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Liberals Introduce New Buy-Back Program For 'Assault-Style’ Weapons

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posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 01:42 PM
Man, if you have an AR or AK....diamond hands. You hold, and you don't let go.

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: vonclod

I always wondered about that. They sell tons of air guns modelled after real guns, usually made by actual gun manufacturers. None of them have the orange tip. But, every air gun they sell somewhere like canadian tire does. Then again...Canadian tire also sells real guns and ammo so...I dunno..

a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

The #ed up thing is, the 'assault style' weapon ban, if you actually look at the wording is mostly based on looks, not actual functionality. The magazine capacity bans have existed for a bit now, but technically, you could have a gun that fires exactly the same rounds and the same way as an AR, as long as it looks like a hunting rifle.
edit on 20/2/2021 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: vonclod

I always wondered about that. They sell tons of air guns modelled after real guns, usually made by actual gun manufacturers. None of them have the orange tip. But, every air gun they sell somewhere like canadian tire does. Then again...Canadian tire also sells real guns and ammo so...I dunno..

a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

The #ed up thing is, the 'assault style' weapon ban, if you actually look at the wording is mostly based on looks, not actual functionality. The magazine capacity bans have existed for a bit now, but technically, you could have a gun that fires exactly the same rounds and the same way as an AR, as long as it looks like a hunting rifle.

In a surplus store, it's hit or miss, but most bigger retailers had the red tip, and online stuff for Canada I seem to recal the red tip being mandatory..hmm I looked it up, So, at point of sale, the red tip is supposed to be there, ut you are free to paint over it, once you own it(airsoft as an example)

I agree, the ban doesnt make sense as far as function goes, well, none of it makes sense really. 80% of gun crime in Canada is via smuggled guns from the U.S.

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: vonclod

80% of gun crime in Canada is via smuggled guns from the U.S.

This. I've known lots of people that have owned guns legally, they're probably the most law abiding people I know. I would never worry about being around any of those people and their guns, in fact, i'd probably feel a little safer being with them depending on the situation than not.

Likewise, i've known some people who've owned black market guns purchased from gangsters and such. They were without fail, the very last people you'd want to be around, well in general, but especially if they were out with their guns. They tended to give zero #s about laws and were fairly irresponsible people.

These laws aren't going to stop people like that second group. They don't give a # if 'assault style' weapons are banned, if they get caught, they're getting in # no matter what kind of gun they have.

I guarantee the hells angels, ms-13, the UN gang, all the Asian gangs, operating out of places like vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto etc. Give absolutely zero #s about this and will go on shooting eachother with whatever guns they want.

Or ya know hacking people up with machetes...
edit on 20/2/2021 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: dug88

I agree!

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: vonclod

I look at it as a societal issue as well.

I grew up in the ‘70s back in the day of gun racks in the truck rear window. Heck, we even took our .22s to school, left them in our cars and went gopher shooting with the principal and a couple of teachers at lunch hour!! (School was on the outskirts of a large western city).

Back in the early’80s we used to take our .357 and .44 revolvers backpacking with us. Lots of black and grizzly bears. Never had to use them and consequences for having them were not that serious.

Funny thing was, we were in university back then and hiked with all types of people. When they saw my .44 a lot of them wrinkled their nose and said something virtuous. By midnight when the wolves started howling or cougars screamed I turned into their best friend. LOL.

Violent tv shows and video games were virtually nonexistent, my dad never let me have toy guns but I had a air rifle by the time I was 5 and used it under supervision.

When I mention the toy gun bit to my ani-gun friends they reply “well that’s stupid, allowing real guns but not toy guns.” They just don’t get it.

Funny that gun violence in movies and television is mostly glorified by the left wing anti-gun Hollywood types.

Oh well, the world has changed I guess.

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

When I mention the toy gun bit to my ani-gun friends they reply “well that’s stupid, allowing real guns but not toy guns.” They just don’t get it.

And then people wonder why guns became such an issue in modern times despite them being prevalent pretty much everywhere since their invention.

Kids aren't taught the reality of guns any more. They get them as toys, they watch them kill bad guys in movies and tv shows, they use them to kill monsters in video games, they see bad people use them to hurt people....

All before anyone ever sits down with them and explains, guns are tools, they are dangerous, they're used to kill things, but they're tools and they need to be used responsibility.

They never get taught how to own or use a gun responsibly, what they should be used for, when it's reasonable to use one. Instead, they learn everything about guns from media they consume...and well...yeah...they present a rather warped view of them.

