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Is Africa the next NWO target?

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posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 12:50 AM
Okay bear with me. When President Bush announced his AIDS program geared for Africa I was struck by this though: China will not be the cheap labor bastion forever. What if Africa is being groomed by the NWO as the next ultra cheap labor source? You would need to start now as the cheap labor in China has 20-30 years + left before it begins to get too expensive (Same thing happned to Japan)

So should I just go back to by adult beverage or what?

[typo fix in title]

[edit on 30/3/2006 by Umbrax]

posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 01:00 AM
Yes..I believe it is. Look at this my friend. This Denver International Airport, says it RIGHT in your FACE!

The Denver International Airport is shaped like a swastika.. DZIT DI GAII is enscribed in the airport on the floor...which means... BLACK SUN. Mr. Synder who works there "lied" and said it cleary represents Denver International Airport. That is not right... Here's another thing. The DIA is suppossed to be the west center for NWO control...

There are grotesque murals there at the port... With a NAZI storm trooper in one of them.. no..I have researched Chicano Art and leo Tanguma..but no I do not buy it... This is so in your FACE!! IT's just like what the Illuminati is doing with their stupid symbols. Example. Statue of Liberty> We are putting this in your face, we know about it and you dont'!"

Oh! I forgot to mention one of the murals there are three "DEAD" women in a casket. One African, One Native American..and one Christian. or Catholic... I am guessing that these people are the targets for NWO...eek..

If you would like more information about the New World Order, and this NAZI connection, please take a look here, this is the TRUTH>

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 10:23 PM

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by FredT
China will not be the cheap labor bastion forever. What if Africa is being groomed by the NWO as the next ultra cheap labor source?

Fred T I think your hypothesis is perfectly valid and worth looking into. And an excellent point about China. The NWO will always be exploiting the cheapest labor, and the idea that it might be actually grooming the next wave of cheap labor is fascinating!

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by FredT
What if Africa is being groomed by the NWO as the next ultra cheap labor source?

It has been for years for many nefarious industries, don't worry, even the Chinese have some standards that they wont touch.

Let's just say that African leaders have been complicit in this exploitation with a leading Cabal for decades.


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