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ATS Time to get Real about UFOs

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posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 11:28 AM
As a UFO abductee, having resolved my personal feelings and biases enough to think somewhat clearly on the UFO situation,
I ask of you to do the same to the best of your abilities. Stop using the terms UFO/UAP. Those terms originally covered multiple unknown explanations for what was being seen, heard, photographed and otherwise recorded. The real objective is far beyond talking in terms of equipment. We know something about their convenances and tactics. We are powerless in those regards.

What we can sagely guess and estimate about their intentions. Can we determine their methods of operation and handiwork? Can we make projections of what is instore for us, and prepare ourselves to the best of our abilities, or do we simply roll over and absorb what our governments meter out for us to know?

I stretch no generalization when I say that on ATS the usual responses on UFO topics are denial, deflection and derailment. Any serious discussions about our predicament at the hands of the ETs is infrequent, superficial and too high-minded to be relevant to the situation at hand. I've posted several times of what I understand of how our civilization is going to be transformed by internal governmental actions to our outside expectations. I get almost zero responses which tend to indicate an avoidance of the whole topic.

Okey, the game is 100-to-zero in the ETs' favor. The officials (governments) are seemingly doing nothing to resolve the fact of the ETs being present at our globe nor to help prepare us for what the ETs may want from/for humanity. So, what is going on in your heads? Arre they in the sand? One of our human tactics, a failure of reason and logic, is to resort to "cognitive dissonance" which is to ignore a pressing problem to our nice, fat and happy view of existence. So where are you personally? Is there a deep personal fear that you will not recognize because it may destroy your entire world if brought to the fore?

Of course, we all want "Cargo Cult" goodies handed down to us by the ETs, and we may get some, but what will they want from us? What price must we pay, and who will set the price limits? Will we be given "offers" that we cannot refuse?

If pushed, I suppose the typical human will respond by saying, "Oh, they are only here to visit. They will respect our singularity, our privacy and, generally, be nice about it." That is a decent outlook, but is it realistic?

What do you believe about the4 ETS? Or what won't you allow yourself to believe about them?

What can you see in your day-to-day world that is being changed toward a future that seems to be becoming drastically narrowed and altered in various ways? Is our destiny in our hands or via governments through the appendages of others? Who decides?

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Observer19
Firstly stop using the term ET. there is no tangible evidence that they come from other planets. But as an abductee you might feel to go along with some abductees being told that the entities come from Venus or Alpha Centauri, but they could say anything. Would they really tell you the truth where they come from because then we might be able to visit them. And at the moment they do not want full contact with us.

Intentions??? Who can say, that is fully open to interpretation till something actually happens. It might be that they are just visiting like you going on holiday to another country. You go with the reason for a holiday maybe to experience the culture. Though you are a "foreigner" in their country they don't surmise that you are visiting to take control of the country. It might be that they want to interact with us but any other worldly visitor would soon realise that our world is fractured ethnically and nationally.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Observer19

" Their intentions."

Either these unknowns have no sense of time or they could care less about us . They have been witnessed for ages as fr back as the Bible and further .

They have no intentions regarding humans if they did it would have happened by now .

If they are real they come from deep in the oceans or underground , The only reason they would all of a sudden make problems for us as humans is we finally start approaching on their homes .

edit on 29-3-2023 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 12:23 PM
There's also the belief that our own govs. are experimenting on us against our will and then planting false memories of alien abductions. That seems just as plausible as some entity that can't be properly photographed; even more-so if you consider decades of past history where govs. use citizens as guinea pigs. The last one started in 2020.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 02:59 PM
The problem is, and this happens far too often, someone thinks they've been abducted by aliens so now they know everything, then they pop up with a bunch of wild theories that almost make sense but are way too narrowly focused and earth-based (politically related etc) to carry any weight. This happens all the time.
Worse yet, these same people like to put words into the mouths of other UFO enthusiasts/believers/abductees/researchers/fearers/yada yada yada. "Oh you're too afraid of the truth!" "Oh you don't understand, but I do! I do!"
It's getting a little old.

If someone wants to believe aliens are behind the woke movement/Joe Biden's eye movements/lab-grown viral infections etc that's fine, might be true, but I'd bet they have more important things to do that goof around with a bunch of semi-evolved monkeys and their meaningless politics. By now, the ET visitors areprobably a little beyond getting wrapped up in monkey games, lol.

Humans are doing a good job screwing themselves up. They don't need alien aid for that one.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: Observer19
As a UFO abductee, having resolved my personal feelings and biases enough to think somewhat clearly on the UFO situation,
I ask of you to do the same to the best of your abilities. Stop using the terms UFO/UAP. Those terms originally covered multiple unknown explanations for what was being seen, heard, photographed and otherwise recorded. The real objective is far beyond talking in terms of equipment. We know something about their convenances and tactics. We are powerless in those regards.

What we can sagely guess and estimate about their intentions. Can we determine their methods of operation and handiwork? Can we make projections of what is instore for us, and prepare ourselves to the best of our abilities, or do we simply roll over and absorb what our governments meter out for us to know?