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Meanwhile, that same Trudeau ELIMINATED minimum sentencing rules for criminals using guns

Therefore, these new gun confiscation rules have NOTHING to do with public safety and everything to do with appearances and pleasing and getting the votes of the superficially narcissist ignorant leftist Karens.....
edit on 20-2-2021 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: infolurker

I hate the term, "Buy-back".

It implies that government owned them all originally.

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: infolurker

They will be required to store them in a very secure safe or vault.

Lots of collectors already do that. The ballers go a step further and have a secret room in their homes. This is hardly an inconvenience for a collector.

I think the vast majority of people who bought these guns to use as firearms, now that there is no legal way to do that, they'll be highly incentivized to surrender them for destruction, and then we'll have a fair compensation program available to them.

Or... they might see the forest through the trees and hold onto what they have. The value of weapons will shoot through the roof and the blackmarket is going to be flooded.

Also there will be a whole new uprising of gun collectors and nuts. If for nothing but the history alone.

Note to any anti gun people - Not all gun owners hunt. Not all gun owners go to the range. Not all gun owners open carry. Some of them like to stir up a cocktail and walk into a giant closet to admire their collection, and they go through life never shooting anybody! (Crazy thought I know)

Guns are an investment to some people. Some see them as mechanical works of art.

This all seems like a terrible idea that's going to fly like a lead balloon. This WON'T keep firearms out of the hands of criminals, and it will NOT stop people from collecting and hoarding weapons. In fact it will just make it more prevalent.

Keep an eye out for gun sales numbers. If this picks up steam it's going to be a Merry Christmas for the munitions companies.

edit on 20-2-2021 by MarkOfTheV because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: vonclod

We do not. The supreme court made a decision on this in 1993.

You are correct IF you are talking about CANADA,and not the U.S.

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff
a reply to: vonclod

I look at it as a societal issue as well.

I grew up in the ‘70s back in the day of gun racks in the truck rear window. Heck, we even took our .22s to school, left them in our cars and went gopher shooting with the principal and a couple of teachers at lunch hour!! (School was on the outskirts of a large western city).

Back in the early’80s we used to take our .357 and .44 revolvers backpacking with us. Lots of black and grizzly bears. Never had to use them and consequences for having them were not that serious.

Funny thing was, we were in university back then and hiked with all types of people. When they saw my .44 a lot of them wrinkled their nose and said something virtuous. By midnight when the wolves started howling or cougars screamed I turned into their best friend. LOL.

Violent tv shows and video games were virtually nonexistent, my dad never let me have toy guns but I had a air rifle by the time I was 5 and used it under supervision.

When I mention the toy gun bit to my ani-gun friends they reply “well that’s stupid, allowing real guns but not toy guns.” They just don’t get it.

Funny that gun violence in movies and television is mostly glorified by the left wing anti-gun Hollywood types.

Oh well, the world has changed I guess.

I grew up with archery and shot .22 every week at the rod and gun club..I was a crack shot at 12, this would be late 70s, early 80s. Living in Vancouver, not many gun racks in trucks by then, more a rural thing I suppose. But, yes, at that point, it was not such a big happened.

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: vonclod
People are starting to realize, maybe the internet isn't as anonymous as they once thought and they might piss off someone they know by using the internet as their own dumping grounds for abuse.

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: beyondknowledge

That dear sir is a big part of the problem.
“Assault weapon”
“High capacity”
Very subject to interpretation.

Throw in a background check from some college educated fool to determine if you are stable enough to own a gun.

You were on antidepressants ten years ago when your wife left you and took your kids away....
you obviously can’t be trusted now.

I think anything over a 100 round drum mag might fall into the hi-cap range, maybe.

posted on Feb, 21 2021 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
I really don’t understand why the words ...
“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed “
Is so damn hard to understand.
It's hard to understand because of the other fluffy words taking up the space that should have said, "And if it even looks like you intended to infringe .. you, and your entire family, forfeit their citizenship."

posted on Feb, 21 2021 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: yuppa

Why yes...if you gathered from the context of the thread, we are talking about a Canadian bill that was just passed in Canada, so yes, i speak of Canada..

posted on Feb, 21 2021 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: infolurker

I really don’t understand why the words ...
“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed “
Is so damn hard to understand.

Asking someone to show a photo ID to vote is an unreasonable burden but any burden placed on gun ownership is just fine...

Bite me.

You do recognize that the law is CANADIAN, right? And that it's for CANADA, right?

Which doesn't have "right ... to keep and bear arms" in its constitution.

Seriously, guys... read the article and not the headline before getting incensed.

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