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We all knew this would happen if you let millions into the country without a health checkup

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posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
a reply to: chr0naut

The fact that rsv was in the country before this outbreak does not mean this outbreak was not caused by illegals. Further, it may well have been illegals who brought it here in the first place. I am not saying with any certainty that is what happened. But it is just as possible as your idea that this outbreak has nothing to do with illegals.

I do remember reading articles about border holding stations that were having great difficulty treating the many varied diseases and conditions illegals were presenting. Polio is back in the US now thanks to illegals.

Polio still existed in US populations in small numbers for decades, because it was never fully eradicated. Then the American people in general stopped immunizing against it.

For all the people who say its not right or fair to blame the illegals, think about this. Our government told us to stay in our own homes, wear masks, stand six feet apart, etc etc etc. And we still allegedly had massive outbreaks of covid.

And you did as your government (very belatedly) advised? Then who were all the demonstrating marchers, the attendees of political rallies, the rioters, the people out and about and congregating at the height of a national epidemic, that we saw on the news?

I say allegedly because I don't think anyone knows the real numbers any more. With all the safeguards in place, all the protocols, all the travel bans and strict rules of conduct and we still had a pandemic.

Yes, because of the filthy, who did not take the advised precautions.You don't need many of them to totally wreck any chance of the rest of their communities' best efforts.

They are the human equivalent of those who deliberately distributed infected materials in plagues of previous centuries:

Biological warfare and bioterrorism: a historical review

But for some reason this same government isn't the least bit worried about letting anyone walk across the southern border with no medical history, no vetting of any kind, putting them on buses, and shipping them all over the country in the middle of the night.

Something is very wrong with this picture.


Immigrant Health in the United States: A Trajectory Toward Change

Immigrants and Disease

Our History of Blaming Immigrants for Disease

Disease Surveillance Among U.S.-Bound Immigrants and Refugees — Electronic Disease Notification System, United States, 2014–2019

It would seem that there are significant attempts at medical surveillance of immigrants that exceeds the attempts at controlling disease prevalence within the US. We do know that immigrants are prevented from entry on medical grounds. Are established Americans quarantined and denied social contact on the basis of these same diseases? Nope.

Diseased Americans pose a greater threat to America than immigrants do. Especially the filthy diseased Americans who will not take reasonable precautions. Also blaming someone for your own maladies does not prevent or cure disease.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 07:54 PM
My son had RSV that was nasty, wouldnt wish that on an enemy, ended up having to airlift him to a childrens hospital.

Then my insurance of course said well that wasnt necessary, O2 level was like 89 feckers and they wanted him driven 2 hours.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
a reply to: chr0naut

The fact that rsv was in the country before this outbreak does not mean this outbreak was not caused by illegals. Further, it may well have been illegals who brought it here in the first place. I am not saying with any certainty that is what happened. But it is just as possible as your idea that this outbreak has nothing to do with illegals.

I do remember reading articles about border holding stations that were having great difficulty treating the many varied diseases and conditions illegals were presenting. Polio is back in the US now thanks to illegals.

Polio still existed in US populations in small numbers for decades, because it was never fully eradicated. Then the American people in general stopped immunizing against it.

For all the people who say its not right or fair to blame the illegals, think about this. Our government told us to stay in our own homes, wear masks, stand six feet apart, etc etc etc. And we still allegedly had massive outbreaks of covid.

And you did as your government (very belatedly) advised? Then who were all the demonstrating marchers, the attendees of political rallies, the rioters, the people out and about and congregating at the height of a national epidemic, that we saw on the news?

I say allegedly because I don't think anyone knows the real numbers any more. With all the safeguards in place, all the protocols, all the travel bans and strict rules of conduct and we still had a pandemic.

Yes, because of the filthy, who did not take the advised precautions.You don't need many of them to totally wreck any chance of the rest of their communities' best efforts.

They are the human equivalent of those who deliberately distributed infected materials in plagues of previous centuries:

Biological warfare and bioterrorism: a historical review

But for some reason this same government isn't the least bit worried about letting anyone walk across the southern border with no medical history, no vetting of any kind, putting them on buses, and shipping them all over the country in the middle of the night.

Something is very wrong with this picture.


Immigrant Health in the United States: A Trajectory Toward Change

Immigrants and Disease

Our History of Blaming Immigrants for Disease

Disease Surveillance Among U.S.-Bound Immigrants and Refugees — Electronic Disease Notification System, United States, 2014–2019

It would seem that there are significant attempts at medical surveillance of immigrants that exceeds the attempts at controlling disease prevalence within the US. We do know that immigrants are prevented from entry on medical grounds. Are established Americans quarantined and denied social contact on the basis of these same diseases? Nope.

Diseased Americans pose a greater threat to America than immigrants do. Especially the filthy diseased Americans who will not take reasonable precautions. Also blaming someone for your own maladies does not prevent or cure disease.

How do you live with yourself? Seriously...

Okay, lets do this one step at a time.

First, polio was eradicated in the US and there wasn't a single case since 1979 that did not originate outside the country.
cdc Note the highlighted text in the article.

"Belatedly advised" is an opinion, not a fact. I do remember seeing a lot of democrats at fundraisers and parties and such without observing any of the guidelines presented for the general public.

The term "filthy" is nebulous at best. I associate that term with illegals. Tell me I am wrong.

Your link "Immigrant health in the United States" is just an abstract description of a study meant to review health disparities among immigrants. It contains no data at all. Meaningless.

Your link "Immigrants and Disease" is a great article about testing protocols for legal immigrants.
It does mention illegal immigrants though:

But what about people who enter our country illegally? The CDC specifically cites the possibility of the cross-border movement of HIV, measles, pertussis, rubella, rabies, hepatitis A, influenza, tuberculosis, shigellosis and syphilis. Chris Cabrera, a Border Patrol agent in South Texas, warned: “What’s coming over into the U.S. could harm everyone. We are starting to see scabies, chickenpox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections and different viruses.” Some of the youngsters illegally entering our country are known to be carrying lice and suffering from various illnesses. Because there have been no medical examinations of undocumented immigrants, we have no idea how many are carrying infectious diseases that might endanger American children when these immigrants enter schools across our nation.

Your third link "Our History of Blaming Immigrants" tries to downplay the seriousness of the situation by asserting that on any given day border agents are treating only 50 seriously ill people a day, cherry picked at that. They do however include reports of pneumonia, tuberculosis, parasites, aids, and chickenpox.

Your fourth link "Disease Surveillance Among US Bound Immigrants: provides absolutely no data on illegal immigrants. The system as described is:

Description of System: The EDN system has both surveillance and programmatic components. The surveillance component is a centralized database that collects 1) health-related data from the overseas medical examination for immigrants with class A or B conditions and for all refugees and eligible others and 2) TB-related data from the postarrival TB examination. The programmatic component is a reporting system that sends arrival notifications to state and local health agencies in the jurisdiction where newly arriving persons have reported intending to live and provides state and local health agencies and other authorized users with medical data from overseas examinations.
These people are examined overseas before entering the US and their medical data is provided to the US.

Your final statement, diseased Americans present more of a threat than immigrants is absolute bs. Its nothing but an opinion your own citation refutes. Even, in the most ridiculous of circumstances, if your final statement was correct what assurance can you provide that those diseased Americans were not originally infected by illegal immigrants?

The answer is none.

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