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A call to vigilance - a dream that we will secure evidence from a careless source...

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posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 09:53 PM

I hope this Christmas Eve finds you well, ideally resting over the holiday season with beloved family or friends, and that your heart is well despite the turbulence of the current world situation that we find ourselves painfully aware of, in the knowledge that great evil abounds in our world today, that our leaders are nothing but puppets playing a merry dance for their elititst masters with their Left Hand Path shenanigans which bring death & ruination to so many at the current time. If you are alone, reach out to your local community church, and seek the companionship that so many in the worldwide church of Christ are willing to provide, genuinely & without ulterior motives, just a friend in a time of need. It may just change your life, in a way that is beyond compare..

And so, with that preface:

I'm writing with a call to viigilance, because I have just awoken from a dream in the midst of the night, at very shortly after 3am no less, in which I was shown that in some manner, we would stumble across evidence - not just any evidence, but damning, incontrovertible evidence, that there is indeed a diabolical conspiracy operant in our world at this time, aimed not only at depopulation, but also very pointedly aimed at a deliberate deconstruction of the positive institutions & infrastructure of our civilisation, that the 'powers that be' are actively, consistently & willfully destroying our society at every level, in every area in which they might possibly gain a foothold for so doing.

It is my contention that if we hold steady, if we stand firm, and maintain full vigilance, then at some point in the not too distant future, we will come into possession of evidence which will expose 'their' actions so fully & completely, that the normies will begin to wake up en masse, and we will see a revolution before breakfast. At least, that we shall see an awakening which makes it incredibly, monumentally difficult for these bastards to continue as planned with their deliberate depopulation & deconstruction efforts worldwide.

Stand up, my brothers & sisters, and maintain a watchful eye over every single 'official source', or avenue by which the 'powers that be' at every level within our civilisation release information into the wilds of the e-sphere, whether that be social media, budget reports, council minutes, feasibility studies, infrastructure planning, health & safety speculation, hospital board zoom calls, and so on. Everything coming from government or linked NGO sources should be reconnoitred for the potential to damn completely the evil which operates in our world under the aegis of the totalitarian tyrants who aim for our complete destruction & enslavement.

In my dream, I saw that it was a combination of hubris & common carelessness that brought them down - so I recommend selecting those targets who demonstrate the greatest measure of arrogance, surveilling their data trails with excellence of patience & thoroughness of observation, because one of them will accidentally drop the mother of all payloads which exposes the whole depopulation/societal deconstruction program/agenda.

Have faith, this Christmas Eve, that we will soon be in possession of that motherlode gemstone of pure brilliance, which completely overturns their tables in the temple courtyard, enabling us to really & truly hold them to account in a manner that could see another Nuremberg if we play our cards right. Have faith, fight the good fight, godspeed.


posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Im reminded of a saying. "Be careful what you wish for"

What happens when you bust a very powerful person or party? The gloves come off. It gets real, real fast. Game up, game over, time to kill.

posted on Dec, 24 2022 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: visitedbythem

Even so, we have an obligation to root out the works of darkness & expose them - that's a Biblical mandate, with the force of Heaven on its side. So now, in light of the fact that the world's power brokers are ridiculously powerful beyond imagining, and society is interlocked through & through almost inextricably with the conspiracy to depopulate & deconstruct civilisation, it would seem we're at an impasse between justice & injustice, where injustice is riding roughshod over all the decency & goodness in the world, in a way which hasn't been possible until now, when technology enables them to lock down their power control system tight, preventing any uprising of the people that could possibly have any effect.

The world hasn't ever been at such an impasse, and I posit that it qualifies as the End of Days, because of the evidence based on Biblical prophecy (this is just one of many examples that proves the days we live in):

But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good, traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these!

2 Timothy 3:2-5

I think that anyone with half a brain & a passion for righteousness & justice can tell that these prophetic words are fulfilled in our time. This therefore puts us at an impenetrable impasse - a locked down system of technocratic tyranny, and a mass of rebellious humans who do not rebel against what they should rebel against, but rather rebel against any suggestion that they should rein in their wild & licentious behaviour.

