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Does an MPD patient Have More than one Soul?

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posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 07:13 AM
Having been really close to a multiple personality disorder person, I would have to say yes, and think they have been entered by a soul/souls who just wants to live again.
Doctors have no explanation, but for pedophilia causes the personality splits?
Anyone else been intrigued by this phenomena?

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 08:47 AM
Im not sure what your'e asking, do you just want our opinion? In my case, I am for the most part a very scientific minded person. (however certain things have happened to cause me to question these beliefs but thats another story entirely) But i want consider your theory for a moment regardless.

This is the first paragraph of an article which got me interested in this topic.

You're having a conversation with Mandie, a slender, attractive young woman. It's a casual chat about nothing in particular between friends. You take out a package of cigarettes and immediately sense a change, as if the atoms in the oxygen around you were slowing slightly. Perhaps you hear an electrical snap, the kind of sound you hear when the air is charged with static electricity and you flip on a light switch. Your friend's body twitches slightly and her demeanor changes. Shoulders square, she puts her feet flat on the floor and assumes an instinctively masculine pose. Bracing her hands on her knees, she leans toward you, and says in a voice that has dropped two octaves,
"Excuse me, ma'am. I really favor those cigarettes you got there. Mind if I have one? I'd be most beholdin' to you." Mandie is gone. Brent has popped in, literally. Perhaps you and Mandie are walking from your car to the grocery store. As you cross the parking lot her gait abruptly changes. Her steps are smaller, slower, clumsier. She grabs your hand and says, "This is a really big street with cars on it. We got to hold hands and look both ways." Little Emily has bumped Mandie.

HERE i found a term relating to MPD called SPS.

I have looked for more about Spirit Possession Syndrome but have so far come up with nothing more of value. Hope this helps.

But.....a word of warning. Whilest I do not know this person of whom you speak but i should advise against sharing the SPS theory with him/her, as it could simply cause further distress, causing him/her to believe they are possessed by demons and the like.

Anyway hope any of this helps!

[edit on 20-2-2006 by Shadow88]

[edit on 20-2-2006 by Shadow88]

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 03:16 PM

But.....a word of warning. Whilest I do not know this person of whom you speak but i should advise against sharing the SPS theory with him/her, as it could simply cause further distress, causing him/her to believe they are possessed by demons and the like.

Thank you, that says a lot.The person who is an mpd has a life of hell, as nobody will believe them and IMO an mpd is very different from a schizophrenic in that lithium and other drugs can control mental patients , but with mpd, the demons? are not affected by any medication.
In the case of Eve, the movie showed that having to kiss her dead Granny caused her split.
The person I know has integrated all of her 5 personalities, but she mostly had to do this on her own.
This is a fascinating subject and I appreciate your input.

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 03:54 PM
I have many problems when it comes to who I am.Having studied so many different aspects of life and what we are .I have unlocked many different paths of thought and behavior. It is easy to argue with myself on different matters,aswell as come into battler with my intentions and behaviors.

I have mainly two sides.

A more darker side that reaches into the depths of hate and suffering and the destruction of all that I am and the world around me.A very powerful individual who is quite favored by the demons and darkness that can shroud an individual.

Aswell I have a good side.Who is a person who cares endlessly about many
people and the human race in a whole and how we interact with eacother and the world we live in.

The more I try to balance the two the better,for If I am to blindsight my dark side I tend to become helpless in situations of danger and evil.Yet If I open my dark side too much I can lose it and find myself in dark places doing dark things.

If I am too kind and hopeful,I can be taken advantage of quite easily. Aswell as stomped on by those who care less about the things that I believe are right and wrong.

It is very hard trying to exsist with so much going on in ones head,if the trauma of personality conflict becomes too strong.One might become amnesiac and split upon their different personalites.

I have come close to becoming totally pskitzophrenic(sp?)
Now drugs and alchohol (aswell as different perscription drugs)
can have an emmense amount of influence on the psychosis of an individual,whether they be good or negative,you have to be careful.

