level and remodel America as a Christian-controlled state, and establish its world vision of Christ’s dominion.

If this was a game to establish a caliphate, or a communist regime, we'd probably be rounding up and executing the designers.

At least it acknowledges that you'd need a revolution to make the US a Christian Nation, and not that it is and allways has been one.

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
If this was a game to establish a caliphate, or a communist regime, we'd probably be rounding up and executing the designers.

of course, because we know that those are such grave and dangerous ideas

At least it acknowledges that you'd need a revolution to make the US a Christian Nation, and not that it is and allways has been one.

oh yeah, and that it would have to involve religious cleansing

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

If this was a game to establish a caliphate, or a communist regime, we'd probably be rounding up and executing the designers.

At least it acknowledges that you'd need a revolution to make the US a Christian Nation, and not that it is and allways has been one.

Well said.....

But couldn't it also be said that Christianity resembles a communist regime.I mean they tell you if you don't do this, you go to hell. Over and over and over again they repeat these types of wordings, telling you that if you don't do something that they wish you to do you will go to hell. Sounds like Hitler to me, if you don't do what I say, I will kill you. In parallel I can not see any difference.

Unfortunately I was one of those brainwashed kids that had the misfortune of going to Catholic school. Fortunately enough for me I was also one of those kids who had too many questions and I was expelled from Catholic school for asking questions when I was only six years old.

I remember one time in kindergarten we went to church as a class. The priest, pastor or minister whatever he was, had some type of speaker system wired into the church. At the time I did not know anything about speaker systems or how electronics work, as I was only five years old. So when I heard a voice emanating from the roof of the church, me, my entire class and every other child in that church thought that God was talking to us. This is Brainwashing 101. And they still do these things today ask any kid in Catholic school.

I think the only reason people haven't risen up against Christianity is because they themselves have been brainwashed in some way. I mean how many times in a week do you say "Jesus Christ" using it in a swear context? Or how many times when you're in trouble do you say "oh my God"? Now I am religious in absolutely no way; as I am far too educated to be deceived by these simple mind control practices. But still to this day I find myself using "Jesus Christ" and "ohh my God" almost on a daily basis. I am not faithful to this or any mythological belief system, yet I still find myself using these wordings.

Is this brainwashing? You bet it is!; in my humble and completely biased opinion the designers of this game should be charged with crimes against humanity. It is also my contention that all the religions in the world that have committed murder in the name of their religion should be held to our legal standards and convicted of crimes against humanity. I mean seriously last time I checked the Christians have killed more people than Hitler. But these are just my thoughts, and you are going to believe what you wanna believe anyway so I guess was kind of pointless for me to write this. But I already have, so I will post it.

Sorry if I have offended anybody it was not my intention.

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 03:54 PM
Whats about making a game that you have to kill all the christians; with fighting the saints, archangels and the like as boss battles. You could have jesus and god as the end bosses. You could have special moves like crucifixion and things like sacrifice moves.
Oh Oh and you get extra points for breaking each of the ten commandments.

Hmmm this could be interesting!!!!

Then again why stop at christians, you could have addons with the muslims, jews and other religious groups - although maybe not hindu as they have about 3 million gods.

So what do you say? Any game coders out there?????


posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 01:32 PM

I remember one time in kindergarten we went to church as a class. The priest, pastor or minister whatever he was, had some type of speaker system wired into the church. At the time I did not know anything about speaker systems or how electronics work, as I was only five years old. So when I heard a voice emanating from the roof of the church, me, my entire class and every other child in that church thought that God was talking to us. This is Brainwashing 101. And they still do these things today ask any kid in Catholic school.
This is a joke, right? Not once did I ever think my Principal was God, and HE blared at us through a P.A. system everyday! I DID of course recognize him as THE authority figure at school, not just to us but to the teachers as well. Is that brainwashing?

If this game is truely brainwashing, then allow me to ask..what about Doom, or Bloodrayne, or any of the COUNTLESS OTHER games which involve killing demons, vampires, mythical monsters, and (to a lesser extant) aliens?

Better I should ask this: How many video games on the market DON'T depict the downfall of mankind, which depends on one rag-tag band of misfits as its saviors??

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 06:54 AM
Christianity is fine. However, religion is not, it is people-oriented, whereas we should just be following Christ. I was brought up in the assemblies of god and I don't care what anyone says, this 'religion' is a cult just as much as any other cult! They brainwash people, when there are half the congregation speaking in tongues it is very very creepy for a young child (as I was), this is not good it is evil! Well, the Bush family are all members of the AOG, does that not tell you everything!!

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