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Did the "Florida Parental Rights in Education Act" (DONT SAY GAY) cause the downfall of Disney?

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posted on May, 19 2023 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

It isn't always about fitness. Florida's climate can be tough to acclimate to if you aren't from the Gulf.

Walking to the park, all day in the park, back from the park in summer heat and humidity can be hard on even fit people who aren't acclimated.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: quintessentone

It isn't always about fitness. Florida's climate can be tough to acclimate to if you aren't from the Gulf.

Walking to the park, all day in the park, back from the park in summer heat and humidity can be hard on even fit people who aren't acclimated.

True but don't they have cooling stations, rest spots, and misting stations. Where there's a will there's a way.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 01:34 PM
You guys do know why Ron DeSantis really hates Disney, right?

It's because they won't let him go on any height restricted rides.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: datguy
1) Recent Disney events and business activities prove that Disney as a company is on the downtrend. While this may not be permanent, it certainly is truth.
A)Disney stock prices
This is usually indicative of a lack of interest by investors as well a sign that investors are leaving. You can see the impacts the C-19 lockdowns
had and its quick recovery. But its all time high in march of 2021 was the beginning of the down trend.
B)Inside Disney Drama....

Chapek's fumbles were wide-ranging. Disney had just reported a $1.5 billion loss in its streaming business on a November 8 earnings call. Earlier in the year, the company faced backlash from customers over price increases at its theme parks. Separately, employees walked out in protest over Disney's reluctance to take a strong stance against Florida's "Don't Say Gay" law.

C)Disney scraps plans for new Florida campus...

With that said, it should be clear that Disney is in fact dealing with some issues that are causing its decline.
But, is it because of seemingly unrelated legislation, I argue it is.

HB 1557, more commonly know as the "DONT SAY GAY" bill has been in the spotlight for more than year now. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed the bill on March 28, passing into law on July 1st 2022.
I am guessing that most if not all of you have ALL formed opinions of it, based on your political and/or personal bias, but have NEVER read this bill
Here is your chance, its only 7 pages
HB 1557 "Florida Parental Rights in Education"
Page 4, paragraph 3

Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.

It has since been expanded on by the Florida board of education, with overwhelming support from parents, go figure...
But that has not stopped the assault on the bill by MSM and proponents of the gay community.

Disney, as a supporter and employer of many in said community took a stand against this bill after an employee walkout in protest over the bill. But only after it had initially given funds to the bills sponsors.
Disney Vows to Help Repeal Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill:...

Since these events, Disney has experience a loss of capitol and shrinking attendance. Not to mention the legal and financial implications of the changes to the reedy creek improvement district, which transferred power away from the corporation and back to the state
DeSantis signs bill that gives him more control of Disney’s special district
DeSantis has been cited as saying

“There’s a new sheriff in town and accountability will be the order of the day.”

Is this the End of Disney as we know it?
Did Disney overstep their bounds, absolutely. They have no place opposing legislation that empowers parents right and protects children

I personally will be happy to see Disney fail in these matters. They are a horrible employer, they treat their guest as poorly as they do their employees. Have you ever read the fine print on their tickets? Just by purchasing a ticket you waive any and all rights to protect yourself or your families. Just more corporate bull$#!^

Outrageous costs represent the lions share of Disney's predicament. It's never about politics so much as the financial burden. Eventually their parks will resemble Dubai and attract much the same clients.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 04:14 PM
Florid a teacher says she's under investigation for showing students Disney's Strange World

Not sure if this directly applies to OP, but it is about Florida, Disney, and the growing push against LGBTQ.

I just really don't get the sudden uprise against LGBTQ amongst right-wingers. Wouldn't be suprised if some rich christian groups were pushing this anti-lgbtq sentiment.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: Turquosie

There is no uprising against the BLT community.

Most people just don't want their children exposed to it.

Most people don't want parental rights taken away by the state.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: Turquosie

I think this is an example of a big disconnect due to political ideologies, everyone wants to demonize the other side because none of them can stand on accomplishments of their own. So they target examples they think will carry the message of "they are bad people. so vote for me" without understanding the impact it has on society. ( but thats another topic, I think? )
And I don't think its any one group, but I have been wrong before.

Unfortunately, the gay community isn't making things better for themselves. by assuming the mantle of fighting for their community they include within it the likes of those who would do harm to children. IE: HB 1557....

it does not target the gay community, it does not state "DONT SAY GAY", what it does is protect the rights of parents to be included in decision on care and education of their children, as well as protect the youngest of school children, in this case kindergarten to third grade, from being influenced by sexual or gender suggestive material.

"Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students..."

Sooo, when you have the media and opposing political interests, attempting to demonize the opponents they come up with "DONT SAY GAY", This in turn infuriates the gay community and now you have legions people protesting and walking off the job and out of schools, but they have no idea that the truth was twisted to get them to do just that.
The people who do know why, automatically want to demonize their opponents so obviously they must be in support of the sexual exploitation of minors.

To this I say, ignorance is not bliss. because there are pedophiles amongst us, on both sides, gay or otherwise and when the kids are stake you bet your ass I am going to protect them, I don't care if your ignorant or not.
Just my 2 cents and no offence intended.
But no , I don't think has anything to do with Disney except that it was one of their movies.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 10:58 PM
Disney parks? Maybe.

Downfall of Disney? Not even close.
The monster has too many tentacles raking in fat dough.

Disney makes billion dollar movies. They hold some form of nostalgia over any child born since Snow White hit the theaters.

They own Star Wars, Marvel and the major sports networks.

Parents might try and boycott Disney but that's not going to work.

