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U.S. Vs. North Korea

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posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 01:36 AM
i couldnt find a topic that discussed why we should or should not got to war with north korea we being the U.S. and i imagine it would start WW3 all the commies against the U.S..... anyways i was wondering what other peoples oppinions are...

My "oppinion" is that we should not because i belive it would lead to war with China aswell and it would just bring Chaos...and probablly Armageddon...

Any Takers

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 01:50 AM
Well i think we should take them out and make it look as if mother nature was responsible. Breaking news a meteor just crashed in North Korea and destroyed the entire country.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 03:40 AM
This has been discussed a lot, but I always like a good NK/US debate

My feeling is that the best option is to wait for Kim to die (be it by our hand or natures). Once he's gone use the confusion to try and upstage the closed society he has built. The problem is that Kim has nukes. That is a real problem and it needs to be taken care of - sooner rather then later.

In a head to head military incounter, the US would win. However, South Koreas capitol would take shelling from some 50 thousand artillary pieces which are hidden and protected by mountains.

The US would be better served going into Iran, IMHO. They don't have nukes yet, we have a staging point that wouldn't take a lot of bombardment, and Iran does have that wonderfull black liquid which will rule the geo-political world for some time.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by American Mad Man
The US would be better served going into Iran, IMHO. They don't have nukes yet, we have a staging point that wouldn't take a lot of bombardment, and Iran does have that wonderfull black liquid which will rule the geo-political world for some time.

Bad Idea. If you think the insurgency is bad Iran would be like Afganistan and Iraq combined. It has the mountain ranges and 3X the population of Iraq. Just to garrison Tehran with its massive population would take up most of the Army and reserves we have in total.

Rember too that while there is internal chafing and harping by the younger generation, they would defend thier country with a zeal and the insurgency would be much much worse

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