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Maybe Reptilians?

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posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 02:33 AM

Its a link to a story about these cave guys its really long im not sure if its a true story id like to belive it is i have a theory im curios to know anyone elses.. even if you dont belive in reptillians still a very intresting story...

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 08:14 AM
It's a very interesting story, but one that has been covered here pretty extensively, and I beleive has been found to ba a hoax.

Ted the Caver- Have you heard?

Observation/Ted the Caver

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 09:14 AM
It is a great story though, would make a fabulous movie!!

If anyones going to read it, prepare to give about half your day to do it, its bloody huge!

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Zanzibar
It is a great story though, would make a fabulous movie!!

If anyones going to read it, prepare to give about half your day to do it, its bloody huge!

Yeah thats the first thing I thought after finishing the story! I imagined a Blair Witch style of direction, with amature camerawork...the bit where he is walking through the cave and his flashlight fails would be scary as hell

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 11:03 AM
If I remember one of the previous threads on this correctly, the story was based on a book some author wrote years ago. It's fiction, however it's very well written and I remember enjoying it when I read it.

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 01:34 PM
Yea i thought it would be a great movie to.. i wouldve definitley had to go throught the hole that was there from the circle stone.. Curiousity killed the cat though id probably die..

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