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Nelson Mandela=Anti-Christ

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posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 01:10 PM
Nelson Mandela is the Anti-Christ. The man is a world figure of peace and revered by many in his homeland and afar for the simple fact that at one point in time the man decided it would be a great idea to try and blow up his government's parliament. He then for his attempt, spent the next 30 years in a prison cell until released in the early 90's. And oddly enough, his prison number was 46664, or as I have come to realise the 4's are nothing more than a diversion to his true number "666". Whatya think?

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 01:14 PM
John called everyone who worked against Christ an anti-Christ in the non-gospel books of John. Nelson Mandela, so far as I'm aware, has not done anything along the lines of trying to turn people from Christ. The anti-Christ described in Revelation (which I assume you're refering to) had a few more criteria than just the number 666. That's the mark of the beast, yes, but not the only criteria.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 01:19 PM

Whatya think?

I think your idea is invalid! Nothing but a bunch of twaddle. Why? Because Nelson Mandella is a man of peace and sought to liberate his people from the brutality they were suffering in South Africa. Doesn't sound like the behavior of the Anti-Christ to me!!

Editted post at the request of the Anti-Christ, Nygdan. (that's a joke)

[edit on 22-4-2005 by Zabilgy]

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 01:23 PM
yes ... i sure can see all the the people in the world, Muslem and Jews and Budhists following Nelson Mandela... the man couldnt even get his own ppl to follow him... First it was Bush ... now its Mandela... one of this days it even may be me ...

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 02:32 PM
when will you people realize that the numbers in the bible dont mean jack!

thats the make of the beast, satan. thats it.

"OMG his number had three 6's in a row on it. he must be evil. the other numbers were just to confuse everyone. ITS A CONSPRIACY!"

get over it.

if you spend your whole life worring about numbers youll miss everything else that actually important.

"OMG my son was born on 6/6/06 he must be the anti christ."

in revalations the anti christ is suposed to make some sort of deal/truce with isreal. and as far as my knowledge goes, he hasnt done anything like that.

look for the messages, not the numbers.

posted on Jun, 15 2005 @ 11:09 AM
Interesting theory / conspiracy about Nelson Mandela.

I will be watching this one very closely because some (and I mean some) of what was said does make a lot of sense now if one looks closely at what is happening in the world and how Mandela is influencing these happenings.

Someone said "freed his people" it was also prophesised that the beast would be freed and he would come in the name of peace but he will not bring peace instead he would bring his demons....

Mmmm.... interesting, I need to think about this one a bit more

posted on Jun, 15 2005 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir
yes ... i sure can see all the the people in the world, Muslem and Jews and Budhists following Nelson Mandela... the man couldnt even get his own ppl to follow him... First it was Bush ... now its Mandela... one of this days it even may be me ...

It is more likely that when the anti-christ comes, he will go after the believers, not the unbelievers. I mean, ol' shaitan's already got them poor unbelievers.

Nelson Mandela seems a plausible candidate. He is nice seeming enough. Peace and Harmony above all else and stuff.

posted on Jun, 15 2005 @ 04:54 PM
Wow - I'd initially thought the original post was...well.... a joke.

I'm still not sure, actually

The man couldn't get his own people to follow him? Erm...which bit of history are we missing there? He had enough followers to get him released from jail....not an easy thing to accomplish, given the time and the political climate.

Though I suppose if we're being technical, "his own people" is open to interpretation on that one.

Anyway. I'm rambling.

Nelson isn't the anti-christ.

No more than Willie Nelson is.

Granted, the thread didn't cause me to do a "WTF?!" as much as when I read elsewhere that The Dalai Lama was actually the anti-christ. Oh yeah. I can just see that.

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