The one thing I have found to help me is to centre myself within my exsistence and try to not think so much about everything that I do.

All for now.

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 06:29 PM
The multiple personalities may be one of the brain's defense mechanisms. Different personalities deal with different situations based on the brains interpretation of reality. Think about an athlete who is the nicest guy off the field but a wild maniac on it. Our brain interprets, creates, and predicts our reality, which obviously includes our personality. I read a study about a police officer who had MPD and had seperate personalities for driving, office work, the firing range, and other scenarios. Some of his personalities were more personable or better skilled at motor functions.

Our exhibited personality and behavior is a result of our brains interpretation of external sensory function. Many MPD sufferers have triggers, like siriuslyone mentioned the girl kissing her granny. New information causes the brain to change and react to the situation. Thinking from the brains perspective is it more efficient to be sad and depressed or switch to a stronger personality that can deal with the environment? Sirius is right, it is a life of hell.

MPD is a very strange and interesting phenomenon. I just try to look at it from the perspective that our realities are not the same. Our brain takes light waves, sound waves, touch reception, etc. and forms a "coherent" reality for us to navigate. Problems in encoding, organization, prioritizing, understand, or a million other things can cause what is considered a "normal" reality to be skewed. And without being able to personally experience that type of reality, as different as it is for each person, we'll never fully understand what it is like.

Interesting side story, another woman I studied (I'm a psych major by the way) had over 20 different personalities. They believed that they were set up because she was abused as a child and created alternate personalities/realities to cope with the situation. So they tie her down and attempt to talk to her about her past (after years of therapy and in controlled conditions) and a new personality comes out screaming. It called itself Enigma. It said that it's job was to commit suicide if the woman ever remembered the abuse. We watched the whole thing on video, crazy stuff.

/first post...

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 06:47 PM
Great post and welcome aboard friend.

That is an amazing account of the levels of psychosis and mantal conditioning one has or can go through.

I hope you post more it sounds like you have studied much on this topic.


posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 08:16 PM

Our exhibited personality and behavior is a result of our brains interpretation of external sensory function. Many MPD sufferers have triggers, like siriuslyone mentioned the girl kissing her granny. New information causes the brain to change and react to the situation. Thinking from the brains perspective is it more efficient to be sad and depressed or switch to a stronger personality that can deal with the environment? Sirius is right, it is a life of hell.

Thank you for that adroit posting.
Having been around her most of my life, I have had to sit through sessions with her, clean up after, etc.
The story of Enigma gave me chills it was so close to reality.
A patient will be lucky to see you..

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 08:20 PM

A person who has had a very difficult life which has harned their psyche terribly seem to be the ones who head to alcohol and drugs, and it just feeds the psychotic what it wants most--POWER.
I hear you and know the feeling exactly.

Got all the faith in the world for you..

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 08:28 PM
I cannot PROVE to you that I have a soul, so an MPD would be a stretch.

A fractured psyche is a scary prospect for anyone to have to face. Its tough enough just dealing with the day to day realities of such a condition. I think the soul question is just a bit overboard.

Just my thoughts,


posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 08:35 PM

A fractured psyche is a scary prospect for anyone to have to face. Its tough enough just dealing with the day to day realities of such a condition. I think the soul question is just a bit overboard.

Would you mind explaining why that dilemma poses such a threat?
If you had ever been around an MPD, perhaps you might seeing it in action, begin to question.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:30 PM
I've been around a fractured personality, but not an MPD.

Another question concerns chimera phenomena. Some people are actually the fused products of two fertilized emryos.

According to the Catholic church, each embryo has a soul. In chimerism, the twoembryos fuse together to make one person, where the liver is from one embryo, and the heart from another, and the left arm skin from one, and the face skin from another, for example (some chimeras of mixed race parents have a checkerboard of skin on their chests.)

Does that individual have two souls?

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by Ectoterrestrial
I've been around a fractured personality, but not an MPD.