I stretch no generalization when I say that on ATS the usual responses on UFO topics are denial, deflection and derailment. Any serious discussions about our predicament at the hands of the ETs is infrequent, superficial and too high-minded to be relevant to the situation at hand. I've posted several times of what I understand of how our civilization is going to be transformed by internal governmental actions to our outside expectations. I get almost zero responses which tend to indicate an avoidance of the whole topic.

Okey, the game is 100-to-zero in the ETs' favor. The officials (governments) are seemingly doing nothing to resolve the fact of the ETs being present at our globe nor to help prepare us for what the ETs may want from/for humanity. So, what is going on in your heads? Arre they in the sand? One of our human tactics, a failure of reason and logic, is to resort to "cognitive dissonance" which is to ignore a pressing problem to our nice, fat and happy view of existence. So where are you personally? Is there a deep personal fear that you will not recognize because it may destroy your entire world if brought to the fore?

Of course, we all want "Cargo Cult" goodies handed down to us by the ETs, and we may get some, but what will they want from us? What price must we pay, and who will set the price limits? Will we be given "offers" that we cannot refuse?

If pushed, I suppose the typical human will respond by saying, "Oh, they are only here to visit. They will respect our singularity, our privacy and, generally, be nice about it." That is a decent outlook, but is it realistic?

What do you believe about the4 ETS? Or what won't you allow yourself to believe about them?

What can you see in your day-to-day world that is being changed toward a future that seems to be becoming drastically narrowed and altered in various ways? Is our destiny in our hands or via governments through the appendages of others? Who decides?

I have been leaning towards this is some sort of giant experiment. We could all be possible clones of self or original souls from the real Earth placed here on this plane to test our limits of manipulation. I for one, have had an "open ended" view to this world my entire life and was fascinated by the lack of concurrency in our taught human history.

The narratives of the ruling class have become so obvious as of late that the only thing that makes any logical sense to me at this point is that they are in fact not human. Maybe if we get wise enough to them they switch the experiment off and start a new one and we get to go "home" back to our complete souls. I have much more thoughts on this but this is the gist of the tip of my iceberg.

Good post though and this needs to be openly discussed I agree 100%

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 08:04 PM
After seeing a huge UFO hovering above myself and three other women back in 1997, I have to believe that we are not alone in this never-ending universe, and that is only a logical conclusion.
These things have been here for many years, it's no big mystery anymore. Of course they may be from the future, or another dimension, or simply another galaxy - that's the real question.
I am amazed that we think because we use gasoline for fuel and don't know how to build an anti-gravity device, that these things cannot possibly be real, but they are.
They may even be from our own future, who knows.
According to Betty Hill, the one that abducted and examined her and her husband, Barney Hill in 1961, told her they were from another galaxy.
Too many sightings, and probably many more abductions or some type of contact, than we even know about because not everyone comes forward, understandably.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: Observer19

As you proposed a whole slew of questions that have not been discussed satisfactorily, gonna start with the obvious.

Abducted- Right there it becomes a FBI thing (kidnapping). It also is in no way a kindly act. Human traffickers kidnap, crime groups kidnap, mentally compromised humans (husband or wife) kidnap. This gets short thrift every single time by Abductee's
cause "Science!" The Others are here to study us or our planet. Yeah, NOPE. Scientist gets samples, keeps dedicated live biologicals to study over time. Catch & release doesn't come into play till original parameters are exhausted.

Intentions- Pretty clear. They don't want a meaningful conversation with us in any way shape or form. They remain fully autonomous much like a mercenary or criminal.

Despite some people insisting the Others said "Blah blah quit polluting. Blah blah trouble on homeworld" What master manipulator in the complete infinity of time HASN'T given their victim a sympathetic sob story to keep you engaged and circumvent your critical thinking skills? Hypothetically us humans can't even get thru a day without a few white lies why would we expect different from Others? Especially with their track record concerning us.

As far as anyone "needing" the Govt as any source of information is ludicrous. The "either or" scenario you mentioned is just a default admission giving the Govt much too much power/authority. It's a washing your hands of the subject matter. The Govt has its very own track record of treating its citizens badly same as the Others. Tuskegee Experiment, sterilization of Native peoples, an a host of other badnesses.

As far as us needing to figure out how to proceed? The old axiom of "when someone tells you who they are believe them".
We have a pretty good idea from demonstrated behaviors that both our Govt & the Others do not have our best interests at heart. This is going to be a "every man for themselves" situation.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 10:55 PM
a reply to: Observer19

You are an abductee? Well tell us then friend. Most here mouth interest and many have experienced the old ''lights'' in the sky form of experience but at this point there are few abductees that I am aware of.

So you offer a second thread on ATS with this one, the second, sounding much like your first. Making generalized statements about how we must look at the whole question but offering nothing more that two long lists of questions.

We all have questions friend but again, few of any of us have experiences such as you say you have to base them upon.
Your previous thread offered a few replies from you to members attempts to discuss with you but by the end of the first page you were very critical and insulting to some of those replies.

And this thread? It's almost twelve hours from your time of posting yet in all that time you have not seen fit to reply to anyone. So, if you are really interested in opening a sound dialogue on this issue, that is, as you say it, ''get real about ufos'' I suggest that you come back to this thread and get real about it yourself.

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