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Noise in the sky

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posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 09:16 AM
I posted a similar thread to this a couple of years ago...but it's happening again so i'm trying again...

Some nights, after dark, i hear a rumbling in the sky above my house. It sounds like the rumble you get when a 747 passes over-head very high up. No discernable jet noise, just a low frequency rumble that is loud enough to just about be heard over the TV. I'm not going mad, it's not just me, cos the wife hears it too. If you put your hand on something solid like a piece of wood furniture, you can feel the vibrations of it. The difference between a jet flying over and this sound is very odd though. It doesn't get louder or quieter. It doesn't go away for ages. It can last for upto an hour.

Lately, the weather has been amazing and we've had some perfectly clear skies. There's nothing up there apart from the usual traffic to and from Luton and Stansted - which makes the usual noise whilst passing over and then goes.

Once thing i've noticed that i didn't mention before - it only happens after dark. In the winter i've heard it as early as 7pm when it's dark, but in the summer like now, it only starts around 10 pm. It's not every night, maybe 2 out of every 7.

Any ideas?

We've got RAF Henlow about 2 miles away, but they don't fly from there and it sounds like it's coming from the sky.

Really would like some ideas on this. We're in Hitchin, Hertfordshire UK.

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 12:32 PM
You have completely ruled out the chance of this noise and vibrations originating from an underground source?

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 02:35 PM
Do you have any sort of transmitter's near where you live?
Mobile phone masts, sub-stations close by etc?

[edit on 18-7-2005 by veritas 7]

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 04:09 PM
I'm 99% sure it's coming form the sky.

There's no substations for about 1/2 a mile and it's only a small one. No big mobile phone masts here as far as i know.

Sorry, i know i'm not giving you much to go on.


posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 04:57 PM
Maybe a freight train. We have heavy trains that go through here that sound like a rumble with vibration. Check your area for trains and see if you can hear a freight train when it goes through.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 08:36 PM
An unsolved mystery of 2005? Hehe. Well, it's an appropriate thread at least, didn't see a point in starting a new one.

A brand new video of "noises from the sky" taken Sep 12th in West Virginia. Credit to the youtuber.

Construction equipment? Something else?
edit on 12-9-2011 by markymint because: Wrong link, fixed now

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by Rapture404

I sometimes hear the rumblings and see bright flashes in a cloudless sky. A respected elder told me that there is a war going on in an adjacent dimension and what we are witnessing/hearing is "bleed thru" into our universe.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by markymint
An unsolved mystery of 2005? Hehe. Well, it's an appropriate thread at least, didn't see a point in starting a new one.

A brand new video of "noises from the sky" taken Sep 12th in West Virginia. Credit to the youtuber.

Construction equipment? Something else?
edit on 12-9-2011 by markymint because: Wrong link, fixed now

I'm in Southern WV and we've had a ton of thunder storms the last few days. Not saying that's what that sound was but it's possible.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 08:47 PM
Thanks for the input. Checking "other forums" it seems quite a few people have heard rumblings in WV the last day or so - but as you say, it could just be thunderstorms. The annoying/notable thing about this video is that when the person recording it looks up toward the sky (near the end) - you can't hear the sound until they lower the camera to point at the horizon again.


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