Another question concerns chimera phenomena. Some people are actually the fused products of two fertilized emryos.

According to the Catholic church, each embryo has a soul. In chimerism, the twoembryos fuse together to make one person, where the liver is from one embryo, and the heart from another, and the left arm skin from one, and the face skin from another, for example (some chimeras of mixed race parents have a checkerboard of skin on their chests.)

Does that individual have two souls?

Not in the way caused by abuse, as a chimera is usually born normal, but for skin defects?
What gave me this notion was the lady who developed 53 personalities and I 'felt' some dead entities must have seen how much help she needed and slipped in.I feel any split has allowed another stronger ego to protect the weakened one..
I googled on chimera and it seems to all be physical, no?

will have to cut and paste..sorry..

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 12:27 AM
According to the Diagnostic and Statistics manual version four text revision MPD is no longer. We now have Disociative Identity Disorder(DID) and as a psychologist in training(currently Behavioral Health Technician) i feel compleled to let you know that those who suffer from DID do not have multiple fact they dont have multiple personalities.
Now before you go off saying that youve met sufferes of MPD or DID which ever you choose to use it is important to realize that all of those "personality" traits add up to one WHOLE person. If you think of you consiousness and subconsiousness as two facets of one crystal and DID as someone taking a hammer to said crystal you gain better understanding as to what DID actually is. DID is usually triggered by some TRAMAUTIC experience that the person(s) cannot cope. The repress the memory and in some cases create an altogether new identity. In other cases the tramautic event causes thier already fragile self to spilt.
The following is a direct reference from the DSM-4

DID formely MPD is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states that recurrently take control of the individuals behavior accompanied with by an inability to recall important personal information that nis too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfullness.

Diagnostic criteria for 300.14 Dissociate Identity Disorder

a. Presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states each with its own relatively enduring patter of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the enviroment and self.

b. At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control of the persons behavior.

c. Inability to recall important personal inofrmation that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfullness.

d. The distrubance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance or a general medical condition. In children these sympotoms are not attributable to imaginary playmates or other fantasy play.

Factors that may support a diagnosis of DID are the presence of clear cut dissociative sympotomlogy with sudden shifts in identity states, reversible amnesia, and high scores on measures of dissociation and hyponotizability in individuals who do not have the characteristic presentations of another mental disorder.

The disorder may become less manifest as individuals age beyond thier late 40's but may reemerge during episodes of STRESS or TRAUMA, or with SUBSTANCE ABUSE.

All information used inbetween these two lines was used under the "Fair Use Act" of the United States and no profit nor any desire for profit was elicited from the Use of the Remarks.

DSM-V tm copyright 1994
American Psychaitric Association: Diagnostic and Satistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. Washington D.C American Psychaitric Association, 1994
Now there were some posters who were claiming that they were suffering from DID(MPD) and were describing themselves as having two or maybe three SIDES. If you were to have DID(MPD) you would not be able to differentiate between those two sides...and would have episodic amnesia...I.E Blackouts...essentially going one place and waking up in another completley unaware of how you got there or why you are there. We all are multifaceted individuals some of us to more of an extent then others. But those that suffer from DID are not multifaceted thier entire personality structure has crystalized and been shattered into an inumerable amount of pieces...and can only be put back together again with great pain and struggle.

I hope that this cleared up any of the confusion surrounding those who suffer from DID. They dont have two souls they are individuals who have been afflicted with a very disturbing mental disease or they are individuals who are mentally fragile. Not only that there are a plethora of other dissociative disorders many of which 200 years ago would be construed as either having two souls or being possessed. Modern Science and good solid intuition and logic have prevailed over fear mongering and religous nuttery.

