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5/19: War on Terror will oulast U.S. involvement in WWII

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posted on May, 12 2005 @ 05:03 AM

A week and a half after the VE Day anniversary, here's a date that will get a lot less attention: May 19, 2005. On that day, the war on terror will have outlasted America's participation in the Second World War. In other words, the period since 9/11 will be longer than the period of time between Pearl Harbor in December 1941 and the Japanese surrender in August 1945.

National Review Online

Interesting statistic, but I think the War on Terror will end up lasting far longer...even after things settle down in Iraq and Afghanistan, new problems will arise in other Middle Eastern nations and al-Qaeda and other terrorists will continue to try to attack in the U.S. and Europe.

posted on May, 12 2005 @ 06:04 AM
Wasnt the prediction/prophecy about the 3rd world war, say it would be unlike ANY other war that ever occured?

Surely this is it!

posted on May, 12 2005 @ 07:45 AM
Yeah its a completely fake war.... unlike the other wars which were only sorta fake.

Well they told us when 9-11 happened.. that this would be a war without ANY end.. EVER!

Remember that? Didn't that sound like a hoot back then too?

I'm still excited about total war.. yes.. its double plus good!

posted on May, 12 2005 @ 07:54 AM
"A war on terror." is the perfect solution to create a society perpetually at war - after all, it's an army that can't be counted, whose members stretch all the way around the world, with no political arm that can sit down and negotiate a truce or peace.

It is a war that at no point we can sit down and say we've won. Bush and those that think like him have in actuality created a perfect situation for themselves - a war that will never end, with an enemy that can never be defined.

It's Orwells 1984, a real life incarnation of Emmanuel Goldstein.

The war on terror will last as long as it is profitable and as long as the USA has a government that serves the corporations and not the people.

Halliburton , The Carlisle Group and all the others profitng from this "war", they want it to continue , and they have more political clout than you or I. Many company directors , or consultants are/ were politicians.



How did the media manipulate you today ?

posted on May, 12 2005 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by LuisCypher
"A war on terror." is the perfect solution to create a society perpetually at war - after all, it's an army that can't be counted, whose members stretch all the way around the world, with no political arm that can sit down and negotiate a truce or peace.

It is a war that at no point we can sit down and say we've won. Bush and those that think like him have in actuality created a perfect situation for themselves - a war that will never end, with an enemy that can never be defined. (........ .............)

quite right LuisCypher,
come to think of it, there are other twists & turns this GlobalWar on Terror
can take,

consider the ramifications, If or When, the Saudi petroleum supply line is completely damaged-
-- by either Terrorists seeking to bring about economic chaos to the westernized Euro-American Empire-
-- or by fundamentalist zealots seeking to reclaim the 'Holy Lands' of Arabia from the House of Saud-
--PeakOil with-a-twist??

OR, this morsel...('with an enemy that can never be defined')
as the GWoT. expands its definitions of terrorists or others who would do harm to the 'Salvationsts' & 'Dominionists' & fundamentalist neo-cons who
are, for this moment in history, driving this GlobalWarOnTerror against the middle east-Islamic States-petroleum resources...
title: "Satan unleashes evil energy but God will win- Pope"

sorry, the links worked yesterday, you might dig a little at
a newswire & blog, the book (to be released May 17th) is about Saudi Arabia having in place 'dirty bombs'
to contaminate the oil fields for decades, and will be more destructive than what Saddam did to the Kuwati oil wells at GulfWar I

posted on May, 12 2005 @ 10:14 AM
That's the whole point of the "War On Terror", when you declare "war" on a generic noun, you're setting things up for a war that can never end. It's a defense contractor's dream - unlimited access to the taxpayers' money, a blank check every year, forever.

Just like the "War On Drugs", it is a war that can never be "won", indeed one we never intend to win, just a justification for a constant siphoning of our tax dollars, and a slow grinding away of the civil liberties that once made America great.

posted on May, 12 2005 @ 10:20 AM
it be like Cold War where we were against the Russians for over half century of the Korean War where there was a truce but no peace treaty, we still have troops at the border.

posted on May, 12 2005 @ 10:36 AM
How exactly can you win a war against terror? I mean war is one of the causes of terrorism so fighting it with guns is obviously going to be ineffective, fighting it with other methods is likely to be ineffective too. Also what are the requirements for victory? With Japan it was unconditional surrender but terrorism is not a country nor does it have any real command structure... The fight against terrorism is a constant battle and it did not start recently.

[edit on 12-5-2005 by Trent]

posted on May, 12 2005 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Trent
How exactly can you win a war against terror? I mean war is one of the causes of terrorism so fighting it with guns is obviously going to be ineffective, fighting it with other methods is likely to be ineffective too. Also what are the requirements for victory? With Japan it was unconditional surrender but terrorism is not a country nor does it have any real command structure... The fight against terrorism is a constant battle and it did not start recently.

[edit on 12-5-2005 by Trent]

no, terrorism has started since history has been written, its just different people from different times using terrorism. one terrorist group goes down, another new one comes to its place.

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