We have a perfect storm, in essence.

Those who are awake are a minority, they are what Scripture refers to as a 'remnant', and the only reason that God hasn't already stepped in & caused the mountains to fall on the heads of our oppressors, is so that more people from the mass of humanity who are currently wrapped up in wild & licentious living, failing to recognise the truth, failing to honour righteousness & failing to uphold justice, can be brought into the camp of the remnant.

God is prolonging the days of this awful tyranny only so that more people can be saved from the destruction & oblivion which will follow a continuation of the current status quo. That is my honest opinion, based on the reading of Scripture, and my own spiritual journey & insight/revelation of a prophetic nature. The camp of the remnant will be enlarged when the unravelling begins, and I sincerely believe that it will begin soon (indeed, in some ways it can be said it has already begun). There are a number of factors which have fallen into place in my prophetic awareness based on a constant narrative in my dream life over the course of more than thirty years, and I foresee major changes in the structural elements of society, particularly in Britain, where I live, where my awareness is centred, the place for which my prophetic insight is specifically given, at least for the outset of the times that are up ahead. There will be an expansion of the church as the elite continue to take, take, take & oppress the people, stamping on their rights & destroying their means of sustaining themselves at a decent standard of living. As the church expands, there will be an increase in 'miraculous' occurrences, and I truly believe that some remarkable things will proceed from the storehouse of Heavenly power, to right the injustices of this world, and to bring more people into the Kingdom.

Bear in mind that there are many who are already in the Kingdom without even knowing it, because as is testified in Scripture, God has written His law on their hearts, and they automatically do what is right throughout the course of their lives, even if they don't have a direct connection to the Christian church, they are a 'natural fit' with the values & lifestyles of those who are engaged in conscious Kingdom living. So all these Christians who are saying "OOooh you must confirm that you believe in Jesus or you will go to Hell for eternity!" are simply wrong, and Scripture confirms it. There is a whole host of folk who are enrolled in Kingdom principles & practices because God put it on their heart to behave in a righteous manner in the society into which they were born. So people need to be aware that when we talk of salvation, we talk of the salvation of those who are currently lost due to a wide range of personal failings which can take one out of the sphere of Kingdom blessings & protections. Those are the ones who need to confirm belief in Jesus, to turn from their wrongdoing - the ones who are spiritually sick are those who need the Great Physician, who is Jesus, Immanuel, the Son of God.

I went off on a tangent there, but to sum up, we're living in momentous times, and the world will change dramatically over the next couple of years. I sincerely believe we are now living through the End of Days as prophesied in Scripture thousands of years ago. We will see miracles, we will see further injustices & conflict on a scale that is hard to fathom, though the COVID plandemic & the bioweapon vaccines have begun to open the eyes of many of the 'normies' who otherwise wouldn't have a clue what the elite are planning for this world. We cannot stop them alone, but guess what?

God is on OUR side, not theirs.

posted on Dec, 24 2022 @ 08:02 AM
I will just add that Yuval Harari, of World Economic Forum infamy (Klaus Schwab fanboy), has made statements which imply that the World Economic Forum, and those like them, have openly declared war on those who profess a belief in God. He has stated openly:

“The only thing the God of the Bible managed to create is organic beings. […] Now we try to go beyond the God of the Bible and create inorganic life, something He never managed to do[…]”

“Now we are much better than the God of the Bible. I mean in the Bible you have these recurring droughts.”

“History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods”

“We don’t have to wait until Christ’s second coming in order to overcome death. A couple of geeks in a laboratory can do it if you give them enough time and money.”

Yuval lectures on God, proclaiming that God has failed, without giving a nod to even the most rudimentary theological understanding of what God is trying to do. God wasn’t trying to make us immortal or have good crop yields or victory over His other children. God is trying to teach us. God is a potter, crafting a world.