El senor Pom pom rides again

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 04:03 PM

DID formely MPD is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states that recurrently take control of the individuals behavior accompanied with by an inability to recall important personal information that nis too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfullness

Thank you for the information, but I can ONLY 'see' it from an esoteric or meta-physical POV..
It is the Universal way to keep the 'victim' from commiting suicide.
One must be sure that they do not allow the vicious one from being the one who comes out to be the main one left over.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 07:49 PM
There are a few forms of DID, some natural, some forced (intentional).....and yes, its only ONE personality, just traits of the other personality are stored in subsections of the mind.....usually to cope with trauma that trait of the personality is kept away, access to it, would mean activation of suicide traits...thus defence mechanisms....

Research about the soul and mind, is that the mind operates to the rules of the soul... because there are a total of 13 energies (to my beliefs) of the mind of god, its replicated into the soul of a person..... as phyiscal reality is in the total personality of a person is subdivided in 13x13x13 compartments...EACH capabale of holding specific traits... with this in mind, the total of sub-personalties can never exceed 2197......

Natural trauma stores traits in these deal with situations.......intentional (ie brainwashing/mind-control/programming) causes the mind to split and then traits are ENTERED into the mind, however never can a trait be entered that is not unatural to the person...its always something that has existed...just enhanced.. These people become assassins, sex slaves, couriers, etc.. etc.. Now people think that a compartment from another compartment is TOTALLY different from the other..not the case... it can be a small change...however the person recalls both situations, in general case, the person doesnt realise a change, yet they are working in a different sub-personality... You can only identify the extremes from child to adult, woman to man, or beliefs totally different.

The thing is, ALL sub-personalities are actually just ONE, just divided...the goal is to re-integrate them...the person becomes aware of all traits and then has a choice to remove traits that they desire not to keep. There are ways of doing this
its not a lost cause.

Oh, also, proof that physical ailments are the work of the mind (psychosamatic) ie some form of blindness/deaf etc... a case of DID, was a normal person who developed blindness.... then they realise he had DID.... his child personality came out.....the child personality could see...the adult could not....another case, a person was going deaf....personality was deaf, another personaltiy could hear... With this story, i began researching mind over matter principles...and found that all diseases, including cancer/aids/flu, can be overcome by changing the way you think......the virus still exists, its just your reaction to these viruses that change the symptoms of being affected...

u2u me for how to 'merge' *g* sub-personalities back into its whole.

*edit* oh with the initial question... Yes and no. Some people have been known to contain 2 to 3 souls..these people are very psychic (usually very muscular, large people), have 2 or 3 chakra bands...the goal of these people is to spread the chakra energy so there is a unification of thought.... Then the normal person..has PART of a the energy of the soul can be enormous...the soul gets spread to many people.... these really are 'you' as well, except that the experiences of life are different, thus the individuality....basically to increase more soul energy into to physically get bigger (muscle not fat), remove toxins from the system as toxins take the etheric space of soul energy....removing the toxins gives way for more etheric energy to be stored in the cells.....thus why a baby has little soul energy, and an adult has more soul energy....


[edit on 4/6/06 by Merger]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 08:10 PM

Oh, also, proof that physical ailments are the work of the mind (psychosamatic) ie some form of blindness/deaf etc... a case of DID, was a normal person who developed blindness.... then they realise he had DID.... his child personality came out.....the child personality could see...the adult could not....another case, a person was going deaf....personality was deaf, another personaltiy could hear... With this story, i began researching mind over matter principles...and found that all diseases, including cancer/aids/flu, can be overcome by changing the way you think......the virus still exists, its just your reaction to these viruses that change the symptoms of being affected...

I agree totally with this.. Years ago, I got black carcinoma and was given 90 days to live, went home and cried and then I said if it is only 90 days, I will go out partying, and as the first 2 operations did not work, the 3rd operation caused me an NDE. It was so severe they took me away from work to the hospital in the first results.Imagine getting a phone call like that YOW.
After, I was not allowed to stay on the other-side, when I came back, I refused any treatment, but my MIND thought differently, so I have never had any return at all..
Adroit post, thank you..look for u2u

I have recenly been enjoying watching your posts.

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[edit on 6-4-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]


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