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The Singapore Light Weight Howitzer (SLWH) Pegasus

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posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 09:53 AM
Weighing 5.4 tons, the 155mm Singapore Light Weight Howitzer Pegasus is both self-propelled and heli-portable by the CH-47D "Chinook" helicopters. This 39-calibre howitzer offers better range and firepower than the 105mm Light Guns which it will replace. The SAF's artillery systems will all be standardised (at 155mm) after the Pegasus is fully phased into the SAF's artillery units.

The Pegasus was jointly developed by the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), the Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA) and Singapore Technologies Kinetics (ST Kinetics) to meet the Army's operational requirements. It is a highly automated and efficient system that delivers range and firepower comparable to heavier systems such as the Primus and the FH88.

Lightweight Materials
The Pegasus employs lightweight materials like titanium and high alloy aluminium that provides the strength and stability required to withstand the recoil force of a 155mm system.


--Maximum Range: 19 km (Conventional); 30 km (Extended Range)

Rate of Fire
--Burst Rate: 3 rounds in 24 seconds
--Maximum Rate: 4 rounds per minute for 3 minutes
--Sustain Rate: 2 rounds per minute for 30 minutes

--Number of crew: 6-8

--Self-Propelled: 12 km/h (maximum)
--Towed (Cross-country): 50 km/h (maximum)
--Towed (Paved): 70 km/h (maximum)
--Towing Vehicle Type: 5 ton; 7 ton
--Engine: 21kW Lombardini 9LD625-2

Air Transportability
--Fixed Wing: C130
--Rotary Wing: CH-47D/SD


Intresting, I never new they had any sohphisticated weapon systems. And there is more guys! I'm gonna put them in a thread I call Singapore's weapons systems. Most of you will be amazed at what they are working on, I know I am! Also its pretty sweet that it can be transported by a helicopter, thats a lof of mobility right there. I wonder if it will use any of those advanced artillary munitions? Anybody have any info on that? I couldn't find that much on the vehicle.

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 10:17 AM
Singapore 155mm systems are developements from Finnish Patria and Vammas 155mm FieldHowizers sold to singapore during the 90's... but no intetion to but them down, they are great weapons as are the SK (Singapore Kinetics) Small arms.

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by blue cell
.........Intresting, I never new they had any sohphisticated weapon systems. And there is more guys! I'm gonna put them in a thread I call Singapore's weapons systems. Most of you will be amazed at what they are working on, I know I am! Also its pretty sweet that it can be transported by a helicopter, thats a lof of mobility right there. I wonder if it will use any of those advanced artillary munitions? Anybody have any info on that? I couldn't find that much on the vehicle.

Lol, we do have those. For what I know, we design weapons, vehicals base on

1) Ease of use

2) Low manpower requirment

3) Stopping power

4) Mobility

Basically same as any other weapon making country in the world. Just that we make things as small as possible because our country is very small.

Full country name: Republic of Singapore
Area: 683 sq km (266 sq mi)
Population: 4.1 million (growth rate 1.15%)
People: 76% Chinese, 15% Malay, 6% Indian
Language: English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil
Religion: 42% Buddhist, 15% Muslim, 14% Christian, 9% Taoist, 4% Hindu
Government: Parliamentary democracy

[edit on 29-10-2005 by Humster]

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 06:34 AM
Well the advantage would be able to deploy more gun systems to
the theatre of operation.
Being lighter you would offset the load with additional rounds.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 09:25 PM
Hooray, perhaps during NS can play with that big gun


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