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We are not allowed to post anything political anymore?

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posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
Is this board becoming to g rated?

Are you kidding? Sodomizing reptile-men child eating politicians is hardly g-rated.

Sounds like the usual characters are trying to stir up dissent via u2u

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
I am sick of politics as it gets in the way of proper thinking for a conspiracy theorist.

This is wrong, totally wrong.

But then, so many people have tunnel or clouded vision of what "politics" is and how it relates to conspiracy. Holding political power wherever you are makes clandestine activity, mendacity, duplicity and cover-up so much more easy, doesn't it...

Broaden the horizons.

Politics: definitions

"Deny ignorance".

Everything is political, including trying to tell people how to talk about politics.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Everything is political, including trying to tell people how to talk about politics.


Succinct, and truer than true..

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 04:37 PM
Partisan politics is the problem. When you see a post, look at a persons avatar, know who it is and know what's in the post before you read it, that's the problem. You know who won't accept any given news source as accurate, "Oh, they're biased".

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 04:46 PM
Changes are usually for the good, but to many changes can turn negative also, sometimes it kills the fun of a good discussion, debates and good topics.

Moderation works when is usually intelligent people together, but as a public board it doesn't work that way always. even if we hope for it and tried to keep it civil.

I had done like many has offered as good resolution to the low posting of threads in PTS for a while I just started threads but as always when people do not contribute they all die down, PTS is having a low contribution rate specially since EastCoastKid has gone missing.

ATS is still the main board and the one that people seek the most and occurs the other boards just fade in the background.


posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 06:45 PM
I only wanted to add Marg brought a good point forth. New posts have gone up on PTS and people either dont care or do not want to answer tham.

Come on gang!!! We can do it without the griping and the insults.

We love ATS, PTS & BTS! What do you say?

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
We love ATS, PTS & BTS! What do you say?

I say Hell Yes. That was the point of it all.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 07:36 PM
Bored Politics

Last I checked, ATS was still here, and people were still posting.

Yes, there have been some misunderstandings. Yes there has been drama.

No, ATS isn't going downhill.

In fact, it seems quite the opposite to me. People who have been reluctant to share their opinions in some forums are starting to come out from their fallout shelters.

It takes time to adjust to change, but that doesn't mean change is bad.

Really, all that's happening is that ATS has a chance of being more like it used to be in terms of culture, and I don't consider that a bad thing. I registered last year, but I lurked for longer than that, and I miss the old days like most people who remember them do.

Don't worry. It's going to be okay.

For more on the topic, be sure to read the ATS Collaborative Novel.

[edit on 8/30/2005 by Majic]

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
First of all, "honey", dont call me honey. Its disrespecfull.

what has this world come to.

you cant call someone the sweetest and purest thing in the world.

would turnip be acceptable?

[edit on 30-8-2005 by mr conspiracy]

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Come on gang!!! We can do it without the griping and the insults.

Lead the way, my dear.
With your enthusiasm and popularity, you can help turn PTS into all that it can be.

I know I spend time there each day. How many other members can make that claim

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 09:56 PM
Turnip, the root of all evil.
Don't tell anyone, but DG stands for "Darlin Girl"

Now, I must away!

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 10:16 PM
Digital Goddess

Originally posted by spacedoubt
Don't tell anyone, but DG stands for "Darlin Girl"

Well she is, but we're not supposed to tell.

Not that anyone doesn't already know.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 11:07 PM
It would be good to have men and woman who "do what they say, say what they mean" (One thing leads to another...). Talk is cheap and action speaks louder than words.


Ignorance is bliss, or so they want you to believe.

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