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My Migraine

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posted on May, 5 2022 @ 06:53 AM
I post this in the hope that it could help someone with a similar problem. Not for every migraine.

Long story short:
In my teens I had an injury to my top front teeth (Rugby). Yup, they fixed it.
In my 20ā€™s I started having problems with my top jaw as my teeth started getting loose.
They steadied the ship but slowly and surely I started losing my top teeth as time moves on.

My false stroke:
I then had what I called my false stroke where I sat for 10 min before I tried to move because of the pain, drank meds and drove to hospital.
Not a stroke but worrying area due to an old injury ā€“ Neurosurgeons here I come.
3 months but no joy with different meds that burned my stomach.

Start keeping a log of the triggers from food to whatever to see if I can isolate a possible cause.

Eureka!!! Then I told the Neurosurgeon it must have something to do with my top jaw. Oops, listen here Mr!!! - Stop speculating, we will find the problem. Change Doctors and two days later they removed the last of my top teeth and my hell was over. It was time for plastic teeth.

Five years later the plastic teeth were getting loose as the gums shrank and I started wearing then less and less. OK its Covid and I do not need them when not eating, nobody can see under the mask.

Boom!!! The migraine from hell.

Must somehow be my top jaw but I now also have my automatic nervous system going haywire. One time I can deactivate the pain with a pressure point on my forehead, next time at different place. And if I use one point more than once it comes back with a double dose of pain next time around.

90% of the time it starts when Iā€™m asleep, waking me up lasting between 10 min to 2 hours. (Took my hand weapons to family for safekeeping)

What if I am grinding my teeth (jaws) in my sleep causing inflammation?

So I decided to sleep with my old lose teeth in place to protect the gums as a test.

Problem fixed.

Symptoms: (Only on my left side)
Obviously the pain from hell.
Eye in severe pain (behind the left eye). Sometimes my left nostril are burning as well (running during pain attacks)
My automatic nervous system starts giving false feeds. (One time it was so bad I even had muscle cramps in my neck and shoulders)
Pain cause severe sinus reaction although sinuses are not blocked (swelling occurs while the flood gates open)
Scalp skin very sensitive. (Can instigate a sneezing frenzy by pressing a certain point on my head)
I developed an overall itchy skin. Even cut my hair once to see if I had lice.
Jump between sick to healthy in a short periods of time. (Had a lot to do with sleep deprivation)

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 09:38 AM
i feel your pain.i am glad yuo finally found a cause. Migraines are terrible.. i i have suffered from migraines for years .. trying to figure out the causes. i do have tmj and jaw pain. I have a mouth guard that doent really help.. and neck issues which i think contribute to it. also think hormones have a lot to do with it. I have been taking black seed oil daily which also helps and magnesium.a reply to: ICycle2

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: ICycle2

There can be MAJOR health problems, that seem unconnected, that were caused by improper cleaning during root-canals, and tooth extractions.

Watched an excellent documentary on it last week, although it is from 2018.

Root Cause

Hope you find something helpful in it.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 03:39 PM
I used to have a real lot of headaches, some so severe I could do nothing. I learned long ago some of them were coming from eating milk products, and some were coming from eating popcorn in excess.

I won't give up milk and ice cream...I put up with those for a while till I discovered a few years ago how to stop those quickly. I used to take Triaminicin pills for years to help with those, they worked well, but when people started using them to make meth they were not allowed to be sold anymore. One day about three years or so ago....I found that if I ate pineapple the headache was gone within minutes. The proteinase in pineapple core gets rid of those headaches fast, bromelain. It has antiinflammatory properties. Now I found that grapefruit does the same thing. Remember though, the proteinase is not heat stable so it is destroyed in most juices that are canned. Ok those headaches would burn my sinuses and the headache was like behind the eye on the left side mostly, but sometime on both sides. I do not know exactly how it works but I usually now have grapefruit or pineapple in the house, or the top of a pineapple in sand that the wife puts there, chewing on a piece of that spiney plant does help too. I also will never be without bromelain supplements in the house...but I need to take two of the two hundred fifty mg/1000 GDU capsules to do the job. They take about twenty minutes to work usually, far longer than a few chunks of pineapple or half a grapefruit.

The popcorn headaches are not so severe, just a pain in the head sometimes in the back of the neck and sometimes in the jaw or temple area. They kind of make life miserable. I tried popcorn without difference, still the same. Tried it without butter and salt, even did it in an air popper. Still the same. I don't know why they cause the headache but stumbled across something that works to get rid of the headache quickly...aspirin does nothing for these. About one shot of Apple cider vinegar with mother, about a teaspoon of sugar, and fill the glass to about a third of the way with water and drink it....three to five minutes later my headache is pretty much gone...another five to ten minutes and the brain fog is gone. A table spoon of pickle juice can also work. I found that this cure works for some other kinds of headaches caused by foods I ate, but it is hard to determine which food was the culprit....the headache usually starts hours after eating the popcorn, we usually have it in the late evening and I wake up with the headache the next day. I learned now to just take the apple cider vinegar cure after I eat the popcorn before going to stops it from forming, but sometimes I still forget to do it before going to sleep so I wake up with the headache and immediately hit the bottle. Don't know how it works, but it works for me. regular white vinegar does not seem to work, but for some reason pickle juice works...but some pickle juices don't work well while others idea why some do or some don't. Avoid the pickles with alum if you use pickle juice...with this headache the alum is a neuro-excitant....I did manage to identify that that is one of the reasons that some pickles don't work and actually made it worse sometimes.

It does not sound like this is relevant to what you are experiencing...but it may be and it costs hardly nothing to try. My headaches are rare now, I used to have at least ten to twelve days of migraines a month I also made some dietary changes of excluding aged cheeses and ummami chemistry from my diet which reduced a lot of headaches too. but that doesn't appear to be pertinent to what problems you are experiencing, those headaches are internal feeling, like inside of your brain or something. They refer to that kind of headache as the cheese headache...tyramine intolerance...

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 06:31 PM
That sounds like a migraine, but I'm betting it's not. It seems to be more connected to nerve issues with your jaw/teeth. Perhaps something like trigeminal neuralgia.

It seems like migraine because they both impact the nerves and they're in the right places.

Here's some info on it. They even say it can be caused by dental procedures in here.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: Nothin, ketsuko & rickymouse

Thanx for the info.

Yes did have another attack, luckily a mild one. Now I need something to prevent me snoring my teeth out of my mouth. Investigating gum guards

Yes I will classify this more like a trigeminal neuralgia condition caused by a dental root/jaw problem but will experiment with the pineapple and apple cider vinegar options.

What I do know is ā€“ do not sniff Ivermectin of crushed garlic. Not that it is dangerous but it doubles the pain. One of the stupid things this pain made me do???

Booked for proper scans

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