Yuval Noah Harari Thinks God Has Failed

He is the mouthpiece of the World Economic Forum on the matter of God & the purpose of life, and he has said much, much more that is even worse than the above, specifically about the need to 'de facto' eliminate the poor, for example. He fails to comprehend the nature of the subject of God, and has absolutely no conception of who God is or what He is, yet he has the arrogance to speak so brazenly about being able to do a better job than God. He is insane, the WEF is insane for going along with these ideas, clearly these are supporting beliefs for their structural policy directives, their group philosophy as it were.. He, and they, have openly declared war on God, and on the poor of this world, indeed, targeting them for elimination.

God will deliver a few surprises their way, that is for certain.

"Do not be deceived: God is not to be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return.

Galatians 6: 7

edit on DecemberSaturday22012CST08America/Chicago-060002 by FlyInTheOintment because: tags

posted on Dec, 24 2022 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
I will just add that Yuval Harari, of World Economic Forum infamy (Klaus Schwab fanboy), has made statements which imply that the World Economic Forum, and those like them, have openly declared war on those who profess a belief in God.
I'm well aware of what Yuval has said about "useless eaters", which I'd probably be included among, according to his standards. But today, I'm going to be playing devil's advocate since this whole topic is overblown... as usual.

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
He has stated openly:

The only thing the God of the Bible managed to create is organic beings. […] Now we try to go beyond the God of the Bible and create inorganic life, something He never managed to do[…]”

“Now we are much better than the God of the Bible. I mean in the Bible you have these recurring droughts.”

“We don’t have to wait until Christ’s second coming in order to overcome death. A couple of geeks in a laboratory can do it if you give them enough time and money.”
He is criticizing god (and by extensions, Christians) for inaction and negligence. He's not professing atheism, seeing as how he acknowledges what god ought to be doing and taking measures as god might've done. He's probably a modern deist (in the sense that god made the world and abandoned it). Hardly a case of presumptuousness, the priests are more guilty of professing to know the mind of god.

His first statement is fascinating, it implies disdain for the sufferings caused by acquiring an organism. It's just as evident to him, as it was to the Copernicans, that this world is not the best possible world out there. They suggested that there must be other worlds, inhabited and full of diverse life forms, which were far removed from these defects. I have in mind the author Campanella.

All this tells me is that science needs to establish the fact that there exists no boundary between organic and inorganic, and that religion and philosophy needs to dispense with dualistic thinking. Then perhaps even the WEF could be brought to their senses. If the WEF is really are aligned with a shadow government, then they ought to have been informed about the original state of being enjoyed by mankind's progenitors, a time when they were neither human nor spirit, but in-between, like the nature spirits of old.

The third statement has some dry writ and sarcasm to it. A very sensible observation.

Yuval lectures on God, proclaiming that God has failed, without giving a nod to even the most rudimentary theological understanding of what God is trying to do.
Why should he acknowledge a theology which hardly understands what god is trying to do? If Christians knew what god is trying to do, they wouldn't be incessantly screaming that it's the end of the world. Every single year.

God wasn’t trying to make us immortal or have good crop yields or victory over His other children.
But that's exactly what Christianity has taught for two thousand years: you can live forever, you don't have to improve yourself; the blessings of god are revealed in material success and prosperity; the greatness of Christian rulers lies in their earthly conquests.

Specifically about the need to 'de facto' eliminate the poor, for example.
What's the exact source?

He is insane, the WEF is insane for going along with these ideas,
This is another instance where the English language falls short in competing with foreign languages (i.e. German, Russian), which often have two or more similar terms with different meanings. The term "insane" doesn't factor in whether the madness is practical or accurate.

Where WEF's madness falls short in its views on life and the world, it makes up with a surprising competence that there's a good chance they'll succeed in their designs if they're not stopped. It was well-worth hearing out Sadhguru's lecture on Hitler, in which he complimented him for being highly efficient while warning about the threat another Hitler could pose to the world.

The visionary futurist Jacque Fresco proposed the term "unsane" for the vast majority of people, since they parade and extol their opinions as facts and based their life view, their way of life, ethics and conduct on opinions, not facts. He highlighted how a person being endowed with the right to hold an opinion has been overemphasized. This has led to the erroneous view that all views must be equally valid and deserving of consideration.
edit on 24-12-2022 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment
Namaste. 🙏

So be it. By the Will of Allah.



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