Your kids will go to school and see their friends lunchbox or shirt or action figure and will want in on the fun. They'll see a trailer for the new Disney film and hound the parents into seeing it because they're friends sing the songs.

Let's put it this way, Michael Jackson was worth about $600 million. Disney is worth $202 billion.
Even with the kid stuff out in the open, they still play Michael Jackson on the radio...

Disney ain't going anywhere.

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: datguy

Disney, as a supporter and employer of many in said community took a stand against this bill after an employee walkout in protest over the bill.

I think this is the world. Companies going new directions to appease their safespace millennial workforce. So the snowflakes don't melt.

The most powerful people in society work in a litigious HR environment. Once it reaches HR it more easily filters upward into government and it infects faster.

Nothing gets a company to change their stripes like: #BoycottChickFila. They gave money to anti LGBT causes until angry millenials got them to stop. That's the market standard. Cave of be boycotted by an angry barista with half her head shaved.

I guess conservative boycotts don't scare them as much?
edit on 20-5-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

Its deeper though, i'm still trying to figure out, who or what started the "Don't say gay" as it is clearly deceptive. but there is nothing to be found on the matter.
So you have Disney, at first being supportive enough of the bill to fund the sponsors, then suddenly changing course because their uneducated, under payed, poorly treated employees reached a boiling point and walked off the job. Huge PR and HR problem, omg who to pander to?
Well they cant serve all those angry parents if they have no employees, so quick, spin the story.
and while I cant prove it yet, i'm 100% sure that is why Iger came back, the board wanted Chapek gone and we will see him become the fall guy

To note, when I say uneducated, I mean in the context of the bill. I am sure if Disney, or anyone for that matter had taken the time to explain to their employees, the actaul bill, this could all be avoided, but they decided to play politics...

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 09:34 AM
😂😂 I concur! I can’t believe some people actually dropped that, ridiculous. Go get a motel 8 and be able to take like 1-2 more vacations that year.

a reply to: CoyoteAngels

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 09:47 AM

Did the "Florida Parental Rights in Education Act" (DONT SAY GAY) cause the downfall of Disney?

Maybe, maybe not, but not directly more like a domino effect of what Florida is doing to protect children, taking into consideration that Disney profits targeting children for their many parks this could affect indirectly.

Also, the pedos pushing for grooming that, are big financial backers of Disney will find other states where to spend their money, the child sex rings and now no having judges to be friendly to Disney pedo leanings makes a big difference too.

Disney had a long history of targeting children by employees, now they are more than ever under the state watchful eyes.

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: datguy

I am sure if Disney, or anyone for that matter had taken the time to explain to their employees, the actaul bill, this could all be avoided, but they decided to play politics...

I often work on Disney projects. I don't like their corporate structure, I don't like their arrogant executives, but anyone that thinks they are tanking in the marketplace is letting their ideology get in the way of their common sense.

They have an obscene amount of capital to spend obscene amounts of money on mediocre movies. I couldn't care less about their politics as long as they keep signing those checks.

There is a waiting list a mile long of people standing in line to get a piece of a Disney franchises.

This anti Disney BS, isn't helping De Sanctimonious or the GOP in general.

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: olaru12

OK, I will concede that they can probably survive and restructure on the royalties they get from past movies. Heck they will probably net more money on sales of old mermaid movies than i have made my entire life.

But when a company first donates millions to the sponsors of legislation and then turns around to insult the intelligence of the gay community by supporting and promoting a lie based on political bias....

I don't even know how to respond to that except to be anti Disney, call it what you will.

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: olaru12

greed isn't a good indicator of integrity.

Disney won't go under over this, but as Bud Light has seen, you can lose a portion of your customer base over bringing your political opinion where it doesn't belong. They have every right to do it, but the customer also has every right to walk away and find another product.

I'm sure all the folks who smuggle illegal's for the cartels have nice things to say about the guy who pays them too.

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: Narvasis

I don't believe people did pay that, and thus the Star Wars Hotel is closing!

There aren't enough ultra rich to keep it going, I guess.

But it's easier for the left to blame Disney troubles on Ron DeSantis.

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: olaru12

greed isn't a good indicator of integrity.

Disney won't go under over this, but as Bud Light has seen, you can lose a portion of your customer base over bringing your political opinion where it doesn't belong. They have every right to do it, but the customer also has every right to walk away and find another product.

Exactly, Capitalism in action. But is it now greed when a corporation makes profitable business decisions?

Walt Disney used to be looked upon as the epitome of a successful business man, now its corporate greed and lack of integrity.

Actually, that's as about as MAGA as it gets in our economic system. Just ask your anointed one.... Love it or Leave it!!

DeSantis is only using this homophobic tactic to try and lure in rightwing campaign financing. I hope he gets enough to run his presidential bid.

edit on 20-5-2023 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 11:43 AM
Disney is huge because they are....Disney. No governor is going to change that and what you are hearing in the media is just more LBGTR2D2 non-sense.

The Lake Nona project was put on a 4 year hold 2 years ago. The Galactic Hotel, well, I know some very insane SW people and even they said it was nuts. It was a niche thing that seems to have not worked out. Nothing to do with DeSantis and more to do with over saturation of Star Wars. Too much.

Disney will always have the hard core people but to be honest it has become...trashy. Only way to say. I won't go to the parks anymore. They are overpriced, crowded and just not worth the money anymore. And again....trashy.

DeSantis did nothing but give parents rights for their kids, put in place some guidelines that are not one sided and took away the honey pot from Disney with their old classification.

What they are really worried about is that the licensing for Mickey is over. 100 years is up. When anyone can legally use the mouse you will see revenue drop from sales of goods...and also their hotels.

Business is Business and they are ready to lay off quite a few in Florida. Watch....

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