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Say You Had The Technology

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posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 11:26 AM
Hypotethically you have the technology or power to create a dome over a large city. If you use this technology or power you will save many lives, but in doing your enemies will know you have it.

Question: Would you use it and why or why not?

My answer: There is nothing more important than people. Since a nation is made up of people first who establish government I feel the obligation to protect those individuals first. I would use whatever means to protect them at my disposal.

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by garyo1954

Hypotethically you have the technology or power to create a dome over a large city. If you use this technology or power you will save many lives, but in doing your enemies will know you have it.

Question: Would you use it and why or why not?

hmmmmmm. I really don't quite understand why keeping the dome secret from your enemies is even a secret. That would be like saying that you would keep your automobile or television secret. I can see that there might be some necessity from keeping a weapon, say a new type of aircraft or missile, secret but a dome? I'm sorry but this appears to be a non-issue.

But, to answer your question...heck Yeah, I'd build the dome. Hell, I'd build a dome over every one of my cities. If my "enemies" don't like it, tough. I really wouldn't expect my enemies to approve of anything progressive that I would do.

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by garyo1954

Hypotethically you have the technology or power to create a dome over a large city. If you use this technology or power you will save many lives, but in doing your enemies will know you have it.

Question: Would you use it and why or why not?

hmmmmmm. I really don't quite understand why keeping the dome secret from your enemies is even a secret. That would be like saying that you would keep your automobile or television secret. I can see that there might be some necessity from keeping a weapon, say a new type of aircraft or missile, secret but a dome? I'm sorry but this appears to be a non-issue.

But, to answer your question...heck Yeah, I'd build the dome. Hell, I'd build a dome over every one of my cities. If my "enemies" don't like it, tough. I really wouldn't expect my enemies to approve of anything progressive that I would do.

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 12:07 PM
BH, its all hypothetical. But you ask a good question about why you would want to keep it secret.

I could only suggest that there are many secrets that remain secrets just because the military chooses to withhold what knowledge they have in the name of national security.

Perhaps it is nothing more than the fear that your enemy would steal the technology?

I like your answer too!


posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 01:57 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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